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Nintendo is Making Preparations to Deal with Switch 2 Scalpers

Nintendo is Making Preparations to Deal with Switch 2 Scalpers - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 04 February 2025 / 1,861 Views

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa speaking with the Japanese press was asked how Nintendo will ensure a smooth launch for the Nintendo Switch 2 given the original Switch had stock shortages early on.

He stated the company is working on measures to deal with scalpers when it comes to the launch of the Nintendo Switch 2 and working to meet demand.

"We will take all possible measures based on the experience we have accumulated to date (regarding scalpers and the like)," said Furukawa (via Nikkei and translated by VideoGamesChronicle). "We are making preparations."

He added that Nintendo will "prepare enough products to meet demand" for the Nintendo Switch 2, which is set to launch later this year.

The Nintendo Switch 2 is set to launch later this year.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Bluesky.

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CaptainExplosion (on 04 February 2025)

Scalp the scalpers!!

  • +8
eddy7eddy (on 04 February 2025)

The idea of opening preorders for Nintendo Online users first could be very beneficial.
Just think, everyone would be able to place a preorder, but current Nintendo Online account holders would be first in line, and just one per account of course.

  • +6
Chazore (on 04 February 2025)

How to deal with scalpers: send out the Nintendo Ninjas.

It'll be like cowboys vs Ninjas 2, only with scalpers instead of cowboys.

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killer7 Chazore (on 05 February 2025)

Maybe another game: Nintendrones vs Scalpers. 🤣😂
Your ideas are impressive! 😀

  • +1
2zosteven (on 05 February 2025)

this should be the best selling console at launch ever

  • +5
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killer7 2zosteven (on 05 February 2025)

I can't help myself. I am a bit sceptical but it does not seem to be impossible...

  • +3
HopeMillsHorror (on 04 February 2025)

How to deal with scalpers...

1) Make a ton of units
2) Only one unit per transaction
3) Do in-store only (no online) for the first 6 months or so

  • +5
CaptainExplosion HopeMillsHorror (on 04 February 2025)

Could work.

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Chicho HopeMillsHorror (on 04 February 2025)

A lot of people do online only. It's 2025 so #3 is a no go.

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CaptainExplosion Chicho (on 04 February 2025)

Online only just doesn't feel the same. -_-

  • +3
Chicho CaptainExplosion (on 04 February 2025)

Offering a small percentage of the units to people that already have a Nintendo account 1 per account could be an option.

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CaptainExplosion Chicho (on 04 February 2025)

But would that be a good idea?

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KLAMarine (on 04 February 2025)

Nintendo ninjas will deploy and scalp the scalpers! Taste of their own medicine!

  • +5
KratosLives (on 05 February 2025)

Should be 1 per person, per day max. Photo id .

  • +2
killer7 KratosLives (on 06 February 2025)

It will be very hard to check. What about people sending their friends, giving them their money to buy another one with their ID? Do you really think Switch 2 launch will be that massive? Yes i do expect it to be very sucessfull but as i said we should take care with our expectations. They where skyhigh with the Vita, the WiiU and the PS3 as well but look what happened... But your idea seems to be good.

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