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PlayStation 4 Sells 700,000 in Europe, Hits 2.1 Million Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 December 2013 / 23,502 Views

The PlayStation 4 has sold 2.1 million units worldwide as of December 1, according to Andrew House, the President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment. The PlayStation 4 is the fastest selling console to hit two million units sold.

"It’s an impressive and record-setting accomplishment for our company and for our industry, and we couldn’t have done it without you," said House. "I want to personally thank PlayStation fans, both old and new, for your vote of confidence. The best part: the PS4 journey has just begun. In addition to an incredible lineup of PS4 games from the best developers in the world, we will continue to introduce valuable new features and services to PS4 in the months and years ahead."

"While PS4’s capabilities will continue to evolve, our commitment to gamers and breakthrough entertainment remains steadfast," House continued. "We believe that video games represent the pinnacle of artistry and entertainment, and we will work tirelessly to make sure that PlayStation remains the best place to play."

The PlayStation 4 hit store shelves on November 29 in Europe, Australia, and Latin America and is now available in 32 countries. 700,000 units have been sold through across Europe and Australia, as of December 1.

The PlayStation 4 launched on November 15 in North America and sold 1.07 million units in the first 48 hours, according to VGChartz. There were also more than two million games sold in the US in the first two days, bring the attach ratio to more than 2 to 1.

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Michael-5 (on 03 December 2013)

This console war will be interesting to see when Sony can finally keep up with demand and stock PS4's. I want to see another dominance over the market like with the PS2.

  • +6
WebMasterFlex (on 03 December 2013)

Another record broke.

  • +3
gtcarro (on 04 December 2013)

PS4 will dominate this Gen (like PS2 did)...

  • +2
Welfare (on 03 December 2013)


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chiaoyiwang (on 03 December 2013)

Ps4 is also going to boom in Hk, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore on 12/18!! Japan will be the last country to debut!

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jacks81x chiaoyiwang (on 04 December 2013)

Japan is the last "major" region to get the PS4. I don't think it's the last country overall. Certainly there are countries in Latin America or Africa that aren't getting the PS4 'til much much later.

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loy310 (on 03 December 2013)


  • +2
ps4tw (on 03 December 2013)

Go go ps4!!!!!!!!! It'll outsell the Wii U by march!!!!! Heard it here first!!!

  • +2
jakeh14 (on 03 December 2013)

If Sony can only keep up with the demand, 4 million is easily achievable. Congrats to Sony.

  • +1
WagnerPaiva (on 03 December 2013)

So, I guess it can hit 4 million this year, if Sony have that many to sell.

  • +1
aleras (on 05 December 2013)

UK makes up around 28% of European home consoles market so numbers sound realistic.

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MARCUSDJACKSON (on 04 December 2013)

Add your comment...PS4-4 the win.

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WebmasterX (on 04 December 2013)

Only 700,000 units have been sold through across Europe and Australia? And more in Usa? The world is backwards. But the numbers still from Sony, not for Npd or other. Vgcharts It hard to put the actual numbers this time. So what companies are hiding figures

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jacks81x WebmasterX (on 04 December 2013)

I'm guessing is the lack of stock.

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think-man (on 04 December 2013)


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Simulacrum (on 03 December 2013)

Japan = 300k?

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kirby007 (on 03 December 2013)

that title....

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phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

So much for Europe being its biggest territory.

  • -2
CocaineCowboy77 phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

What are you talking about? There's more people in the U.S.A than there is in Europe: those figures are pretty high.

  • -4
bouzane phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

The PS4 just launched, it's foolish to draw any conclusions about the strength of the PlayStation brand at this point. Also, Europe has more than double the population of the U.S.

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aryu phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

It still is... the problem is that there is no more stock available lol

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NobleTeam360 phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

Did someone really just say there is more people in the United States than Europe? Come on dude a quick Google search will tell you there is more than 700 million Europeans to 300 Million Americans.

  • +4
Michael-5 phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

Thank You NobleTeam. It's a typical American attitude to assume they > World. I mean 300 million is quickly surpassed when you realize that most European countries have around 60 million people, if not more.

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DamnTastic phenom08 (on 03 December 2013)

sony shipped the majority of the ps4 to the US because that's where they need market share.

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game_on phenom08 (on 04 December 2013)

More people in the USA than in Europe? You should lay off that cocaine, it seems to make you stupid.

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