Obsidian CEO: Avowed is 'Looking Great' and The Outer Worlds 2 is 'Looking Incredible' - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 October 2024 / 2,675 ViewsObsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart in an interview with Limit Break Network discussed the challenges of developing games during COVID and is impressed with work the different have been doing.
"I'm impressed with the team," said Urquhart on The Outer Worlds 2. "We were very lucky. We have a lot of people on that game that get it, who have worked on the first one and worked for us a very long time. So, I've actually been really impressed by it."
On working during COVID he stated, "We were trying to get The Outer Worlds done, and we're trying to get the DLC done, and we're trying to move Avowed forward. We want to get The Outer Worlds 2 moving, Grounded's moving, and Josh [Sawyer] is on Pentiment.
"There’s just all this stuff happening, and to be honest, we were kind of a crappy developer for about a year, year and a half. There was talk of, 'Do we stop work on The Outer Worlds 2 and just throw the whole team on Avowed?' Grounded wasn't Early Access yet during some of these conversations.
"I appreciate Microsoft and the teams and everybody and that we kind of, you know, we said, ‘No, we will get there. We will get there with all these games. Are they going to be on the timelines that we originally thought? No, but we're going to get there."
He added that Grounded and Pentiment turned out well, and Avowed is "looking great" and The Outer Worlds 2 is "looking incredible."
Avowed will launch for the Xbox Series X|S, PC via Steam and Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass on February 18, 2025.
The Outer Worlds 2 is in development for the Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Game Pass.
Thanks, GamingBolt.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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Well... They are probably not going to come out and say their games are looking terrible.
Keen for Outerworlds 2 and keen to see if they port it to Switch.
They will definitely port it on Switch (2)
Yeah they will, but what interests me is a port to the OG Switch. - They already got some good experience developing for it.
And it's set to be the largest console platform ever, so we may see extended 3rd party support, maybe.
I can't see it happening. Outer Worlds 1 was a XB1/PS4 game.
Outer Worlds 2 is a XSX/PS5 game.
It will require alot of butchering
Complete case of "wait and see" for me. The Outer Worlds was the definition of average and the footage of Avowed felt kind of in the same category. Hoping they can really take advantage of the bump in resources.
Obsidian just deliver. Glad they have more time to polish Avowed. Outer Worlds 2 is also going to be fire.
I'll probably check out Avowed, but I'm very much looking forward to the Outer Worlds 2.
This is the first time in Obsidian's history they've actually had the proper development time needed to make their games. They're usually used to having just a year or a year and a half to make a game lol. Glad to see they're happy to finally make the games they want to make while having the proper time to make them.
Did they have time issues with Pillars of Eternity? I remember following the game's development, and I never got the impression they didn't enough enough time. The general consensus also doesn't seem to indicate a lack of time. But yeah, it certainly sounds like Obsidian has often not had enough development time.
I believe it was more Fallout New Vegas. Bethesda just doesn't treat them right.