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PS5 Ships 59.3 Million Units as of March 2024

PS5 Ships 59.3 Million Units as of March 2024 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 14 May 2024 / 4,554 Views

Sony Interactive Entertainment in its financial results announced it has shipped 59.3 million PlayStation 5 consoles as of March 31, 2024.

With 59.3 million PlayStation 5 consoles shipped through the end of March that means 4.5 million units were shipped from January to March. This is down 1.8 million from the same quarter in 2023.

For reference, the PlayStation 4 had shipped 2.9 million units in the same quarter for a lifetime total of 60.2 million units shipped as of March 31, 2017. This puts the PS5 behind shipped PS4 units by 0.9 million units.

There were a total of 72.6 million games sold on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 for the quarter. This is up 4.6 million from 68.0 million during the same period a year earlier. Digital sales accounted for 77 percent of software sales.

There were 12.3 million first-party games sold across the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. This is up 2.8 million from 9.5 million a year ago.

There were 118 million monthly active users on the PlayStation Network, an increase of 10 million from 108 million a year ago. Sony did not disclose the number of PlayStation Plus subscribers. It was at 47.4 million at the end of March 2023.

Sony shipped 20.8 million PS5s during the fiscal year, which ended March 31, 2024. This is up 1.7 million from 19.1 million units shipped the previous fiscal year.

For the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2025, Sony has forecasted it will ship 18 million PS5 consoles. This would bring lifetime shipment figures to 77.3 million. This is also one million less than the 19 million PS4 consoles Sony shipped for the equivalent fiscal year.

Sony's Game & Network Services Segment for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, reported revenue increased 623.1 billion yen ($3.98 billion) year-over-year to 4,267.7 billion yen ($27.27 billion), while operating income increased 40.2 billion yen ($0.26 billion) to 290.2 billion yen ($1.85 billion).

Sony is expecting a decrease in PlayStation revenue due to a drop in hardware sales, which will partially be offset by an increase in third-party sales and DLC.

"Sales are expected to decrease mainly due to an expected decrease in sales of hardware resulting from lower unit sales, partially offset by an expected increase in sales of non-first-party titles including add-on content," reads the report from Sony.

"Operating income and Adjusted OIBDA are expected to increase mainly due to a decrease in losses from hardware resulting from the above-mentioned expected lower unit sales and the impact of an expected increase in Network Services sales, primarily from PlayStation Plus, partially offset by the impact of an expected decrease in sales of first-party titles."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Geralt99 (on 14 May 2024)

Compared to Q4 2022 (Jan to Mar 2023 )
Hardware- Down (vs record Q4 ever)
Software- Up
1st party Software- Up
Monthly active users- Up
Revenue- Up
Operating income- Up.

Also Surpassed lifetime sales of Xbox one.

  • +14
Radek (on 14 May 2024)

PS5 already outsold Xbox One lifetime sales!

  • +11
Panicradio (on 14 May 2024)

I think these are very good numbers for Playstation.

Especially when you throw in every setback the PS5's life started with and still is undergoing, e.g. no bigger 1st party titles this FY.

Being now only 0.8m units behind PS4 globally is also fascinating, because PS5's LTD in Europe are ~4m behind the PS4.

Which is a unique occurence in itself, because it means PS5 would have shattered PS4's global record if Europe sales would have just been the same.

While it actually had to shatter some other PS4 records to catch up this closely.


Year-to-date 5.5:1 ratio in hardware sales compared to Series X|S.

$7.25bn year-to-date revenue compared to $5.45bn from Microsoft (including ABK).

  • +9
jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)
Sony expects to ship 18 million consoles in the next fiscal year.

  • +6
NextGen_Gamer jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)

That is actually ... huge?!? I'm wondering how much of those 18 mil that Sony is factoring PS5 Pro into. You wouldn't think the Pro itself would do big numbers, but who knows, maybe just maybe we might get a real price drop on the base PS5 when Pro launches lol

  • -1
Wman1996 jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)

So, it should surpass 3DS in the fiscal year.

  • 0
Zyphe jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)

I bet they are not going to meet it and revise it down again. Like when I said they're dreaming when their target was 25 M for last FY, then revised it down to 21 M which not met again. Facts.

  • +5
Qwark (on 14 May 2024)

Whilst 20.8 million isn't bad it falls quite a bit short of the target, but at least profits are looking upward, ironically due to selling less hardware.

  • +5
Hardstuck-Platinum Qwark (on 14 May 2024)

Is missing the target going to hurt them though? There's no competitors since Xbox has completely imploded

  • 0
mjk45 Qwark (on 14 May 2024)

The forecast was for revenue to be down due to less hardware sales partially offset by 3rd party sales and dlc, that's revenue not profit. On the 4th August 2021 a few weeks after Sony announced 10 million PS5's sold, Sony announced that the PS5 was no longer selling at a loss .

  • 0
Dallinor mjk45 (on 14 May 2024)

It's not selling at a loss at its standard price, but discounting it definitely ate into their profit margins. They obviously weighed up getting a boost in hardware as more important than margins this quarter for better long term profits.

  • +1
Qwark mjk45 (on 14 May 2024)

Operating income and Adjusted OIBDA are expected to increase mainly due to a decrease in losses from hardware resulting from the above-mentioned expected lower unit sale.

Sounds to me hardware is selling at a loss.

  • 0
UnderwaterFunktown Qwark (on 14 May 2024)

They adjusted their target to 21m last quarter so that's extremely close. Their original target was definitely way too high though.

  • 0
Wman1996 (on 14 May 2024)

It has now passed the Xbox One and is closing in on NES/Famicom. I don't expect it to surpass 3DS until some point in 2025 (Q1 or later).
Selling 16 million or more in 9 months seems like even a tall order for a popular console like PS5. But like I said, it's got a good chance of surpassing 3DS by time the current fiscal year end on March 31, 2025.

  • +3
XtremeBG (on 14 May 2024)

It would be good if the forecast for the previous fiscal year is added in the articles of this type as well.

  • +1
LivncA_Dis3 (on 16 May 2024)

Outstanding numbers despite the COVID hiccup!

Well done Sony!

  • 0
Tober (on 14 May 2024)

Good numbers. Shame we do not get an update on the PS+ subscribers, I was wondering if the price increases had any impact.

  • 0
UnderwaterFunktown (on 14 May 2024)

I kind of wish they had disclosed Helldivers II sales, seems like that would have been a good piece of positive news for them as well.

  • 0
jvmkdg UnderwaterFunktown (on 14 May 2024)

but they just released 12 million units in 12 weeks

  • 0
Hardstuck-Platinum jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)

Helldivers might become the new COD at this rate

  • -1

Helldivers 2 has sold 12 million copies as of May, 5th 2024.

Overtaking God of War Ragnarök as the fastest selling PS IP. (Which is hardly comparable if you look closer, but just numerically speaking).

  • +7

Thanks! Hadn't seen that.

  • +2

You're welcome! :)

  • +1
jvmkdg (on 14 May 2024)

great result, better than I expected, if it continues to sell more than 1 million per month, the PS5 could end the year with more than 70 million lifetime units

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