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Rumor: White, All-Digital Xbox Series X to Launch This Summer

Rumor: White, All-Digital Xbox Series X to Launch This Summer - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 March 2024 / 8,957 Views

Microsoft is reportedly developing an all-digital version of the Xbox Series X that will be available in white, according to sources who spoke with eXputer and provided confidential footage.

The sources claim the all-digital Xbox Series X will launch sometime between the months of June and July, however, it could be delayed to later this year. Other changes made to the console include an improved heatsink and an upgraded Nexus card over the current Xbox Series X.

It isn't known how much the all-digital Xbox Series X will cost, however, speculation suggests it will cost between $50 and $100 below the price of the current Xbox Series X.

If the all-digital Xbox Series X turns out to be real, it would likely be announced during Xbox's annual showcase in June. However, this should be treated as a rumor.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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hellobion2 (on 23 February 2024)

I think the new series X will look cool but will miss the good old days of having a cd player. Reminds me of when apple got rid of the side port for head phones.

  • +5
firebush03 hellobion2 (on 25 February 2024)

this feels a bit more extreme than removing a headphone jack though. There’s a growing crowd who’s opting for an all-physical library (me being one of those people). Nothing small by any means.

  • +3
Gettysburg4 firebush03 (on 25 February 2024)

The thing is though, it might be more economical to lose the physical customers, and cut out the secondhand market than to retain both. That would have to be the thinking I reckon, otherwise you'd think they'd at least produce an add on drive so people have the option of physical if they wish. And they may do that.

  • -1
hellobion2 Gettysburg4 (on 25 February 2024)

Does playststion have disc drive add on?

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Gettysburg4 hellobion2 (on 25 February 2024)

yeah, a bit pricey to buy separately but they have it.

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VAMatt (on 23 February 2024)

Here's what the lineup moving forward should be: Series S 1tb $299 (but have it "on sale" often for $249), Series X digital 1tb $399, Series X w/drive 1tb $499. Then do a couple bundles with an included game (at the same price) for Xmas season, and for BF weekend drop the price by $50.

  • +4
aTokenYeti VAMatt (on 23 February 2024)

At this stage of the generation the Series S should cost no more than $200. It does not have the power, exclusives library, or sales volume to justify a $250 price tag, let alone $300

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VAMatt aTokenYeti (on 23 February 2024)

I don't think we're ever going to see a console at a regular price of $200 again. The value of the US dollar has been eroded too far. A $200 console today would be like buying an SNES/ Genesis for ~$75 back in their day.

  • +6
Radek VAMatt (on 23 February 2024)

$250 would be fair then, few recent games have been 1080p when XSX was native 4K, the performance gap is huge.

  • +2
hellobion2 Radek (on 23 February 2024)

Hmm at that price I might go team xbox and not go playstation as i was originally intending for my birthday.

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Pemalite aTokenYeti (on 23 February 2024)

Bill of materials is what will prevent it from hitting a $200 price point.

RAM is coming down in price... But NAND is going up in price with many estimates pegging it to get about 50% more expensive this year.

  • That will hurt Sony more than Microsoft as Sony relies on parallelism and more memory chips to accommodate it's higher bandwidth, but it's still a significant cost for Microsoft.

    The APU in the Series S is tiny though, it's about 60% smaller than the launch Xbox One APU and could be made smaller still by migrating that chip fabrication down to TSMC's 6nm process which carries the same design rules.

    I think a $250 USD price point is possible with frequent sales under $200, but the series S needs it's internals updated for that to be viable.

  • +1
V-r0cK (on 24 February 2024)

When this launches I hope this console will be significantly cheaper than the PS5 digital thus forcing Sony to drop the price of the current PS5 digital

  • +1
aTokenYeti (on 23 February 2024)

Seems like a pretty standard cost-cutting focused mid gen hardware refresh

  • +1
Wman1996 aTokenYeti (on 23 February 2024)

Yup. I doubt optical drives cost much, for instance a $50 difference for the slimmer PS5 SKUs makes more sense than $100 on a sheer cost analysis but removing drives is a win for the corporation. Reduced production costs and more digital sales (more money).
We'll have to see what route Microsoft takes. The digital-only Series X will likely be at least $50 cheaper. It'd be nice if it came with a 2TB SSD, but there's almost no chance Microsoft will do that and have it cheaper than the current Series X.

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aTokenYeti Wman1996 (on 23 February 2024)

I’m guessing they will also (finally) move the chip over to 6nm

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Sogreblute (on 24 February 2024)

Microsoft would have a perfect opportunity if they price this less than the PS5 Digital ($450).
If they put the Series S at $250
Series S 1 TB at $300
Series X Digital $400
Series X Disc $500
4 different options for consumers to choose from. The average casual will go with the Series S while the more "hardcore" consumers will go for the Series X. I see nothing wrong with this.

  • 0
Gettysburg4 Sogreblute (on 24 February 2024)

Do that, but replace the series X disc with a 2TB digital, and add a streaming device+controller combo at the low end:

Streaming device + controller $150
Series S at $250
Series S 1 TB at $300
Series X Digital $400
Series X Digital 2TB $500

Finish off with a Series S handheld at $500.

  • -1
siebensus4 (on 24 February 2024)

I think a white Series X without disc drive will be called Series W.

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Wman1996 (on 23 February 2024)

It's inevitable. Microsoft is the most pro-digital of the Big 3 and the least popular in Japan where physical games are still pretty big and pretty evenly tied with digital distribution.
I wouldn't have been surprised if PS5 and Series X never had a physical game SKU, but we got it. But I do think the PS6 and Xbox 5 will be digital-only with separate add-ons needed for physical games (backwards compatibility, smaller print numbers of current games). Shoot, if there is an PS5 Pro it will probably be digital-only out of the box. By having a disc add-on for the new Digital PS5 now, I think the box has been opened.

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Azzanation Wman1996 (on 23 February 2024)

The largest gaming platform in the industry is all digital. Console manufacturers will follow it soon.

  • -4
Bumblaster Azzanation (on 25 February 2024)

The Nintendo Switch is not 'all digital'.

  • +1
Cerebralbore101 Bumblaster (on 27 February 2024)

Don't you know?

"eVeRy sCrEen iS aN xBox!"


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Azzanation Cerebralbore101 (on 27 February 2024)

Xbox? Im referring to Steam lol

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Cerebralbore101 Azzanation (on 27 February 2024)

Steam is not a platform. It's a storefront. PC is the largest platform and it's been all digital for well over a decade. Yet consoles haven't "soon" followed suit in that time.

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Azzanation Cerebralbore101 (on 27 February 2024)

Steam is the largest gaming storefront on the largest platform in the industry. Its bigger than Switch, PS and Xbox. Thats my point.

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Cerebralbore101 Azzanation (on 27 February 2024)

Yep. And yet you could have made your comment of "The largest platform is all digital. Consoles will soon follow." in 2010. Yet it would still be wrong.

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Azzanation Cerebralbore101 (on 27 February 2024)

More people game on Steam than any of the console manufacturers.
How am i wrong,

  • 0
Bumblaster Azzanation (on 17 March 2024)

It's nowhere near switch.

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halil23 (on 26 February 2024)

This better be false, best m$ can do is exit the hardware and focus on 3rd party software

  • -1
GymratAmarillo (on 23 February 2024)

I mean ... it was in the leaked documents so it was just a matter of time. The funny part is that this announcement could happen within months of Spencer saying they aren't planning on getting rid of physical games.

  • -1
Ayla (on 23 February 2024)

Rumored to ship with God of War Ragnarok

  • -3
kazuyamishima Ayla (on 23 February 2024)


  • -4
tslog (on 23 February 2024)

Just after Phil Spencer said he doesn’t want to stop disc base consoles….Xbox is next console revision are digital only. Is this another gigantic lie by Phil Spencer ? Why no disk version available ?

Will the next-gen Xbox console be Xbox last disk Console ?
After all the abuse digital consumers have been getting with their digital content, I’d be terrified.

  • -7
Gettysburg4 tslog (on 23 February 2024)

He can't say they are going all digital without infuriating existing disc based console owners. I would say we can read between the lines.. there will be no more disc based xbox consoles, but there are going to be more xbox game releases on disc, just not all games, and perhaps not even the majority going forward (it will be up to each publisher).

Perhaps there is an outside chance they will offer a connectable disc drive that can be purchased separately like Sony have delivered for PS5.

  • -1
Bumblaster Gettysburg4 (on 25 February 2024)

You might not even see another Xbox judging by their awful console sales.

  • +1
DroidKnight tslog (on 23 February 2024)

There is already a series X version with a disc drive. I didn't read where it would be discontinued.

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Gettysburg4 DroidKnight (on 25 February 2024)

I believe in the small print on the slide that shows off the unreleased digital console (that came out during the trial) it does indeed mention the previous xbox being discontinued, it is just they refer to it by its code-name, rather than as a Series X. It will discontinue when the digital only console is released. Might actually be good for the resale values of the non-digital Series X though, like the PS3's that retained backwards compatibility when the new versions lost it, they ended up being worth more second hand rather than less. I'd be ok with that.

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smroadkill15 Gettysburg4 (on 25 February 2024)

Okay but you do realize those slides are not a guarantee? We saw games that don't even exist in those slides and release dates for games that should have released by now. Hardware is no different and nothing is certain.

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Gettysburg4 smroadkill15 (on 26 February 2024)

yeah that is true, but to me their messaging still seems to suit what was in there, but they could certainly decide to go another way, that is for sure, and may have even have decided that months ago.

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