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Phil Spencer: We Need to do Better in Europe

Phil Spencer: We Need to do Better in Europe - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 July 2015 / 5,916 Views

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has admitted that the Xbox has struggled in continental Europe and that Microsoft needs to do a better job in the region.

"We need to do better in Europe," Spencer told Edge magazine. "When I look globally, mainland Europe is definitely an area we want to focus on."

"I'm excited about going to Gamescom at the beginning of August, having another press show where we're able to show games that we didn't show [at E3]. So you're going to see brand new games, as well as obviously some repeats, but you're going to see Scalebound, Crackdown, Quantum Break from my friends at Remedy," he added.

This follows Sony's Jim Ryan announcing that the PlayStation 4 has between 70 percent and 90 percent market share in continental Europe.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Ganoncrotch (on 01 July 2015)

I can't wait to hear Iwata's upcoming press release!

  • +6
StokedUp (on 01 July 2015)

As far as I remember Europe has always been Sony, in fact as far as I remember Europe and Japan has always been Sony! So maybe Phil, you need to do better in both of them.

  • +5
DanCarreras StokedUp (on 01 July 2015)

Nah, during the Xbox 360 years Microsoft had a good run at stopping Sony's monopoly in Europe, especially here in the UK, where they managed to actually outsell the PS3. The PS4 has completely turned that around this gen. Microsoft need the European market, they can't rely on the US alone, and Japan's a no go.

  • +3
topolino227 StokedUp (on 01 July 2015)

Japan is IMPOSSIBLE !!!

  • +6
SWORDF1SH StokedUp (on 01 July 2015)

MS fighting to stop a company monopolising a market, how ironic.

  • +7
WhiteEaglePL (on 01 July 2015)

Yep yep yep yep good idea.

  • +5
super6646 (on 01 July 2015)

At least he admits Xbox is having problems in Europe, and says he'll fix it. Don Mattrick would be on damage control had he still been in charge. Anyway good to phil, and hopefully he can fix the situation in Europe.

  • +4
binary solo (on 01 July 2015)

Actually, their performance in EU and NA is relatively similar compared to Xbox. In both markets they are around 50% of the Xbox LTD, though they are slightly higher in NA. But people are probably confident that Xb one will easily surpass Xb og in NA. However there is probably quite a bit of work to be done to get Xb one over the XB og benchmark for EU. They were late to market in several EU countries, and had a worse value proposition than the main competition. It's very hard to make a strong comeback from there.

  • +3
crissindahouse (on 01 July 2015)

The problem is that they should have thought about Europe at launch and not now. Even if they have some games where average Joe would think "damn, this is great", he will also think about "x friends have a PS4 and y friends have an XBO I could play with online if I buy a PS4/XBO" and when you want to play some CoD, Fifa or whatever as average Joe and you can play that with many friends on PS4 then you will buy a PS4.

They totally fucked up here with marketing and the likes and now it's just too late. They can do better as they do here but in a time where it's all about online multiplayer with friends you simply can't change what you already fucked up.

  • +3
StuOhQ (on 02 July 2015)

They need to do better in Japan lol.

  • +1
Cloudman (on 02 July 2015)

o: Good luck to you MS, you`re gonna need it if you try to overtake sony in their strongest base.

  • +1
aLkaLiNE (on 01 July 2015)

A brilliant deduction.

  • +1
Angelv577 (on 01 July 2015)

Good luck phil. You will definitely need it.

  • +1
Kotastic (on 01 July 2015)

"We Need to do Better in Europe and Japan" FTFY Phil

  • +1
Ryng (on 02 July 2015)

Well, in Spain PS4 is currently outsell XBO by 9:1, and soon we will see 10:1 considering the gap is increase all time... ( 5:1; 7:1; now 9:1 )
XBO is selling less even than Wii U in countries like Germany...

Good job phil! :D

  • 0
SirFortesque (on 02 July 2015)

I think you need to do a better job everywhere, considering the fact that PS4 is beating you even in America.

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quisuis (on 02 July 2015)

just give up!! no chance in hell! unless you bring bloodborne, last of us to xbox!

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OnlyForDisplay (on 01 July 2015)

The games are there for sure! Microsoft can get some sales if the games appeal to the audience in Europe. Hopefully it will match or exceed the original Xbox sales performance.

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binary solo (on 01 July 2015)

Actually, their performance in EU and NA is relatively similar compared to Xbox. In both markets they are around 50% of the Xbox LTD, though they are slightly higher in NA. But people are probably confident that Xb one will easily surpass Xb og in NA. However there is probably quite a bit of work to be done to get Xb one over the XB og benchmark for EU. They were late to market in several EU countries, and had a worse value proposition than the main competition. It's very hard to make a strong comeback from there.

  • 0
fireburn95 (on 01 July 2015)

If a fifa partnership can't excentuate the underdog, then really nothing can. PlayStations got Europe, it'll take a miracle to do better than you are doing now.

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Tmfwang (on 01 July 2015)


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feuerhirn (on 01 July 2015)

No shit, Sherlock?

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DonFerrari feuerhirn (on 02 July 2015)

Was going to say the same.

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darkenergy (on 01 July 2015)

I believe he can achieve that goal, obviously not doing PS4 numbers there but get sales close to those of the 360.

  • -4
uran10 (on 01 July 2015)

No, not europe phil... Japan..

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Mystro-Sama uran10 (on 01 July 2015)


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lukeperryglover uran10 (on 01 July 2015)

lol yeah right japan. noone buys xbox there first of all, and japan is by FAR a minority in the gaming world now in terms of sales, which is why Nintendo hasnt had better sales, they seem to still focus on Japan a lot.

  • +2
NuckinFutz2014 (on 01 July 2015)

A brilliant analysis Phil you are the man in charge for a reason...while your at it you're also losing in North America as well. Japan will never happen nor will Europe though sorry your only hope is to somehow win over the American audience somehow....maybe a Final Fantasy 7 wait Sony did that.....maybe Halo porn?

  • -6
JRPGfan NuckinFutz2014 (on 01 July 2015)

You cant just stop trying when things get hard... you fight the battle even if its a uphill one.

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