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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 March 2022 / 6,440 Views

Here we see data representing the global sales through to consumers and change in sales performance of the three current platforms (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch) and three legacy platforms (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo 3DS) over comparable periods for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Also shown is the market share for each of the consoles over the same periods.

Year to Date Sales Comparison (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26

Market Share (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26

2019 – (Week ending January 12 to March 2)

2020 – (Week ending January 11 to March 1)

2021 – (Week ending January 9 to February 27)

2022 – (Week ending January 8 to February 26)

"Year to date" sales for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 sales are shown in series at the top of the table and then just below a comparison of 2022 versus 2021 and 2022 versus 2020 is displayed.  This provides an easy-to-view summary of all the data.

Total Sales and Market Share for Each Year

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2022 Sales Comparison Charts Through February 26


  • Xbox Series X|S – Up Year-on-Year 343,122 (41.3%)
  • Xbox One – Down Year-on-Year 190,683 (-92.2%)


  • Nintendo Switch - Down Year-on-Year 566,944 (-17.0%)


  • PlayStation 5 – Down Year-on-Year 258,909 (-17.3%)
  • PlayStation 4 – Down Year-on-Year 499,553 (-79.1%)

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Amnesia (on 08 March 2022)

I am impatient to see if Switch 2022 stays above Switch 2020 which was starting its Pandemic boost around mid-end March.

  • +2
ireadtabloids Amnesia (on 08 March 2022)

Animal Crossing released during the 20th of March. I hope that’s helpful to you as you watch these charts.

  • +2
SvenTheTurkey Amnesia (on 08 March 2022)

For the entire year or until the boost? If only until the boost, definitely. It couldn't lose ground that quickly.

  • 0
xMetroid Amnesia (on 09 March 2022)

Since 2021 fell short of 2020 and 2022 < 2021, then i think we have our answer. 2022 is a case of a strong second half. Strikers will have a nice effet in Europe, Splatoon 3 will push the sales in Japan, Gen 9 and Botw 2 will push the sales overall. A lot of people sold their Switch after finishing Botw. It will have been more than 5 years between the 2. So i expect it to be a massive system seller.

Also, it will be interesting to see the revision situation.

  • 0
SvenTheTurkey xMetroid (on 09 March 2022)

Given how the shortages have been going, I don't anticipate another revision before the successor. Not a major one anyway. Mid 2023 I could see another shrinkage of the components and maybe an OLED lite gets released. Switch OLED drops to 300. OLED lite drops to 180.

Since you mentioned it, what is it that you're guessing about a revision?

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2zosteven (on 09 March 2022)

do you think the Xseries can stay this close to the PS5 all 2022?

  • +1
xMetroid 2zosteven (on 09 March 2022)

I think it will yes. PS5 will remain in low stock for most of the year.

  • 0
scrapking 2zosteven (on 12 March 2022)

My guess is that Sony chose to air-ship more units to stores holiday 2021 than Microsoft did. Therefore Microsoft will out-ship Sony in the early months of 2022 as they had more in their sea shipping pipeline than Sony did.

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DeEscapist (on 11 March 2022)

Why Xbox numbers on the main page graph has current database and PS5 didnt get the real numbers since weeks?

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siebensus4 (on 08 March 2022)

The year to date sales column of 2021 doesn't include PS5 and XBS in total numbers. This should be fixed.

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