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Fable Releases in 2025 for Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Game Pass

Fable Releases in 2025 for Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Game Pass - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 09 June 2024 / 2,605 Views

Publisher Xbox Game Studios and developer Playground Games announced Fable will launch for Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Game Pass in 2025.

"What does it mean to be a Hero? Humphry, once one of the greatest, will be forced out of retirement when a mysterious figure from his past threatens Albion's very existence," reads the description to the latest trailer. "A new beginning to the legendary franchise arrives 2025."

View the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 trailer below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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smroadkill15 (on 09 June 2024)

I'm ready for some Fable! This game looks beautiful

  • +5
Pemalite (on 09 June 2024)

I am so ready.
This and Halo is what sold me on the original Xbox... And the visuals/art look on point.

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GoOnKid (on 09 June 2024)

I hope they don't forget the 'straight white male' design in the character creator.

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Tober GoOnKid (on 09 June 2024)

As a man myself I always choose a female as character if there is an option. Call me crazy, but I like to look at women more.

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shikamaru317 Tober (on 09 June 2024)

Same, nice to get some eye candy from behind in 3rd person games. I just hope Fable has character creation so that we can customize her, the fact that they went with the same player character design two years in a row makes me fear there is no character creation, possibly due to them wanting mo-cap facial animations to match with the high level of graphical fidelity.

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HoloDust shikamaru317 (on 10 June 2024)

Yeah, it is a bit worrying, especially since design they made is...questionable, to put it mildly.

Apart from that, it does look nice, though I would much more prefer if they retained older Fable look, and went more for something like Tangled aesthetics.

  • -1
Pemalite GoOnKid (on 09 June 2024)
  • -13
TheLegendaryBigBoss GoOnKid (on 10 June 2024)

Yeah I hope there's a character creator

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 10 June 2024)

Miss a more caartony style and i hope they have a character creator still

  • -3

If by character customization you mean choosing between male or female, then I'm sure it will probably be in the game, she's probably just the character they have decided to roll with for the trailers, other than that, there's never been character customization in Fable.

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zero129 ClassicGamingWizzz (on 11 June 2024)

You clearly didnt even play the older fables if you think they had a "character creator" and this style fits the game perfect for a nextgen version. But like i said you wouldnt know since you clearly played none of the older ones and is just here to talk shit for the sake of it.

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Random_Matt (on 09 June 2024)

Looks terrible in my opinion.

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dane007 Random_Matt (on 09 June 2024)

How so?

  • +3
Hynad Random_Matt (on 10 June 2024)

Nobody is surprised you’d say that.

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