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EA Working to Fix Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Problems on PS5 Pro

EA Working to Fix Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Problems on PS5 Pro - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 19 November 2024 / 1,189 Views

Electronic Arts via Twitter announced it is aware of issues being reported by players about Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on the PlayStation Pro.

"We’re aware of issues with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on PlayStation 5 Pro and are actively investigating," said Electronic Arts.

Digital Foundry has reported the PS5 Pro version of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has image quality problems.

"If you look at this side-by-side, you can see just how unstable the game appears now with PSSR (PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution) in the Performance mode," said Digital Foundry's Oliver Mackenzie (via VideoGamesChronicle). "I would personally go as far as to say it looks dramatically worse than the old Performance mode here."

Mackenzie added that a number of patches made the Performance mode on the PS5 "not that offensive looking – it was basically not too bad, it was basically okay, especially from a normal viewing distance on a large television."

PSSR on the PS5 Pro has added a shimmering effect to the game that is distracting.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Kanemaru (on 19 November 2024)

Could EA start working on a SSX3 remaster (or PS2 emulation) instead? I know it's never gonna happen but someone has to ask.

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KratosLives (on 21 November 2024)

What was the issue on ps5? I finished it early this year, didn't have any problems with it.

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Koragg (on 19 November 2024)

Even after multiple patches on PC (I think 9?) performance is still not good enough. This game is cursed. Another unreal engine disaster.

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Otter (on 19 November 2024)

It's especially bad here but it's crazy that most of the the recent 3rd party games (Silent Hill/Dragon Age/Dragon Dogma) all have terrible Pro patches. It's like the developers themselves have no idea what good image quality is, saw the PSSR implementation and said "Well, it's supposed to be better right? Lets just trust the process"

At one glance at the foliage in particular and you'd either refine the PSSR implementation or drop it entirely and just use the 40% extra GPU power to boost the internal rendering resolution.

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