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Switch vs Xbox One in the US Sales Comparison – Switch Closes Gap By Nearly 2M in December 2020

Switch vs Xbox One in the US Sales Comparison – Switch Closes Gap By Nearly 2M in December 2020 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 February 2021 / 4,120 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the 7th generation and 8th generation platforms, as well as comparisons within the 8th generation. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the lifetime US sales of the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

Switch vs Xbox One in the US Sales Comparison – Switch Closes Gap By Nearly 2M in December 2020

Switch vs Xbox One in the US Sales Comparison – Switch Closes Gap By Nearly 2M in December 2020

Switch Vs. Xbox One US:

Gap change in latest month: 1,852,227 - Switch

Gap change over last 12 months: 7,608,581 - Switch

Total Lead: 2,946,534 - Xbox One

Switch Total Sales: 26,340,217

Xbox One Total Sales: 29,286,751

December 2020 is the 46th month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for in the US. During the latest month, the gap shrunk in favor of the Switch by 1.85 million units when compared to the Xbox One. In the last 12 months, the Switch has caught up to the lifetime sales of the Xbox One in the US by 7.61 million units. The Switch is currently 2.95 million units behind the lifetime Xbox One sales in the US.

The Xbox One launched in November 2013, while the Nintendo Switch launched worldwide in March 2017. To date the Switch has sold 26.34 million units, while the Xbox One has sold 29.29 million units.

If you were to align the launches of the two consoles in the US the Switch would be ahead by 9.19 million units, as the Xbox One had sold 17.15 million units through 45 months.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Real (on 07 February 2021)

By jun or July it'll outsell it

  • +3
SvenTheTurkey Real (on 07 February 2021)

My initial reaction was that your estimate was way too early. But actually yeah. Something like that. I would probably say September though.

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Kakadu18 SvenTheTurkey (on 07 February 2021)

I say August at the latest.

  • +1
NextGen_Gamer Kakadu18 (on 08 February 2021)

I think Real is right - June or July. It would be one thing if Xbox One S had gotten a proper price cut to $199, and was still selling decently. But as it is, both MS and Sony essentially left their last-gen machines to die an immediate death by leaving their MSRP's at $299 (with both PS4 Pro and Xbox One X already discontinued). Even with stock issues on PS5/Xbox Series, no one is looking to buy last-gen machines...

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curl-6 (on 07 February 2021)

The Xbox brand went from dominating America with the 360 to now looking at third place. Xbox Series better bring the big guns.

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