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Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Top 13 Million Units

Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Top 13 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 February 2021 / 5,518 Views

CD Projekt RED announced sales for Cyberpunk 2077 have surpassed 13 million units sold worldwide as of December 20.

The figure is for all versions combined and includes physical and digital sales. It also takes into account the "returns submitted by retail clients in brick-and-mortar as well as digital storefronts."

Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Top 13 Million Units

Cyberpunk 2077 launched for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC via SteamEpic Games, and GOG, and Stadia on December 10. A next-generation will launch later for the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 at a later date and will be a free upgrade for those that own the PS4 and Xbox One.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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AFattyGamer (on 22 December 2020)

Meanwhile CDPR loses $1 billion from this terrible launch ... CDPR can recover from this but for their next triple A title, they need to pull a Rockstar Games and release it on the day it's READY. Don't even give a release date, delay it as many times as need be. They need to gain back the goodwill of gamers.

  • +24
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VAMatt (on 24 December 2020)

This is why pubs release unfinished games. If they spent another year and abother $50mm, it wouldn't result in enough additional sales to make it worthwhile. Gamers buy the shit anyway.

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JRPGfan (on 23 December 2020)

Majority of the sales of these 13m, are on PS4 and XB1 consoles (base ones).
Sad state of affairs that its selling so well, dispite running the way it is.

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Jumpinbeans (on 23 December 2020)

13million at say £60 = £780million of sales.....and at the same time, share price since December the 4th is down 39% resulting in a loss for shareholders of over £2billion.

So its hardly a success at all for the owners of the company. Yes the share price will recover over time but the damage done to the brand will be long term. This isn't a case of s companies product falling short but of a company intentionally hiding a poor unfinished product from reviewers to boost sales. This damage will be long term and will taint future releases.

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Jumpinbeans Jumpinbeans (on 23 December 2020)

Actually the release price on console was £50 so if you use that price its £650million sales and 2billion of shareholder value destroyed.

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PEEPer0nni (on 23 December 2020)

30 mil+ guaranteed

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vonny (on 23 December 2020)

Great sales but well short of their prediction, considering they already had 8 million pre sales before December

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Salnax vonny (on 23 December 2020)

According to Bloomberg, roughly 30 million sales within its first year on sale. Even if we assume that its sales for the next 11 months will roughly equal its sales in the first month, they'd still fall a few million short.

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NobleTeam360 (on 22 December 2020)

Pretty massive sales.

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Original (on 22 December 2020)

That's almost 700 million $$$

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Mr Puggsly (on 22 December 2020)

Oh geez, they announced this? The last thing people want is boasting about sales.

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Winghook Mr Puggsly (on 22 December 2020)

They told investors a while back that they'd provide an update before Christmas, so it would be a pretty bad sign if they went back on that. They just did it via an investor update on the website though, no big announcements or Twitter posts etc, probably because they want to keep a low profile about sales.

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DonFerrari (on 23 December 2020)

Good for them that the sales haven't dropped despise all the controversy.

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KratosLives mZuzek (on 24 December 2020)

easy, they patch the game up and everypne wil lforget this mess and be all loving to them again/

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