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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Actor Claims Game Will Release in September

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Actor Claims Game Will Release in September - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 21 March 2023 / 2,597 Views

Actor Tony Todd, who plays Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, in a response to a fan on Twitter claims the game will be launching in September.

"Looks like September! Massive publicity coming in August," wrote Todd. "Commercials start dropping in august so I’m told. Hold on to your … and hold breath! Gonna be necessary."

Todd saying that it "looks like September" for a release could mean the exact date has not been set in stone yet.

Up to this point publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games have only given a Fall 2023 release window for Marvel's Spider-Man 2. The game is in development for the PlayStation 5.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 21 March 2023)

I feel like there's some NDA being broken there lol. Just randomly replying to someone on Twitter with what's going to be PlayStation's biggest game of the year?! Still, seems like a good release window. Especially considering that's when the first game released.

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JWeinCom G2ThaUNiT (on 22 March 2023)

I think a lot of time when something just "slips out" or "leaks" it is planned by the company. This way the most active fans feel like they're getting some kind of inside story, which makes them more excited and engaged, and probably does more than an official announcement for that group. Then, they do the actual announcement to get to the more casual fans.

But either way, good to know it won't be long, and it might come out around my birthday. Replaying the first game and it is really really good. Hopefully this will match the quality.

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G2ThaUNiT JWeinCom (on 22 March 2023)

The tweet has been deleted. Definitely an NDA breach then lol

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KratosLives (on 22 March 2023)

Oh nice, going head to head with starfield.

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G2ThaUNiT KratosLives (on 22 March 2023)

Ngl, it'll be pretty cool to see Xbox and PlayStation pull out their biggest hitters assumingly around the same time like the olden days.

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AJNShelton (on 22 March 2023)

The tweet seems to be deleted now

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Vengeance1138 (on 22 March 2023)

All set to crush Starfield, nice!

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CloudxTifa (on 22 March 2023)

Very bad news for Starfield.

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Invocator CloudxTifa (on 22 March 2023)

The two games are widely different and on different platforms, so I guess it won't matter... for those with one of the two consoles. In contrast, I have both, couldn't care less for Starfield, so Spiderman it is.

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bartkuz CloudxTifa (on 23 March 2023)

I will be playing both of them!

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