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Report: PS4K to be Unveiled Before PSVR Release, to have 'Enhanced Graphics and Power'

Report: PS4K to be Unveiled Before PSVR Release, to have 'Enhanced Graphics and Power' - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 28 March 2016 / 7,726 Views

There have been two reports in the last couple of weeks from different sources that state Sony is working on an upgraded PlayStation 4 that many called the PlayStation 4K. 

Earlier today, The Wall Street Journal released a report that back the others. It states that the new PlayStation 4 will be able to handle "higher-end gaming experiences," will feature "enhanced graphics and power," and have "ultra-high definition resolution graphics."


It will sell alongside the current PlayStation 4 as a premium model. Current PlayStation 4 owners will need to by the new console, however, games will be playable on both.

"Existing PlayStation 4 owners would need to buy the new model to take full advantage of the enhanced graphics and power," read the report. "Though it is likely that the current model and the coming one would share the same software catalog."

Sony's aim is "to capture gamers willing to pay for a richer gaming environment, including a high-end virtual-reality experience."

The report also states that Sony will unveil the new model before the PlayStation VR launches in October.

Sony might not be the only company interested in released a mid-generation upgrade to its console. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer has hinted at the interest of releasing an upgraded Xbox One.

Thanks GameSpot.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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greencactaur (on 28 March 2016)

I hope this isn't true :O. I'll be disappointed, knowing I bought a Ps4, only to have to upgrade it to this one.

  • +2
DonFerrari greencactaur (on 29 March 2016)

You don't need to upgrade, unless you want UHD and/or PSVR that perhaps would underwhelming on PS4. And from most people posting here, PSVR isn't their thing, it's just a gimmick

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taikamya greencactaur (on 29 March 2016)

If "more powerful" is at all true, UHD and/or PSVR are NOT the only reason. This new system will load games much faster and have the capability to go beyond 30fps lock. So in other words, it'll be a totally new gaming experience. Yes, same graphics and options, but one thing is to game at 30fps with 20fps on occasions(as The Witcher3) a totally different thing is to game between 40-60fps, believe me.

Also, loading times is a big deal. This new system will be the ONLY option for those looking to buy a new system. The only way people are still going to buy the current model is if the price drops. A lot.

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DonFerrari greencactaur (on 02 April 2016)

They will

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Darwinianevolution (on 28 March 2016)

If the upgraded version is true, was this their plan from the beginning? Or are they just trying to answer to the people that say this gen is very underpowered from the start?

  • +2
taikamya Darwinianevolution (on 29 March 2016)

I believe a bit of both actually. This gen is amazing, but far underpowered compared to other gens in their time-period. PS2 was more powerful than most PC's when it launched and PS3 had a CPU more powerful than many servers. PS4 has a low-level mobile APU.

Also, when Sony announced the PS4, it was clear that the they rushed it. The price itself was set that same afternoon after the Microsoft conference. I believe this "new" PS4 is what Sony intended to begin with, but for whatever reason just couldn't achieve it.

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spynx (on 28 March 2016)

I hope their gamble pays off and not wreck them in the near future. How many gamers would like to PSVR, that is the question?

  • +1
Stefan.De.Machtige (on 28 March 2016)

Smart move. Sony pushes an affordable console, and once that catches fire they rolls out a premium 'HD' version. A bit of an Apple move.

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elektranine (on 28 March 2016)

Isn't this the same WSJ that said the xbone was gonna be more powerful than the PS4 from "reliable sources" lol

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AsGryffynn (on 28 March 2016)

Next... the Xbox One Pro... Then the NX...

  • -1
chidori-chan2 (on 28 March 2016)

Welcome to the era of the 32x all over again. Forget your old SHITTY hardware guys, please buy the new one!

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DonFerrari (on 28 March 2016)

Will buy it if it isn't too expensive.

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ZahaDoom (on 29 March 2016)

There is no way this is true. 4k gaming is in the $2000 range.

This will be for 4K BluRay , Netflix, Shomi or any other 4K video content.

These reliable sources must be Microsoft shills trying to slow down ps4 sales.

If Sony does split their community it's the stupidest move they will have ever made, especially being in the lead in the console wars.

  • -2
xl-klaudkil (on 28 March 2016)

If true Sony is going to make there first big mistake splitting thw console gamers and leaving out 50+ mill "old ps4" users to buy a new ps4 they just bought.

Nope...big mistake

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Azuren xl-klaudkil (on 28 March 2016)

"Haha, suckers, enjoy your perfectly functional PS4's! Once the PS4K comes out, they automatically be deactivated and you'll have to buy a new one!"


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DonFerrari xl-klaudkil (on 29 March 2016)

It's totally compatible, but we will mandate you buy new ones and scraps the older one muhahahahaha

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lukeperryglover (on 28 March 2016)

This is literally like ds vs dsi and 3ds vs new 3ds. Nintendo made it work without a lot of backlash and people seem to like it...however that's handhelds. We shall see how this goes. :P If it goes badly maybe microsoft wont want to do it anymore haha

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Swordmasterman (on 28 March 2016)

Already is April 1th ?, who is this "Reliable Source" that those sites are taking this information ?.

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Ruler (on 28 March 2016)

Cant wait for it. Even if i dont will buy it @day 1 i am very happy because it will give more value to my games in the future.

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Azuren Ruler (on 28 March 2016)

I don't understand why you're getting downvoted to hell.

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DonFerrari Ruler (on 29 March 2016)

Everybody that is saying it's positive or comparing to Nintendo doing similar things are being downvoted... same as people saying this is just baseless speculation... guess people want to troll sony.

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Livewire (on 28 March 2016)

more news from rumorville

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Random_Matt (on 28 March 2016)

Someone told me the Wallstreet journal is quite reliable.

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Rafie (on 28 March 2016)

That's some bs right there! I bet Sony knew they wanted to do this from the start. sigh They were doing so well....

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DonFerrari Rafie (on 28 March 2016)

They knew they wanted to migrating to a standard PC architecture it would be easier to have a premium version compatible with the other one without compatibility problem but is launching mid gen to have the premium be stronger enough for VR and 4K without costing too much? What BS is on this?

  • -6
Azuren Rafie (on 28 March 2016)

Or maybe this is just a mid-gen upgrade to take advantage other increased demand for 4K TVs and a way for Sony to attach a system to a new medium. Aside from this, there are no plans for Sony to release a UHD Bluray Player. If they were to release a PS4K with UHD support at $400, it would match every other UHD Bluray Player on the market and include PS4 game support.

But of course, you go ahead and assume the worst.

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