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Xbox FPS Boost Won't Work on All Titles, Says Jason Ronald

Xbox FPS Boost Won't Work on All Titles, Says Jason Ronald - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 04 April 2021 / 2,374 Views

Microsoft a few days ago announced a new feature - FPS Boost - for select backward compatible games running on the Xbox Series X|S that boost the frames per second (fps). The framerate for games has doubled or in some cases quadrupled. 

Xbox director of program management Jason Ronald in an interview with Major Nelson in the latest Xbox podcast says that FPS Boost will not work on all games, because of how they are programmed to work with the original frame rates. 

"This week is just the first set of titles that we’re releasing," said Ronald. "We have many more titles which are in development and in testing right now, and we’ll continue to release more titles over the coming months.

"Unfortunately, this technique does not work on all titles. In some cases, the way in which the game was originally written, as we’ve done some testing of some of these titles we’ve seen animations run twice as fast, or physics running twice as fast.

"What’s critically important to us is we always respect the original intent of the creator, so that’s why we’re able to do that at the platform level and then we work with the developer and the publisher and make sure that they still believe that this really aligns with what they originally intended."

For now, just five games use FPS Boost, which are Far Cry 4, New Super Lucky’s TaleSniper Elite 4, UFC 4, and Watch Dogs 2. New Super Lucky’s Tale has been boosted up to 120 fps, while UFC 4 has "improved framerate performance specifically on Xbox Series S and can now run at 60fps." 

More titles are planned to support FPS Boost soon as they get tested. 

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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DonFerrari (on 22 February 2021)

Very good feature, but I thought this was already the case since launch.

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Mr Puggsly (on 21 February 2021)

That was already stated months ago, apparently it can break some games. I can't help but think many 8th gen games were already designed to do 60+ on PC, so maybe many games can use it.

My concern is MS just won't do it for many games. Kinda like how few 360 games were given resolution increases.

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Barozi Mr Puggsly (on 21 February 2021)

Well the quote goes like this: "We have many more titles which are in development and in testing right now, and we’ll continue to release more titles over the coming months.".
Doesn't sound like it will be that few. I'd guess a couple of dozen games will support it.
When you think about it, there aren't that many that need it. There are plenty of games that were already running with 60 FPS, even more when you include X enhanced games.
Sure they could all support 120 FPS with FPS Boost but that shouldn't be the main focus.

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Mr Puggsly Barozi (on 21 February 2021)

Ideally, I want virtually every game that could do 60 fps to have it. Whether its an RPG, shooter, racer, etc. I mean I could probably compile a list of 100+ games that will be more enjoyabe with 60 fps.

But much like resolution upgrades last gen, I am skeptical we will see
much. Which is a shame because tweaks like better resolution and performance can instantly make games look and feel next gen-ish. Given Gamepass is a bunch of old games, its a great benefit if they improve on Series consoles.

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