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Uncharted 3 Sells More Than 1m Copies in First Week - News

by Miles Taven , posted on 07 November 2011 / 34,832 Views

Naughty Dog's hotly anticipated new title, Uncharted 3, has broken records for the franchise, selling more than 1.1 million copies in its first week on sale - 30% higher than Uncharted 2's debut. This is the 4th biggest exclusive launch for a PlayStation 3 game, behind Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3, further cementing its place as one of Sony's key exclusives. It's also the 12th biggest launch overall for the PS3.

Looking forward it's hard to estimate lifetime sales without knowledge on when/if it will be bundled, however 4-5 million is most likely.

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sonooo (on 07 November 2011)

"without knowledge on when/if it will be bundled"
What? The game already have 320gb bundles

  • +13
Seece sonooo (on 07 November 2011)

Talking about long term extensive bundling ...

  • -2
thismeintiel sonooo (on 07 November 2011)

Lol, maybe that explains why they think the PS3 only got a 10K boost (which would be normal without an exclusive release because of the holidays), they didn't know it was bundled.

  • +4
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d21lewis (on 07 November 2011)

Maybe I'm old fashioned. I don't know. Where I live, Uncharted 3 released on a Tuesday. It's still early Monday! I was raised to believe that a week was a seven day period. How do we get these estimates so early?

  • +12
WiiBox3 d21lewis (on 07 November 2011)

Good question. I figure that vgchartz uses their sales week, not a week from the release of the game to figure the sales. This is a pretty common way of looking at sales figures.

  • -1
Seece d21lewis (on 07 November 2011)

You've been here long enough d21! You know week one here classes as the week ending on the saturday, which is why our data sometimes differs to official sources as they're counting 7 full days or what have you.

  • -1
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oniyide (on 07 November 2011)

christ almighty, I have never seen so much below comments, people must really love hating on Uncharted

  • +8
PullusPardus (on 08 November 2011)

Lol whats with all the thumb downs in the comments?

  • +5
Jaywood2010 (on 08 November 2011)

Comments are hilarious. Since when was 1.1 million in one week bad? This game has a good chance of making 5 to 6 million which is amazing and you all are complaining? How man exclusives make it to 5 million?

  • +5
Boutros (on 07 November 2011)

Wow this comment section shows how much of a failure the like/dislike feature really is.

  • +5
reviniente (on 07 November 2011)

I think we just broke the record for the amount of comments below voting threshold.

  • +5
GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

Guess the "'Major FLOP" thread bubble bursts here

  • +3
Smeags GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

In your face MorenoIngrato!

  • +5
Moren GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

Joke thread with all the sources being Gamrconnect posts -_-

  • +4
reviniente GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

I'm surprised at the amount of people who took the bait. Succesful thread indeed.

  • +2
Mordred11 GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

Lol..just lol.

  • +5
thismeintiel GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

It's ok, morenoingrato, I got the point of the thread. And I know that's all that matters to you. :-D

  • +1
The_Joker_Product (on 07 November 2011)

And it deserves to sell every single copy, roll on Uuncharted 4.

  • +3
Dr.Grass (on 08 November 2011)

Who made the ''Uncharted 3 is a major failure. We need to talk about it'' thread again? Damn fool.

  • +2
DeathPool (on 08 November 2011)

SO many insecure fanboys bringing irrelevant games(halo,gears) in this article.....Im guessing its cause their "king of sales" game doesn't even get nominated in GOTY awards.

  • +2
UnknownFact (on 08 November 2011)

I've heard many positive comments about it, and now I'm feeling excited.

  • +2
RiotX (on 08 November 2011)

1.1 million is great. This is a better start than Uncharted 2 which has sold nearly 5 million.

  • +2
Kai Master (on 11 November 2011)

Why is the man crying on the picture : is he disappointed by its sales ?

  • +1
Jansky8 (on 07 November 2011)

I have a feeling this will end higher than 5 million.

  • +1
VGKing (on 07 November 2011)

Awesome! Those Japan sales really helped with this release!

  • +1
PlaystaionGamer (on 07 November 2011)

It deserves so much more :( mw3 will sell around 12mil first week but u3 only sells 1mil.. Fucked up games industry

  • +1
Nybbas PlaystaionGamer (on 07 November 2011)

Right? I blame the U.S. why are we so retarded :( I blame 5up3r1337snip3rz69 and m4d5killZ420

  • +4
homer PlaystaionGamer (on 07 November 2011)

Who are you to determine what a game deserves to sell?

  • -4
homer PlaystaionGamer (on 07 November 2011)

Who are you to determine what a game deserves to sell?

  • -2
UnknownFact PlaystaionGamer (on 08 November 2011)

Hahaha, Nybbas reply ftw

  • +1
Higg1134 PlaystaionGamer (on 08 November 2011)

Yeah, Americans suck!

  • +2
dsage01 (on 26 November 2011)

It only sold 50k in the U.S. in its 3rd week according to Seece :(

  • 0
Simulacrum (on 09 November 2011)

I wanted this game to sell 2m first week.Not bad at all tho.

  • 0
arcane_chaos (on 08 November 2011)

I'm am pleased with this....that is all

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The_Djinn_of_VGChart (on 08 November 2011)

Haha, I viewed that major flop thread, pretty silly really.

  • 0
AFFLICTION (on 08 November 2011)

This site and it's fanboyism is just pathetic... Anyway great opening for a great game!

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yo_john117 (on 07 November 2011)

5-6 million is pretty much a guarantee for lifetime sales.

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Seece yo_john117 (on 07 November 2011)

No it isn't.

  • -7
osamanobama yo_john117 (on 07 November 2011)

just like what you said about U2, huh seece. laughable

  • +1
Squall_Leonhart (on 07 November 2011)

Brilliant to see a great game getting great sales! If it were up to me then it would have COD level first week sales! Mad people missing this gem!

  • 0
Jexy (on 07 November 2011)

The early stories were not wrong, they were only for NA numbers... not worldwide. This is a WW total. So given the numbers we already have for NA, it sold about the same amount in EA and JPN combined. You can say the game may deserve better numbers, but it is still a 30% rise on a game that already sold well. It will be fine

  • 0
WiiBox3 Jexy (on 07 November 2011)

I think some of us were hoping that it would be more than just fine. Huge sales would encourage more developers to make high quality games in this genre.

  • +1
abhiram_33 (on 08 November 2011)

great game deserves more sales but always wondered why release this game between battlefield 3 and mw3

  • -1
Vueguy (on 08 November 2011)

first week is pretty good. i remember Uncharted 2 only sold 870k first week worldwide.
if people expect this to sell like CoD then you're in a dreaming world. CoD have too many fans and it was multiplatforms, Uncharted only exclusive to PS3.

  • -1
Vueguy (on 08 November 2011)

first week is pretty good. i remember Uncharted 2 only sold 870k first week worldwide.
if people expect this to sell like CoD then you're in a dreaming world. CoD have too many fans and it was multiplatforms, Uncharted only exclusive to PS3.

  • -1
shanbcn (on 07 November 2011)

Waiting for final figures, may hit 1.2m.

  • -1
Shinobi-san (on 07 November 2011)

i think lifetime sales will be more in line with 5 - 6 million.

  • -1
WiiBox3 (on 07 November 2011)

Wish there were more games like this on the market. I love 3rd person action adventure games. That's why I'm sad that Enslaved didn't do better (Not a great game, but a good start.) Oh well, I guess Assassin's Creed: Rev, Zelda and Darksiders 2 will have to fill the urge in the upcoming year.

  • -2
Mordred11 (on 07 November 2011)

Well deserved sales indeed.

  • -2
Mordred11 Mordred11 (on 08 November 2011)

wth guys ?

  • +2
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KillerMan (on 07 November 2011)

It sold just fine considering the launch window. selling 1.1 million between BF3 and MW3/Skyrim launches is fine. Of course we can debate if it was wise to launch it against these juggernauts.....

  • -2
Marco (on 07 November 2011)

Game of the Year 2011. buy a ps3 guys. this is so amazing.

  • -2
Areym (on 07 November 2011)

Congratulations! Well deserved.

  • -2
Bornyn (on 07 November 2011)


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Jumpin (on 08 November 2011)

I am not really sure why a game selling ~1 million deserves an article of praise. These are not exactly exciting numbers - in fact, this is only the 4th best release of the last month; Batman doing 2 million, Fifa 12 doing 3 million, and Battlefield 3 doing over 4 million.

  • -4
oniyide Jumpin (on 08 November 2011)

those were damn multiplats

  • +2
WiiBox3 (on 07 November 2011)

Well, I can answer the bundle part. I bought the Uncharted 3 PS3 bundle. Heck it's the reason I finally got a PS3. Didn't get it before since my old roommate had one, so I played the exclusives on his.

  • -4
dsage01 (on 07 November 2011)

This game will outsell God of War 3 for sure and Metal Gear Solid 4 in a while (over a year depending how it gets bundled.

  • -5
GameAnalyser (on 07 November 2011)

EMAA is the future of PS3 and sadly not US....

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hellboy84 GameAnalyser (on 08 November 2011)

yes and...japan boycott microsoft by chauvinism it's worse

  • -3
Mr Puggsly (on 07 November 2011)

Very respectable opening, but you think it would have did better considering how well U2 did.

  • -10
mjk45 Mr Puggsly (on 07 November 2011)

It did 30% bigger opening than 2 if it keeps that ltd it will close in on 7mill

  • +2
Mr Puggsly Mr Puggsly (on 07 November 2011)

Quite frankly, I just find it odd that it only saw about 250K growth in sales. Why weren't more people excited about the successor? Perhaps U2 sales are actually bloated with bundles?

  • -3
otherZinc (on 07 November 2011)
  • -14
reviniente (on 07 November 2011)
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osamanobama (on 07 November 2011)
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Lord_Yggdrassil (on 07 November 2011)
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chidori-chan2 (on 07 November 2011)
  • -18
Grandia (on 07 November 2011)
  • -22
sales2099 (on 07 November 2011)
  • -33
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Seece spurgeonryan (on 07 November 2011)

Can't you read? That was an Americas estimate and it was 550,000

  • -2
Grandia spurgeonryan (on 07 November 2011)

The 500,000 was not wrong, the 500,000 was the sales only for the Us market in the first week. This 1.1 million is for the whole world in the first week.

  • +6