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Gabe Newell Gives Away His Steam Password to Entire World - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 04 March 2011 / 5,906 Views

Valve Software's Gabe Newell believes so strongly in Steam's new "Steam Guard" security that he has given away his login name and password to the entire internet.  For the unfamiliar, Steam Guard is a new feature on Steam that lets you tether your account to a single computer, so, even if someone - or in this case everyone - has your username and password combination, they will be unable to access your account.  Also, it'll inform you if someone tries to log in to your account from another computer.

At the CeBIT conference in Hanover, Germany, Newell presented his login, his password, and a challenge to the crowd in attendance and now the world: "You can try to log-in and steal my account if you can. But you can't."

If you're up to the insurmountable challenge, Gabe's login email is "" and his password is "MooleyFTW." The kicker would be if I get to post another story tomorrow: "Gabe Newell's Steam Account Hacked."

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zzamaro (on 05 March 2011)

btw, maybe old but I noticed many websites use that picture of Gabe Newell haha

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zzamaro (on 05 March 2011)

lol, awesome

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Alby_da_Wolf (on 05 March 2011)

The prize for the lucky hackers is a 10 year supply (for normal people, that is OTOH 1 month for Gabe) of cholesterol. :-P
About the system, it must use authentication tools more advanced than user name and password. I hope the system allows the legit owner of the account to transfer it to or to access it temporarily from another PC, if needed.

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Squeakthedragon (on 05 March 2011)

Newell isn't trying to be "clever". He's not trying to impress nerds. This is a publicity stunt for the /average/ user. It's a 'here's my faith in my product's impressive claim' ploy. It's pretty smart from that perspective. The average person may not understand enough to immediately realize that he hasn't really given "all" his login info away, but this will get the point across to them about how big a difference in security the new feature makes.

And yes, at this point, Steam is popular by far more than just hardcore nerds. It is becoming mainstream and ordinary computer users who play stuff like popcap games are on board - don't forget the Mac rollout of Steam, which has probably captured a lot more of that crowd. (Sorry Mac guys.)

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buglebum (on 05 March 2011)

Nothing clever about this AT ALL. It just means that there is an extra piece of the login on his computer that he hasn't made public.


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Zkuq (on 05 March 2011)

I wonder if he's simply so confident in the new system or if he's actually provoking hackers into trying the system and thus exposing its flaws before it actually goes live.

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thelastsoldier (on 05 March 2011)

when will someone give him P90X???

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kibebr (on 05 March 2011)

I´ve got IT, changed his profile píc to MEGA FOX!

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Jumpin (on 05 March 2011)

@Carpevi, I agree, it is not fun to make funny of people who have a very obvious life-threatening medical condition; such as morbid obesity.

If anything, he should not be made fun of, but encouraged to lose that weight.

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Carpevi (on 05 March 2011)

So a lot of people posted here only to call him "fat" and "lazy for beeing fat"? Are all of you under 13?

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Hephaestos (on 05 March 2011)

yeah, though that's probably an account made for the occasion (the email sounds fake... gabeN, it's usually more in the vein of GNewell)

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Porcupine_I (on 05 March 2011)

of course he only dares now, since sony keeps geohot busy!

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NightDragon83 (on 05 March 2011)

@themizarkshow... if that were the case, then he'd eat his own password lol!

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chapset (on 05 March 2011)

it's to test their new drm security sysem saw that shit live this morning, gabe was so fat I needed 2 screens the see is humungus ass

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UnknownFact (on 05 March 2011)

This guy's gonna get a nasty surprise tomorrow lmao

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themizarkshow (on 04 March 2011)

I'm just surprised his password wasn't "hamburgers"

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dunno001 (on 04 March 2011)

Hmm... things may seem all well and good now, but I'm reminded of the founder of Lifelock... he put his SSN out in their ads, and while it took a while, his identity was stolen. I think Gabe must not have heard of this...

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IllegalPaladin (on 04 March 2011)

You fools!

I can just see it now. "Gabe's Steam account was hacked and now we have to delay Episode 3"

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PullusPardus (on 04 March 2011)

yet another Gabe is fat joke in

Gabe newell is so fat that he is too lazy to test the security system himself.

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toadslayer72 (on 04 March 2011)

Oh shit, mooley? Really? Newell a racist confirmed?

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AverageAsian (on 04 March 2011)

Genius. He's basically getting the world to test the system for him...for FREE! =D

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Chevinator123 (on 04 March 2011)

lol ausome

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mantlepiecek (on 04 March 2011)

LOL Nice going gabe.

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