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Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update 2 Adds More Graphics and Performance Options, and Fixes Bugs

Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update 2 Adds More Graphics and Performance Options, and Fixes Bugs - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 13 May 2024 / 1,793 Views

Bethesda Game Studios has released a new update for Fallout 4.

The update adds new graphic fidelity and performance options for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. There are also new frame rate targets and bug fixes.

Read the patch notes below:

Xbox Series S|X and PlayStation 5 Display Settings
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to implement the ability to control your graphic fidelity and performance. We highly recommend you run with the default settings but now you can change your options to better fit your playstyle and display.
Frame Rate Target
Frame Rate Target allows you to choose between 30, 40, and 60 (default). It is important to note that to select 40, your display must be able to support 120hz.
Visual and Performance Prioritization
You can now choose between Visuals and Performance (default) while trying to maintain frame rate target. If you choose Frame Rate Target of 60, we recommend selecting Performance. Both modes may adjust internal resolution dynamically when scenes or action get heavier.
Please note both modes can only be changed from the main menu.
Bug Fixes
  • General stability improvements
  • Fixed visual issue with certain image spaces
  • Auto HDR is re-enabled (Xbox Series S|X)
  • Fixed issue where reserved space was not displayed correctly in load order menu (Xbox Series S|X)
  • Fixed issue with character name field when in widescreen mode. (PC)
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused bundles to not fully download and could cause a crash
  • Fixed an issue with material swaps
  • Fixed an issue with load order that would break DLC until a restart after downloading mods (PlayStation 5)
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a crash if you returned to the Main Menu with queued mods still downloading (PlayStation 5)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Creation Club menu to not appear (Microsoft Store)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to the network after a suspend/resume with the network disabled (Xbox One)
Creations Fixes
  • Fixed missing art issue with certain Creations

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 13 May 2024)

Bethesda being bethesda releasing an updated port incomplete lol

  • +1
Medisti (on 13 May 2024)

My old man and wife play this, and the Next-Gen patch broke VATS. It will constantly swap to 0% for no reason randomly on every body part. Just tested after this patch and it's still broken. That hurts. It's completely ruined out usual Saturday Fallout visits (yes really, lol).

  • 0
Spike0503 (on 13 May 2024)

I literally finished the game last night haha. Well these might help next time I guess!

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Mozart1511 (on 13 May 2024)

Please Microsoft, give it time and invest in your studios so they can produce good games! There is no problem releasing games on multiple platforms, if it means preserving jobs and increasing the quality of games, then the attraction will be its ecosystem, which includes game pass.

  • -1
tslog (on 13 May 2024)

Xbox pooped this update out in time for the boring Fallout TV show.
Xbox also wants to rush out the next Fallout game in order exploit the TV show in the future.
Xbox in so many ways is desperate to stay in their lane of the lowest quality games of all the available consoles.
-- Moderated.

  • -10
SecondWar tslog (on 14 May 2024)

Update came after the TV show
Next Fallout game is due to start development after TES6, which itself is still a good few years from release
Fallout has its issues but seems to be a fairly well regarded and beloved franchise so not sure where your perception of 'lowest quality' comes from.
Also I still remember you raving against the courts when Xbox's ABK merger was getting held up, now you're raving against Xbox itself. Have you done a complete 180 on your opinion on Xbox in the last few months or do you just like to rail against current events?

  • +1
TheTitaniumNub SecondWar (on 14 May 2024)

He's just on here to troll and go against what everyone says just to ruffle feathers, no profile picture, nothing at all on his profile. I will never take this guy serious.

  • +1