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Psychonauts 2 Funding Shoots Past $2 Million

Psychonauts 2 Funding Shoots Past $2 Million - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 09 December 2015 / 3,973 Views

Psychonauts 2 was announced over the weekend and the Fig Crowdfunding campaign has already shot past $2 million in just a few days.

At the time of this writing, funding sits at $2,119,099 from 13,615 backers, meaning it is 64% funded.

The project initially raised $1 million in just 12 hours, so as is almost always the case with crowdfunding campaigns of this type funding has slowed down considerably, but it's set to comfortably hit the $3.3 million campaign goal.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Zenos (on 09 December 2015)

I don't understand how people can trust Double Fine with money again after Broken Age and Spacebase DF-9. I suppose the nostalgia for Psychonauts is too strong.

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SuperNova Zenos (on 09 December 2015)

I don't quite know what happened with Spacebase DF-9 the little bit that I've heard here and there do indeed sound bad. But I don't understand why they get so much flack for Broken Age honestly, based on that, I see no reason to mistrust him. The game came out, and it was gorgeous. Yes, they ran into scheduling and financing trouble with it, but having seen the documentray about it, there doesn't seem to have been any screw-up of epic proportions or anything. They just ended up dealing with a way bigger game than they initially anticipated and it turned out to be too ambitious for their budget. And to their credit, they were very transparent with what was going on during developement and when they ran out of kickstarter money they financed the rest of it out of their own pocket.
The worst thing about the Broken Age campaign was, that they had no idea what kind of game they were going to make going into it and only started planning the scope, story and artstyle details afterward.
So far, the Psychonauts 2 funding seems way more organized, and they seem to have a much more concrete idea of what they are going for.

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Zenos Zenos (on 09 December 2015)

They received 10 times the funding they needed for an adventure game and didn't manage to complete it. That is just poor management of the finances people generously gave them.

Tim Schafer in particular has a history of doing that. Brutal Legend went horribly over budget and turned out to be a mediocre game.

Not to mention the fact that Tim Schafer himself is on the board of directors of Fig, which is a conflict of interests. If he abuses the system no one will call him out on it.

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