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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Sells 7.5 Million Units First Week Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 14 November 2014 / 18,327 Views

Yesterday it was reported that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare sold 3.72 million units in its first week in the US. Worldwide sales figures are out now and the game has sold 7.51 million units at retail. This is by far the biggest launch of 2014, easily outselling other titles such as Destiny, Titanfall and FIFA 15.

The PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was by far the most popular with sales of 3.05 million units. The Xbox One was the second biggest platform with sales of 2.06 million units. Sales for the last generation of consoles has declined for another year. The Xbox 360 version sold 1.22 million units, while the PlayStation 3 version sold 1.09 million units. The PC lagged behind with just 94,480 units sold.

When you compare it with the launch of last year's title, Call of Duty: Ghosts, sales are up year-over-year, as stated by Activision. However, that is only true if you subtract the later launches of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. Ghosts sold 7.25 million units worldwide at retail at launch, while if you add in launch sales for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game it sold 8.23 million units.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is available for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The game launched in North America and Europe on November 4 and November 13 in Japan.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Viltsu300 (on 14 November 2014)

Now comes the main question. Does the PC sales include the digital ones too? Because I believe they don´t.

  • +3
S.Peelman (on 14 November 2014)

Call of Duty squashed Destiny like a bug. Still a 700k decline, though this game seems like it will have better reception than Ghosts, so it has a chance.

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daredevil.shark (on 14 November 2014)

Lol. Anti console guys are hiding. They will be speechless when $299 PS4 comes with Uncharted 4.

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errorpwns daredevil.shark (on 16 November 2014)

Yeah "hiding". You know those are just physical sales for COD right? Majority of PC games sold are digital.

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Yafea (on 14 November 2014)

good numbers of call of duty. maybe the game won't break any records like what it used to be, but it'll still keep selling big numbers.

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Mr Puggsly (on 14 November 2014)

Not the huge decline people expected. Should have great legs as well.

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Devil_Survivor Mr Puggsly (on 15 November 2014)

Nice damage control lol. It still declined by almost a million units despite Activision's double speak.

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ICStats (on 14 November 2014)

Console gaming is alive and well, and this is a really sharp COD installment.

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daredevil.shark ICStats (on 14 November 2014)

Jealous anti console guys wants to play shiny console exclusives. This is why they complain. They will always complain.

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Ninsect ICStats (on 16 November 2014)

Cod is not console exclusive...

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vodkasosa1000 (on 15 November 2014)

Hahahaha it didnt beat GTA V record.

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FujiokaMidori (on 14 November 2014)

I wonder if Carl is now really on Duty

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cpg716 (on 14 November 2014)

Again. We still don't really know if there is ANY decline.. In fact.. Sales could be more.. as Digital sales on NEW consoles would have NOT existed at all.. (Since they released at the same time, game and console).. and MORE people are ordering DIGITAL in general then a year ago.. so digital sales on ALL consoles could me a HUGE number that we are not seeing..

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A_C_E (on 14 November 2014)

Advanced Warfare sold more on next gen hardware than Ghosts did. The decline is due to last generation consoles. If CoD sales are trending upwards on next gen hardware then isn't that a sign that the higher the user base of PS4 and XOne the higher the sales will be for CoD? CoD should be back to 25-30 million annual sales in about 2 years.

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kumagawa (on 14 November 2014)

LOL VGC numbers not worth anything Activision have already stated it out sold Ghosts first week and they stated both last and current gen first week combined for ghosts.

This is just VGC not admitting to their shitty tracking.

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monsterduc1000 kumagawa (on 14 November 2014)

Of course Hacktivision stated that. Sounds the same as M$ saying they have shipped 10m XBone's, which is useless unless they are sold (3+ mill less sold that shipped)...

I'll take VGC's numbers any day of the week and twice on Sundays over the propaganda that companies like Hacktivision and M$ throw out

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cpg716 kumagawa (on 14 November 2014)

You do realize that publicly traded companies CANNOT lie about sales numbers right? You also DO realize that RETAILERS will not buy inventory they don't plan on selling withing 30-60 days (they have the sales pattern for Xbox One already, retailers know).... There is NOT 3 million consoles sitting on store shelves.. and actually near me.. there is almost ZERO Xbox One consoles on shelves. Anyway.. You go ahead and take a random WEBSITE numbers over official announcements from publicly traded companies.. who again.. can't mislead the public about these things or could face legal troubles..

  • +1
monsterduc1000 kumagawa (on 14 November 2014)

cpg716: You mean they shouldn't... give me a break. These corporations lie like a hooker in a hotel room. They face legal trouble all time.

Yeah, I do believe that there are around 3 mill Xbones sitting on shelves all around the world right now. Just because you don't have any around your area doesn't mean anything. I can walk into BB, WM , Target , etc., today and see dozens sitting around just as easily. All that means is it sells well in your area. Planning on selling and actually selling are two different things.

And sure, there is a chance they will sell them within those 60 days you stated, but what you don't get is that M$ is throwing out propaganda alluding to sales right now, but it certainly is not anywhere near that in actual sales at this point, even if this site was off by a million, which I doubt it is.

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HylianSwordsman (on 14 November 2014)

I said it in the other article about U.S. sales, but CoD is on the decline. It's not going to threaten consoles or anything with several successful new IPs out and about, but CoD is going down. Now that the interested audience has mostly moved to the next gen, we'll see an even bigger drop next year. Everyone seems to think CoD is some sort of health indicator for console gaming, but it's not. Console gaming is fine, CoD is not.

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