Switch vs Wii – VGChartz Gap Charts – December 2019 - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 February 2020 / 6,005 ViewsThe VGChartz Gap charts are updated monthly and each article focuses on a different gap chart. The charts include comparisons between the 7th generation and 8th generation platforms, as well as comparisons within the 8th generation. All sales are worldwide, unless otherwise stated.
Switch Vs. Wii Global:
Gap change in latest month: 4,259,847 - NS
Gap change over last 12 months: 384,951 - Wii
Total Lead: 2,238,824 - Wii
Switch Total Sales: 49,808,000
Wii Total Sales: 52,046,824
December 2019 is the 34th month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for. During the latest month the Switch caught up with the Wii by 4.26 million units. In the last 12 months the Wii has outsold the Switch by 384,951 units. The Wii is currently ahead of the Switch by 2.24 million units.
The Wii launched in November 2006, while the Nintendo Switch launched in March 2017. The Switch has sold 49.81 million units, while the Wii sold 52.05 million units during the same timeframe.
The 34th month for the Nintendo Switch is December 2019 and for the Wii it is August 2009.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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Wii only gained on Switch 384,951 in the past 12 months. That is actually impressive for Switch, because it is basically selling at the same pace as the Wii for the past 12 months. But the Wii got a hell of a head start on the Switch. Switch will pass Wii easily only the Wii loses its momentum. Wii sold like it was running a sprint. Switch sells like it is running a marathon.
The gap should not get bigger than 7M in favour for Wii due to inverse head and shoulder gap curve pattern. Switch already left the downward pitchfork. Resistance at 5M did not hold. Re-check for support at 7M very possible because of Wii holiday season.
Lol nice one
5-6 more intense months for the Wii and then it collapse.
In the next 4 Month (week ending January 2nd 2010) Wii will sell another 12.6(!) Million units. In the last 4 month (September 2019 to December 2019) Switch also sold 12.6(!) Million Units. So basically since the launch of Switch Lite Switch has reached Wii-like numbers from 10 years ago!
Switch sold about 3 million units January to April 2019. It should sell more in the same time frame of 2020. Lets make it easy and say 1 million per month, which equals 4 million in total. Switch then will be behing roughly 11 million units, which means losing around 1 million to the Wii for the 12 month time frame. Roughly +33% YoY should be OK-ish considering Switch Lite and Animal Crossing launch.
how well does the wii do in the next 12 months?
So the Switch is 2.2 mil behind, wonder how the next 12 months will pan out.
Damn! The little switch is keeping it close.... even when the big one couldnt.