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Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - May 2022

Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - May 2022 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 July 2022 / 2,878 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the aligned worldwide sales of the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo DS.

The DS launched in November 2004 in North America, December 2004 in Japan, and March 2005 in Europe, while the Nintendo Switch launched worldwide in March 2017. Therefore, the holiday periods for the two consoles do not lineup, which is why there are big increases and decreases.

Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - May 2022

Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - May 2022

Switch Vs. DS Global:

Gap change in latest month: 320,856 - DS

Gap change over last 12 months: 4,290,086 - DS

Total Lead: 13,110,606 - DS

Switch Total Sales: 108,421,104

DS Total Sales: 121,531,710

May 2022 is the 63rd month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for. During the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the DS by 320,856 units when compared to the Switch during the same timeframe.

In the last 12 months, the DS has outsold the Switch by 4.29 million units. The DS is ahead of the Switch by 13.11 million units.

The 63rd month on sale for the Nintendo Switch is May 2022, while for the DS it is January 2010. The Switch has sold 108.42 million units, while the DS sold 121.53 million units during the same timeframe.

The Nintendo DS sold 154.02 million units lifetime. The Nintendo Switch is currently 45.60 million units behind the lifetime sales of the DS.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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CourageTCD (on 25 June 2022)

How much did the DS sell in 2010?

  • +8
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Eagle367 (on 26 June 2022)

This is gonna be a fight

  • +4
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Doctor_MG XtremeBG (on 26 June 2022)

If you are anticipating 18-20M this year then switch will end around 122M. 15M more units would make 137M. Only 3-6M more units from there is a bit too low. Unless you expect it to have that extremely harsh drop like the DS had.

  • +9
deerox Doctor_MG (on 26 June 2022)

The drop will probably be as harsh as PS4 if Switch 2 is backwards compatible.

  • +3
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javi741 (on 26 June 2022)

The Switch could easily overtake the DS in the future despite this deficit. While the deficit is around 13 Million rn it's more accurate to say the deficit is closer to 8M if the DS & Switch were to have the exact same # of holiday seasons, rn the DS has a 1 Holiday season advantage.

But more importantly we have to keep in mind that by the 5.5 Year of the DS's lifecycle the 3DS was already unveiled and DS sales sharply dropped after the announcement. There's no signs at this point that a switch successor is coming anytime soon so sales momentum after the 5.5 Year will be very much in the Switch's favor to be able to overcome the 8 Million deficit right now.

I personally believe the Switch will beat the DS cause if this.

  • +2
CourageTCD javi741 (on 26 June 2022)

What is rn?

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javi741 XtremeBG (on 26 June 2022)

The Switch is forecasted to ship 21M til the end of March 2023, more likely the Switch will hover around 20M so the DS won't really gain much of any notable lead for the next year.

And Holiday seasons do matter cause the DS has a holiday season advantage rn which makes the deficit bigger than it looks right now and comparing it like that does not give the best representation of the two system's demand at the same time period when a system has one more holiday season advantage, really the deficit is closer to 9-8M.

But let's say the Switch sells 20M til the end of March 2023 which is slightly lower than Nintendo's forecast, the Switch would be around 128M by March 2023. A drop off of to 15M the next fical year ending March 2024 seems the most likely putting the Switch at 143M by March 2024.

It seems like you're expecting a drop off thats far too significant, by the sounds of it you're expecting the Switch to drop off from 20M this year to 10M which is unrealistic unless Nintendo announces a Switch successor next year which doesn't seem likely since we've heard no major rumors to point towards it or any signs
from Nintendo.
A more realistic scenario is:
March 2023: 128M
March 2024: 143M
March 2025:151M

The Switch needs to drop off hard after being at 128M by March 2023 to reach only the 140M range

  • +5
Mnementh (on 26 June 2022)

DS still winning ground in this comparison makes me doubtful Switch can overtake it. As Switch probably will overtake PS4 this year, there is a nice and comfy 30M gap until DS, which Switch very likely will fill up.

  • +2
Amnesia (on 26 June 2022)

Even with a successor launching, they can reduce the price and keep selling it forever like the PS2.

  • -2