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PlayStation 4 Sales Top 16M Worldwide, Over 60M Games Sold at Retail - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 December 2014 / 25,235 Views

Sony's 8th generation home console, the PlayStation 4, has hit two more milestones during Black Friday week. The PlayStation 4 has now sold more than 16 million units worldwide and more than 60 million games.

The PlayStation 4 sold 1,193,346 for the week ending November 29, 2014. That brings lifetime sales to 16,146,005 units, according to VGChartz. There has also been more than 61.8 million games sold for the Xbox One at retail.

These new milestones are up from just a week prior when the console hit 15 million units sold worldwide. The console has a shot of hitting 20 million units sold by the end of the year.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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quisuis (on 16 December 2014)

great for SONY

  • +11
Kerotan (on 16 December 2014)

As of today it would be over 18.5M. VGchartz is too weeks behind plus they are under tracking it a bit. Super numbers.

  • +8
Pirateogta Kerotan (on 16 December 2014)

Why do you think it's undertracked? VGChartz overtracked the PS4 by 200,000 units in November based on NPD numbers. Numbers are even bigger in Europe so it could be even more overtracked there.

  • +1
Mystro-Sama (on 16 December 2014)


  • +8
Moneybags (on 16 December 2014)

I've kept clicking back to to this all day to see if they'll ever correct it lulz

  • +2
UnknownFact (on 16 December 2014)

Fix this article, VGChartz. Quickly.

  • +1
cheryl (on 16 December 2014)

i want see news about sales last week not that.

  • +1
CosmicSex (on 16 December 2014)

"There has also been more than 61.8 million games sold for the Xbox One at retail."
Sloppy, inaccurate, not proofread and jumping the gun on sales figures. I find your writing to be atrocious and unprofessional. Who cares if its free. Do it right or don't do it at all. You are embarrassing.

  • -5
Sixteenvolt420 CosmicSex (on 16 December 2014)

I think it's a typo. In the Xbox thread below this PS4 one, it says there has also been more than 34.6 million games sold for the Xbox One at retail.

  • +4
darkenergy CosmicSex (on 17 December 2014)

This is why we need more Xbox fans in this site.

  • 0
darkenergy CosmicSex (on 17 December 2014)

Reply was meant for Chazore.

  • 0
Chazore (on 16 December 2014)
  • -11