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The Last of Us Part II Goes Gold

The Last of Us Part II Goes Gold - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 June 2020 / 3,492 Views

Naughty Dog writer and director Neil Druckmann announced on Instagram The Last of Us Part II has gone gold.  That means development for the game is complete and is the physical copies are ready to be printed. Though, there likely will be a day one patch that will fix bugs discovered from now until launch.

The game was originally schedule to release on May 29, but it was delayed until June 19 to give developers enough time to finish the game during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The official PlayStation Store page for the game did reveal it will come on two discs and requires 100 GB minimum of storage on the PlayStation 4 HDD.

The Last of Us Part II Goes Gold

Here is an overview of the game:

Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors. When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions.

Key Features:

  • A Complex and Emotional Story – Experience the escalating moral conflicts created by Ellie’s relentless pursuit of vengeance. The cycle of violence left in her wake will challenge your notions of right versus wrong, good versus evil, and hero versus villain.

    A Beautiful Yet Dangerous World – Set out on Ellie’s journey, taking her from the peaceful mountains and forests of Jackson to the lush, overgrown ruins of greater Seattle. Encounter new survivor groups, unfamiliar and treacherous environments, and terrifying evolutions of the infected. Brought to life by the latest iteration of the Naughty Dog engine, the deadly characters and world are more realistic and meticulously detailed than ever before.

  • Tense and Desperate Action-Survival Gameplay – New and evolved gameplay systems deliver upon the life-or-death stakes of Ellie’s journey through the hostile world. Feel her desperate struggle for survival through improved features such as high-intensity melee combat, fluid movement, and dynamic stealth. A broad variety 

The Last of Us Part II will launch for the PlayStation 4 on June 19.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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hunter_alien (on 04 May 2020)

The third game this entire generation that I actually preordered :-) Can't wait for this :-) It's unfortunate that crunch happened, and I do hope that they will change their practices next-gen. I would be more than ok to have 2 amazing ND titles/gen knowing that crunch was not needed.

  • +8
DonFerrari hunter_alien (on 05 May 2020)

That is not how it works. And really if they had to drop output 33% to avoid couple months of crunch would be bizarre.

  • -1
JWeinCom (on 04 May 2020)

Just in case it needs saying, do not spoil anything. Feel free to state your opinions, but any comment that would even vaguely let a person who hasn't read spoilers know what to expect in this story will be deleted and possibly moderated if appropriate.

  • +7
Jabba89 (on 05 May 2020)

I don’t recall the delay ever being about giving developers enough time to finish the game. It was to do with worldwide distribution according to official sources.

  • +3
DonFerrari Jabba89 (on 05 May 2020)

But certainly there were conspiracy theories of Sony not wanting to tell the truth (we even saw comments of this type on some other company announcement saying they would delay to give time to finish the game with less crunch time), and some saying it was done to have the game release together with PS5.

  • -1
Blood_Tears (on 04 May 2020)

Keep going Nintendo fans, it's fun to read these. Especially since you're wrong about the working conditions at ND as alot of them received extra pay for working at home and the leaks didn't even come from an employee. But yes keep going with the trolling, especially just coming back from a ban.

  • +2
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The_One_19 Blood_Tears (on 04 May 2020)
  • -13
Hynad Blood_Tears (on 04 May 2020)

^ An hypocritical comment if I ever saw one.

  • -1
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Azzanation Blood_Tears (on 05 May 2020)

I just want to add, its not always about the money when it comes to work. I get asked to work the weekends almost every week for double pay etc but i refuse because sometimes i need a rest to get by next week. Also ND has lost 70% of its staff over the last couple of games. Money isnt the factor, life is more important to some.

  • -6
RedKingXIII Blood_Tears (on 05 May 2020)

It's good that you're correcting those who are still spreading misinformation (i.e. the leaks came from a ND employee and they weren't paid their bonuses), but is the Nintendo fans part really necessary? Grow up.

  • +1
Hynad Blood_Tears (on 05 May 2020)

@Assanation: You keep spreading your bullshit. That 70 percent you speak of, is out of 20 non-lead staff members taken arbitrarily by Kotaku to drive the narrative they wanted for click bait.

You, as always, are part of their prime audience.

  • +3
JWeinCom Blood_Tears (on 05 May 2020)

To reiterate what King just said, correcting bad information is great (although the grow up part is probably as unnecessary as the Nintendo fans part), but we can do so without attacking users. Keep it civil.

  • +1
Azzanation Blood_Tears (on 05 May 2020)

@Hynad Figures dont lie. Amy Henning wasnt just a non lead employee. Google it, dont spread your hate on me. Crunch is not a good thing, dont try to spin it.

  • +1
2zosteven (on 04 May 2020)

I will wait for PS5 Version.

  • +1
Pajderman 2zosteven (on 05 May 2020)

Same, if that version is to far down the line i might settle for the PS4 version. I will nevertheless ply it on PS5.

  • 0
Pajderman 2zosteven (on 05 May 2020)

Same, if that version is to far down the line i might settle for the PS4 version. I will nevertheless ply it on PS5.

  • -1
DonFerrari 2zosteven (on 05 May 2020)

with the BC you can play this on the ps5 when it releases.

  • -1
DonFerrari (on 05 May 2020)

Seems like they could have on original date if covid wouldn`t impact everything, even if 20+ day from gold to shelves is a little short.

  • -1
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 05 May 2020)

Maybe the game was pretty much ready and they were bullshitting. Or perhaps something encouraged them to release the game ASAP. We will never really know.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 05 May 2020)

We already know. The game was close to finished and the delivery date was postponed because of COVID, ND and Sony revealed it. Anything else is just conspiracy theory.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 06 May 2020)

The thing is we don't know if the leak changed plans. Many of us are doubtful everything is going according to plan.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 06 May 2020)

Leak may have changed the announcement date or even the release date, but the game was about finished when they postponed anyway, so I don't know what you are trying to imply.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 06 May 2020)

Bingo, you agree with me. It appears the delay or the length of it wasn't entirely necessary. The leak likely encouraged them to get it out ASAP. They can also add further tweaks with a patch before launch.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

The delay wasn't necessary, it was a decision due to logistic impairment because of covid to prevent problems with some customers not being able to get a copy of the game in time and being spoiled (just read the original delay message and them the ND talking to Sony to make it possible to release ASAP like a week after). But with the whole leak problem then the spoil problem would be bigger without releasing even with not everyone getting the game at the same time.

Thus my original post, 20 days would be short for gold to release (that way they would keep the original date), but was feasible if they intended to keep that and accept the problem of less people being able to buy physical.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

Many of the retailers that sell video games remained open. People who want a physical copy can get one. People concerned about getting sick can do digital.

It all seems like bullshit to me. I'm just not buying the excuses.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

Many perhaps, but worldwide and for everyone that wants to buy physical? Would all the copies arrives on time? Because the biggest reason given wasn't that the stores would be closed (because he could buy online a physical copy) but mainly because several countries have issues on logistic due to covid and it could take several additional weeks for the copy to arrive so the person wouldn't be able to buy and play the physical on release date so could be spoiled.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

Several notable releases have come during this pandemic. If Sony's concern just not enough people were gonna have access to a physical copy, fuck them and I'm glad it got spoiled.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

You think it is an invalid concern that some customers wouldn't be able to get a physical copy unless they wait additional month after everyone have played and they have to accept being spoiled or buy digital? You would be a very good substitute to Don Mattick.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 07 May 2020)

The irony, they delayed it so people didn't get spoiled. You also can't seem to comprehend the problem isn't spoilers, the problem is the ridiculous direction the game is going. Clearly motivated by the woke people working at these studios.

Look at Star Wars, the original movies are still great even if you knew the spoilers going in. The problem with the new trilogies is shit story telling, shit characters, etc. I would elaborate but I don't want to get into spoilers.

In an effort to defend Sony you're missing the point entirely. Also, we aren't entirely sure how long this pandemic will limit people from buying physical games in some regions. Meanwhile digital sales are skyrocketing, while digital/online games generally dominate the most active games lists. So your Don Mattrick comment shows your ignorance and how out of touch you're with how the market has actually changed. Go ask Gamestop how the physical market is doing.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 08 May 2020)

Well yes it is ironic that the reason for their delay got trounced with the leak. And yes I don't like the woke approach and the probable damages caused to the game (won't go further on this because first I didn't read the spoilers, don't want to read and also don't want others to see spoilers because of our convo).
Myself I have enjoyed a lot of products that got spoilers, but general public don't like it, and let's be honest, watching the original trilogy for the first time would have bigger impact without nothing about darth vader.
I'm not trying to defend Sony, I gave you what was said and can be backed with evidence, you are just making a conspiracy theory for whatever reason (and since you said I'm doing it just to defend Sony, perhaps you are the one doing just to attack?).
What other reason would Sony have to delay the game for over a month if they would still be able to meet the original date since they made the gone gold with 20 days before launch (since you think yes just launch digital and fuck physical owners that can't get it, thus Don comment). They just changed the plan and put a launch date because the concern for spoiler got tosse with the leak. So far I don't see any contradiction on what they done to ensure conspiracy.
Like if Sony wanted to hide the game because they think the story will make people pissed and lose sales, it would make more sense that they interfere in the product than postponing the game because that won't avoid that once the game releases people know what the game have (even without the leak).

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 08 May 2020)

Not wanting to spoil the game makes it difficult to have this conversation. But again the issue isn't the story is spoiled. The direction is just fucking bizarro and reflective of people with an agenda.

There are tons of people stuck at home right now, we could argue that makes this a perfect time to launch the game. This is an era where the most popular games are digital or online focused. You Don Mattrick BS hasn't aged well in 2020.

Anywho, I feel like Sony got what they deserved. Also their latest trailer has no mention of what people are angry about, even though its apparently about half the game. Its a bait and switch, kinda like Halo 5, but way worse.

  • 0
DonFerrari DonFerrari (on 08 May 2020)

Yes I know, and is a reason why I'm concerned with this game and considering if I'll pick day one or wait for more reviews to see if it is worthy (or wait for deep discount), I'm one that didn't love TLOU, preffer UC all day long.
I know there is 50% digital market and that a ton of people are in home, still that doesn't erase the other half that want to buy the game physical and receive it with everyone else and not be spoiled because covid made the order get delayed 2 weeks. That was the concern from Sony, and certainly it just became useless after the leak and reason why they put a release date, and sure they could just go and since the game got gold and the exe is already on PSN allow everyone that want the digital to already play it, but that isn't their plan.
The trailer wasn't very good, it just hints that Elie left Joel but we have no idea why, and sure it doesn't cover the leak, because it probably would spoil the game and that is what they are wanting to avoid.
If the criticisms over the leak are real when the full product releases instead of only what is leaked sure I wouldn't be against the game selling very poorly and going garbage bin.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly DonFerrari (on 08 May 2020)

I bet at this point games often sell more digitally, especially the further we move away from launch. Also, you're suggesting many people want a physical copy won't have access to it, the reality is most people want a physical copy will get it. Sorry, I just don't buy your arguments.

Anyway, the good thing about this leak is allowed some of us to avoid supporting it. I'm sure the game will sell great regardless, but I predict it will also hurt the IP for many.

  • 0
CasePB (on 04 May 2020)

No doubt this game will be talked about decades from now. It will go down in history as they say. Buckle up buckaroos!

  • -1
Zenos CasePB (on 04 May 2020)

Depends as what though. Maybe as the most disappointing sequel ever.

  • -7
SecondWar CasePB (on 04 May 2020)

That’s a South Park reference, right?

  • 0
COKTOE CasePB (on 04 May 2020)

@SecondWar. Most likely. Although the expression predates South Park, it has become something of a catch-phrase for the South Park version of Caitlyn Jenner.

  • 0
SecondWar CasePB (on 04 May 2020)

@Cocktoe That was what it immediately made me think of.

  • 0
Mr Puggsly (on 05 May 2020)

I am stoked about this for all the wrong reasons. I will watch someone play it on YouTube. I am losing faith in this industry.

  • -2
DonFerrari Mr Puggsly (on 05 May 2020)

It baffles me how you would qualify something worth losing dozen of hours watching someone else play it but not worth to play it yourself. You know gaming is about gaming right?

  • -1
Mr Puggsly Mr Puggsly (on 05 May 2020)
  1. We'll see how long it actually is. Maybe I will just watch story scenes.
  2. I played Last of Us and Uncharted 4, these were not gameplay focused experiences.
  3. My idea of gaming isn't necessarily story driven experiences. If I play a game and felt the only big takeaway was story telling, then that's saying something.
  • 0
DonFerrari Mr Puggsly (on 05 May 2020)
  1. Even if only cutscenes it possibly have more than half a dozen hours.
  2. Yes, you could certainly put them on auto. We already seem your love for the games Sony released this gen.
  3. Back to 2.
  • -1
Mr Puggsly Mr Puggsly (on 06 May 2020)
  1. Bingo, so many hours of cutscenes. Might as well just watch.
  2. You speak as if there are no valid reasons to have a problem with the direction of TLoU2. I am curious to see how its executed but I don't really care to support it. I am also spending significantly less time with story driven games. So yeah, suddenly I went from a person that gladly supported Sony for years to losing interest.
  3. You're a shill for Sony so lets not pretend we can have serious discussion without you getting defensive.
  • 0
DonFerrari Mr Puggsly (on 06 May 2020)
  1. Not really, you still have dozen hours of gameplay in a single playthrough.
  2. You were never know for gladly supporting Sony in VGC, I don't even remember you praising the system or a game in all these years.
  3. Yes sure.
  • -1
Mr Puggsly Mr Puggsly (on 06 May 2020)
  1. It sounds like about 6 hours of that gameplay is what people are angry about. More importantly, I have finally hit a point where I don't want to support the culture happening at many of these studios.
  2. Its not my job to praise them. I've discussed games from Sony I have enjoyed this generation.
  3. Exactly.
  • 0
Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

Its smart to get this game Gold and on shelves as soon as possible as the spoilers are damaging this games reputation.

  • -5
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JWeinCom Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

It's hard to say how much it actually will. There was a lot of negativity around Pokemon Sword and Shield and Animal Crossing, but both games did exceptionally well.

  • +2
Azzanation Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

Let's just say, there are many ND gamers cancelling their pre-orders due to the leaks. This is never a good thing, its why its smart for Sony to just release it, the longer they wait the leaks will only hurt them. It will still sell well.
Not sure why i got downvoted for giving a compliment to the strategy.

  • -4
DonFerrari Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

Releasing it earlier won`t prevent damage to the game reputation if it indeed have something to damage it.

  • 0
Azzanation Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

@Don The longer you delay the game, the more people will get spoiled the leaks. Those that get spoiled might reconsider buying the game. And honestly, the feedback from the leaked footage hasnt been a positive one.

  • -4
DonFerrari Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

Still that wouldn`t change the damage to the reputation, also the new release date was already announced like several days ago. This is just a gone gold twit.

  • 0
Azzanation Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

@Don I don't know if you notice but the damage is growing every day with TLOU2, have you been on YouTube lately? have you seen the backlash major Youtubers are saying about the leaks? The longer this game stays in development the more and more people get exposed to the leaks. This game needs to come out and justify the leaks and hopefully prove the negatives are wrong. I said Sony is smart for twitting this game going Gold and also announcing the release date shortly after this game got leaked. Instead of people downvoting, they need a good look at reality.

  • 0
DonFerrari Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

No I dont follow youtube. And since I dont want to be spoiled I wont even pursue info on TLOU2 outside of spoiler free areas. The game already finished development, so you mean the more the game takes to hit shelves? And you are confusing damaging sales with reputation perhaps. Because the game reputation wont change from Sony taking one week more or less to release. Sales probably won`t suffer much as well.

  • -1
Azzanation Azzanation (on 05 May 2020)

Both the games reputation and sales are being affected. Its why this game got a release date shortly after it was exposed. Gamers are mad at the direction and many are saying they arent buying it while others are very disapointed with the plot. Personally i think the game is still going to sell well, but will it sell as much as it should without the leaker? Probably not.

  • 0
The_One_19 (on 04 May 2020)

I canceled my pre-order, enough said.

  • -10
Zenos The_One_19 (on 04 May 2020)

You are not allowed to do so judging by the down votes.

  • -10
Hynad The_One_19 (on 04 May 2020)

You most likely never pre-ordered.

  • +5
DonFerrari The_One_19 (on 05 May 2020)

The downvotes is more for the "enough said".

  • 0
Zenos (on 04 May 2020)
  • -11
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LatiosGames LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

so lets see if putting developers through it was worth it

  • 0
Zenos LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

Well, considering one of them was so pissed he leaked the entire plot online, I'd say that the crunch did more damage to them than good.

  • 0
LatiosGames LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

do you think it will pass the first one? mind you i just saw some new numbers for it and it is around 20 million copies. If this bad PR works in the way it usually does than no it won't.

  • 0
Zenos LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

@LatiosGames I honestly don't know. Most people aren't informed and this bad PR is barely reported on. I'm sure it lost them some sales, but my guess is that the game will still sell in the millions. As for whether it will surpass the first game in terms of sales, my prediction will be no unless the bundle it with the PS5.

  • -1
LatiosGames LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

My thoughts exactly and the first one will probably be the best selling Sony game for a long time and it will take awhile before falling out of the top 50.

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LatiosGames LatiosGames (on 04 May 2020)

But even if that part isn't true which it might be due to the fact a company could lie about something happening as they sometimes act like the government as they feel they don't have to spill the beans if they don't want to. But even if they are truthful the damage is still done as they have censored many things about it leading to a lot of angry people.

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