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Xbox Series X|S Sales in the UK in 2021 Have Outsold Lifetime Wii U Sales

Xbox Series X|S Sales in the UK in 2021 Have Outsold Lifetime Wii U Sales - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 09 November 2021 / 1,998 Views

Head of GamesIndustry Christopher Dring via Twitter revealed Xbox Series X|S sales in the UK in 2021 have already outsold the lifetime sales of the Wii U. 

"More Xbox Series S and X consoles have been sold in the UK during 2021, than the Wii U sold in its lifetime," said Dring.

Worldwide sales for the Xbox Series X|S are at 8.43 million units lifetime, according to the latest VGChartz estimates. This compares to the Wii U, which sold 13.56 million units worldwide during its lifetime. Xbox Series X|S is a little over five million units away from outselling lifetime Wii U sales.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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thevideogameninja (on 09 November 2021)

Imagine if people could actually get their hands on an X box Series X more easily. I'm sure those numbers would be much higher.

Congrats to Microsoft.


  • +11
2zosteven (on 09 November 2021)

No news here!

  • +4
kenjab (on 09 November 2021)

The notable part of this fact is "during 2021", meaning it doesn't even include Series X/S launch date, which had to be a pretty decent chunk of units by itself. Just how poorly did the WiiU sell in the UK?

  • +3
DaAndy kenjab (on 09 November 2021)

I remember having seen some graphs with yearly sales (for lot of consoles) some month ago somewhere (dont know anymore where, sorry), and WiiU UK lifetime was something around 650-700k if I remember correctly.

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zakr1995 (on 09 November 2021)

More proof that horrible naming doesnt have a major impact on your sales, not as much as people make it out to be

The Wii U had bigger problems than its name

  • +2
ireadtabloids (on 09 November 2021)

I would be very surprised if Switch and PS5 didn’t also achieve that, but well done Xbox.

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