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Xbox Bringing 4 Games to PS5 and Switch

Xbox Bringing 4 Games to PS5 and Switch - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 February 2024 / 6,125 Views

Following rumors that Xbox will be releasing some of its games to other platforms like the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, the company has released its Xbox Business update.

Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer announced they will be releasing four Xbox console exclusives to other platforms. This includes two community-driven games and two smaller titles. The developers will announce what these games are in the near future.

Spencer stated Starfield and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle are not part of the four games.

Sources have told The Verge and VideoGamesChronicle the four titles are Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, and Grounded.

Spencer an interview with The Verge was asked about the rumors of Starfield and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle coming to PS5 and he said, "I don’t think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform. We’re focused on these four games and learning from the experience.

"But I don’t want to create a false expectation on those other platforms that this is somehow the first four to get over the dam and then the dam’s going to open and that everything else is coming, that’s not the plan today. I also don’t want to mislead customers on those other platforms. We’re launching these four games, and we’re excited about it. We’re excited about the announce and everything else, but we’ll see what happens for our business."

A post on Xbox Wire reads, "To ensure long-term success for both Xbox and the industry as a whole, we must continue to evolve. Today we announced that we will expand the communities we reach: we are currently in the process of bringing four Xbox games to other platforms.

"These are titles which have been available to Xbox players for at least a year, including hidden gems that deserve to be experienced more widely, and live service games whose communities will benefit from welcoming even more players. We will share more details on these titles soon.

"By bringing these games to more players, we not only expand the reach and impact of those titles, but this will allow us to invest in either future versions of these games, or elsewhere in our first-party portfolio. There is no fundamental change to our approach on exclusivity."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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2zosteven (on 15 February 2024)

if i was a microsoft shareholder id be happy!

  • +9
hellobion2 2zosteven (on 15 February 2024)

if i was a playstation shareholder i would be happy too

  • +1
siebensus4 2zosteven (on 15 February 2024)

I still don't know if losing exclusive games is that positive for a console...

  • +2
hellobion2 siebensus4 (on 15 February 2024)

Correct I should have thought about that. Especially with PlayStation holding Sony afloat

  • 0
KLAMarine hellobion2 (on 16 February 2024)

"Especially with PlayStation holding Sony afloat"


  • +2
scrapking KLAMarine (on 16 February 2024)

Yeah, Sony's financials aren't very good outside of the PS unit, most of the time.

  • 0
CGI-Quality scrapking (on 17 February 2024)

Eh, "Especially with PlayStation holding Sony afloat" is still the wrong verbiage. Game & Network Services brings in the MOST, sure, but Entertainment Technology & Services and Financial Services are still very important sectors within the company.

  • +4
DonFerrari CGI-Quality (on 19 February 2024)

I think the past 5 to 10 years most divisions have been profitable, a clear turn from the mid to end PS3 time.

  • +2
scrapking 2zosteven (on 16 February 2024)

Is it that big a deal for Microsoft's share price? I watch Microsoft's share price pretty closely (I am a Microsoft shareholder... well, sort of, I bought into a derivative that's based on Microsoft's share price) and I don't expect to see a big shift based on this news.

  • -1
2zosteven scrapking (on 16 February 2024)

probably not unless you are a large stake shareholder.

  • -1
scrapking 2zosteven (on 17 February 2024)

Well, Microsoft's worth trillions, so my stake is pathetically small. :P

  • +1
Machina (on 15 February 2024)

This obviously makes bottom line financial sense, and it sounds like MS will port to other platforms in a similar fashion to Sony porting to Steam: a few hand-picked titles, all well after the initial launch, with some exceptions (e.g. live service games that live and die based on their userbases).

BUT, it makes Xbox hardware even more irrelevant. If there are no guaranteed console exclusives ('I don't think we should ever rule out'), and no real hard exclusives any more (because of Steam releases), and also no hard red lines for what won't be ported (to encourage people to buy into your platform confident that certain games they want will never be ported), what incentive is there for anyone who isn't already in the Xbox ecosystem to ever buy one? Price alone, probably, which isn't a huge selling point on its own, and doubly so if your main priority is the bottom line, because the price is unlikely to be aggressively competitive anyway. Xbox hardware will wither away.

  • +7
scrapking Machina (on 16 February 2024)

I'd argue what's really making console hardware irrelevant is the PC. Almost everything comes to PC., after all. I think it's inevitable that Sony will bring their full slate of exclusives to PC. So if you want to play everything, you get a PC, right?

So I don't think it's just Xbox hardware being more irrelevant, its consoles in general being more irrelevant.

They'll still sell Xboxes to those what want a streamlined interface and cheaper hardware than a PC, but who also want Game Pass. They'll also sell Xboxes to those with huge back catalogues of Xbox games, or heavily invested in any series that isn't coming to Sony or Nintendo.

But most everyone else can and should just get a PC, it seems to me. So Xbox will be around for a long time, but it will gradually become more niche as time goes on. But the same will be true for PS, IMO. If you can get God of War, Forza, Spider-Man, Gears, Horizon, etc., all in the same space, that's a pretty compelling offering TBH.

The outlier is Game Pass. If Game Pass does really take off (100+ million subscribers), then that could create a reason for people to get an Xbox, simply because they're cheaper than PCs. Or if Microsoft does something interesting/unique with the Xbox form factor (such as the handheld rumours).

  • 0
DonFerrari scrapking (on 19 February 2024)

Yes... that is why PS is struggling really hard to sell this gen...

  • 0
Angelv577 (on 16 February 2024)

the gates are open... any xbox game is open for consideration now...

  • +5
Manlytears Angelv577 (on 16 February 2024)

Very true

  • +1
Jumpinbeans (on 16 February 2024)

Basically this is an admission that GP has pretty much reached its limit on Xbox/pc and for there to be growth (along the lines of what they were expecting), they are having to look at other avenues. It all comes down to $.

  • +5
DonFerrari Jumpinbeans (on 19 February 2024)

Considering the 34M of GP with PC, TV, Smartphone, Xbox and Gold being made into GP Core (in a way the total of GP+Gold was higher than 34M 2 years ago) them yes I think they hit a ceiling and now growth will be very slow.

  • 0
Blood_Tears (on 15 February 2024)

Article should probably be edited to state that Starfield and Indiana Jones are not amongst these first 4 games but Spencer didn't rule out those titles in the future in the interview with Tom Warren from the Verge.

  • +4
Manlytears Blood_Tears (on 15 February 2024)

From The Verge (

"You mentioned that Starfield and Indiana Jones aren't part of the four despite rumors, but will those ever come to PS5? Can you rule that out?
I don't think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform. We're focused on these four games and learning from the experience.
But I don't want to create a false expectation on those other platforms that this is somehow the first four to get over the dam and then the dam's going to open and that everything else is coming, that's not the plan today. I also don't want to mislead customers on those other platforms. We're launching these four games, and we're excited about it. We're excited about the announce and everything else, but we'll see what happens for our business"

So yeah, it's confirmed. They are just playing damage control.

  • 0
Libara Manlytears (on 15 February 2024)

This is a hilarious amount of reaching.

  • -8
ClassicGamingWizzz Libara (on 15 February 2024)

We are all xbox now

  • 0
hellobion2 ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

if you have a pc you are xbox.

  • 0
XDKrieg33 hellobion2 (on 16 February 2024)


  • 0
scrapking XDKrieg33 (on 16 February 2024)

You are if you choose to use Xbox services on the PC (Game Pass, Xbox achievements, PlayAnywhere, Xbox matchmaking, xCloud, etc.).

  • +1
DonFerrari scrapking (on 19 February 2024)

Or if you used Minecraft and decided to login. That is how they reached that 130+ MAU.

  • 0
Manlytears Libara (on 16 February 2024)

I disagree.

  • 0
Bandorr Manlytears (on 15 February 2024)

I believe it was said that all 4 games have been out on xbox for over a year.

Starfield has been out for around 5 months.
Indiana jones isn't even out yet.

I think "damage control" and "confirmed" goes too far. But I also think it is impossible to predict the future.

  • +8
Manlytears Bandorr (on 16 February 2024)

You have a fair point, perhaps you are right. That Said, i still think Xbox is trying to "control the wildfire" and have plans for more games on PS5.

  • 0
Bandorr Manlytears (on 16 February 2024)

Yes their lack of certainty is interesting. If they say no games but later decide it is better to do more games that will cause more backlash than just "there may be games".

Plus there is a real possibility they really don't know. Kinda feels like a no win situation.

  • +2
scrapking Bandorr (on 16 February 2024)

Agreed. Microsoft saying they'll never bring AAA games to PS or Nintendo makes no sense. That'd be like Sony saying they'll never release a single-player game game day-and-date on PC. Why box yourself in when you're genuinely not sure yourself if and when that might happen, eh?

  • 0
Hiku Manlytears (on 15 February 2024)

I don't think that classifies as "confirmed".
Besides, the rumors and evidence regarding those games were much weaker than say Hi-Fi Rush, which was reported by a lot of outlets and further supported by a datamine. It makes no sense for Xbox to burn that bridge and claim they are definitely never coming to other systems in the future.

  • +5
Imaginedvl Hiku (on 15 February 2024)

They, very clearly, confirmed that it is NOT coming. I mean, you people need to stop it. The dude says with WORDS that it is not coming, and you find a way to spin whatever vague thing that has nothing to do with those games he says after as "confirmation" that the games are coming.

And the "reporting" from a "lot" of outlets ALL came from the same source and basically just repeated whatever they heard or made up some shit up (like they "knew" Indiana Jones was going to Play Station...) ...

Not burning the bridge is one thing, but they def. have no plan to bring those two games on the Play Station at this point. End of the story. Anything else is just speculation from people who believe that IF this happens, and IF that happens, and IF that too happens, and IF blah blah, yes, MAYBE there is a chance... At this rate, the same can be said for Play Station and Nintendo... This is the same thing when they clearly said that Starfield would be exclusive and people continued to come up with all sort of things speculating that it was not clear… just freaking get over it.

At this point, this is getting ridiculous. Basically, anyone can just state whatever the fuck they want... Cause even if we got confirmation from one source, they come up "yah but you never know, they can change their mind if X or Y or Z happens"... No shit... lol

  • -1
Hiku Imaginedvl (on 15 February 2024)

I'm very confused by your first paragraph. I told the other person I wouldn't classify that as confirmed, and you're saying I'm spinning it to mean it is confirmed?

Second paragraph. I specified that I'm talking about Hi-Fi Rush. Which did not all come from the same source, was backed up by a datamine, which got corroborated/confirmed by others such as Tom Warren. I'm saying that rumor held a lot more weight than say Indiana Jones, so I'm not sure why you're grouping them together? For the record, I've stated these things days ago on this forum, and what Phil said in the podcast was exactly as I said in those posts. That they should present a few games. While shooting down some of the untrue rumors that they had no plans for, like Starfield. That's what I said they should do.

Third paragraph. With 'not burning bridges' I'm explaining to the other person why they didn't outright say "they are never coming". No one should have expected them to say that even if they don't have any plans for it currently. It's basic PR and business sense. So for him to seemingly take that as a sign meaning it's confirmed that they do have plans for those games, I tried to explain why that's the wrong way to look at it.

Seems like you missunderstood my whole post tbh, to the point where I thought you responded to the wrong person at first, until I read the quotes.

  • +1
Imaginedvl Hiku (on 16 February 2024)

Yes I believe I misunderstood you :) With some coffee now it makes more sense to me :D For some reason I have interpreted it the other way around…

  • +1
Gettysburg4 Imaginedvl (on 16 February 2024)

I think it means they'll use this first batch of games as a test case. If they sell well... I would fully expect the other games to port over as well. As Xbox sales slow further, they'll need the revenue.

  • -1
Manlytears Hiku (on 16 February 2024)

Fair enough. But i still hold what i said as perfectly possible and likely outcome.

  • 0
Mnementh Manlytears (on 15 February 2024)

Yeah, it's confirmed, we will all see, Starfield will come to PS in 10 years or earlier! You heard it here first!

  • 0
trunkswd Blood_Tears (on 15 February 2024)

Updated the article saying Starfield and Indiana Jones are not part of the 4 games. I misheard him what he said on the first listen of the podcast.

  • +5
method114 trunkswd (on 15 February 2024)

Don’t worry it was done intentionally to mislead people.

  • -3
smroadkill15 method114 (on 15 February 2024)

How are they misleading anyone? Just because they didn't say, yes or no, doesn't mean anyone is mislead. They are being open about leaving the possibility of it happening some day, but not currently in the works. That is the opposite of being mislead lol.

  • +7
Esparadrapo smroadkill15 (on 15 February 2024)

Same way they told people that not every first party would simultaneously launch on PC back in 2016.

  • -1
smroadkill15 Esparadrapo (on 15 February 2024)

"We'll get to the point where that's the intent for every title," said back in March 2016.
Then E3 2016 had MS announcing Xbox Play Anywhere for PC and Xbox.

There are some 1st party games like Age of Empires and Ara not releasing simultaneously on PC and Xbox so was never misleading. Anyways, you get a cookie for trying at least.

  • +1
Imaginedvl Esparadrapo (on 15 February 2024)

They said the opposite. It is people like you who ‘heard’ or interpreted it differently. That’s on you… not them. They clearly said that the goal was to have all games releasing at the same time.

  • 0
Imaginedvl smroadkill15 (on 15 February 2024)

Even worse they say clearly no. But this is also not enough. And funny enough it is all the people on the Play Station side that find this ‘No it is coming to Play Station’ vague enough to make them believe that it is not clear….

Go figure

  • 0
method114 Imaginedvl (on 16 February 2024)

He clearly said no to them being one of the 4 titles coming to PS. lol this is exactly what I was talking about.

  • 0
method114 smroadkill15 (on 16 February 2024)

Read the comment by imaginedvl below. Kindofunnygames even reported that MS said Starfield and indiana Jones will not be multiplatform. VGchartz also made that mistake. Do you think this all happened by coincidence? Or do you think maybe the biggest company in history created a carefully crafted podcast, question that they knew had a very high likely hood of people misunderstanding what they were saying?

  • 0
smroadkill15 method114 (on 17 February 2024)

I'm taking in ALL the information said, not just one source. I don't care how certain individuals want to interpret what was said. If someone doesn't understand after everything was said, then that's on them. They say these 4 games for now, and possibly more games later. Right now, no plans for Starfield and Indiana Jones, but doesn't rule it out completely.

  • 0
ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

I want to play elders scrolls 6 on my ps6, this is good news.

  • +4
Libara ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

You won't be playing ES6 on PS.

  • -7
2zosteven Libara (on 15 February 2024)

i hope you are wrong

  • +5
The Fury 2zosteven (on 16 February 2024)

It won't be PS6, more like PS9. Bethesda likes making us wait. :P

  • +6
dane007 ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

That won't happen

  • -9
2zosteven dane007 (on 15 February 2024)

i hope you are wrong

  • +4
Manlytears ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

You can't... util you can.

  • +5
Bandorr Manlytears (on 15 February 2024)

Yep. You can never be certain about the future. Specially that far in the future.

  • +10
Mnementh ClassicGamingWizzz (on 15 February 2024)

Actually it isn't. Except you want to play it on your PS7 5 years after Xbox-players. They release older games.

  • -4
Azzanation ClassicGamingWizzz (on 16 February 2024)

Lets hope the PS6 can emulate for you.

  • +1
Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

4 games im guessing will cross

Live Service
Sea Of Thieves

Hidden Gems
Hi Fi Rush

However Redfall or Flight Sim could also be chances

  • +3
SecondWar Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

Not really followed what progress, if any, they’ve made on Redfall since it launched.
If its no better than it was at launch, they may well decide its not worth it.

  • -1
Hiku SecondWar (on 15 February 2024)

From the reviews I saw, people seem to think no amount of updates can reasonably save the core of that game.

  • +4
Azzanation SecondWar (on 15 February 2024)

Its more about not throwing away an investment. It could protentially sell alot more copies on PS to recoup the budget used to make it. I think its smarter to push Redfall out of the 4 games.

  • -2
Hiku Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

If it can be salvaged. Like for example Diablo 3's launch to where it ended up. But not every game can achieve that in a reasonable budget. Same concept when a game in development gets cancelled, and you cut your losses.

  • +1
Azzanation Hiku (on 15 February 2024)

Little expense to port a game from hardware to hardware there days. Redfall was suppose to be a live service. They would easily make more money than loss if they didnt port it. Guess it comes down to if its actually worth it.
Redfall is still being supported so it would be insane not to release it on other platforms.

No Man Sky is a perfect example of this. Flopped at launch, was fixed and later released on multiple platforms.

  • 0
Hiku Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

I wasn't referring to the porting, but the fixing of the game. Not sure they'd want to port it in its current state?

  • 0
Dallinor Azzanation (on 16 February 2024)

Flopped at launch? It sold 1.17 million copies on PS4 launch week and 850k on steam in 2016. It sold very well at launch.

  • 0
Azzanation Dallinor (on 16 February 2024)

Sold well at launch due to mismarketing. Would have been alot of requested refunds shortly after.
Same for DriveClub on PS4. It went on to sell 2m copies. Launch sales aren't a good indicated on a game's success.
Sometimes games score lucky because it might be the only option like Knack, which also sold 2m.

  • 0
Dallinor Azzanation (on 18 February 2024)

Driveclub sold 4.76 million as per the Sony leak. NMS was a success from week one, on one platform. Critically, and content wise you can argue differently, but the sales show a small indie team making a massive new IP that sold millions.

  • 0
Azzanation Dallinor (on 18 February 2024)

It was only a success in marketing and overhyping sales at launch. NMS went through hell after that with a plethora of refunds and was critically hurt, media wise and socisl wise.
Hello Games hurt their brand with it.

NMS has turned it around over the years but at launch, it was as bad as any. Those that brought it like me, were suckers by the marketing.

  • 0
SecondWar Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

The dev cost for the original release is a sunk cost.
It would be considered a new investment of the cost to port to PS, which in those terms probably would make it more appealing.

  • -2
Azzanation SecondWar (on 15 February 2024)

Porting a game over with these modern systems would cost peanuts, only expense is paying Sony license fees.

  • -1
Mnementh Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

Flight Sim - so PS5 users can also download 1TB to once fly over their house :-P

  • 0
Garrus Azzanation (on 15 February 2024)

Redfall on PS5 would make sense if they thought they could sell copies. I think however they want to focus on games that are in heavy demand to be ported.

  • 0
KLAMarine (on 18 February 2024)

Considering consoles are sold at a loss (I think), it only makes sense some want to cut out that middle man.

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160rmf (on 17 February 2024)

Fingers crossed for Rare Replay

  • 0
The Fury (on 16 February 2024)

Board be like "We just purchased 2 publishers for 80 billion and you want to remove their games from where we sell them? We want our money back."

  • 0
KLAMarine (on 16 February 2024)

I want to know what games.

  • 0
LivncA_Dis3 (on 16 February 2024)

Yes the gates are finally open,

Starfield or any other major games might have a chance as years pass by to release on other consoles

  • 0
KLAMarine (on 15 February 2024)

Microsoft has always been software at heart. MicroSOFT...

  • 0
Moseskyle83 (on 15 February 2024)

So it’s got to be sea of thieves which is a guarantee but can’t think of the other live game n the small games are definitely HI FI rush n 🤔

  • 0
EpicRandy Moseskyle83 (on 15 February 2024)

Those are believe to Be Sea of Thieves, Pentiment, Hi-Fi rush and Grounded. Thought I can't shake the idea that, after properly fixing Redfall, it might be a good idea to use such opportunity with it to give it a second chance.

  • 0
dane007 EpicRandy (on 15 February 2024)

Redfall would be funny

  • 0
trunkswd Moseskyle83 (on 15 February 2024)

Sea of Thieves, Hi Fi Rush, Grounded, and Pentiment are the 4 most likely titles.

  • +10
Random_Matt (on 15 February 2024)

The floodgates will open, we all knew the melodrama would continue. More questions and answers.

  • -2
Mr Puggsly (on 15 February 2024)

I will read and watch nothing from this article. I just look forward to playing Halo on PS5 and Switch soon.

  • -3
tslog (on 15 February 2024)

Exactly what I said. Small games first using the boiling frog strategy, and maybe bigger games later.
Failure of Phil Spencer and Matt Booty is why these games are coming to other consoles much sooner then they wanted, if at all.

  • -4
Azzanation tslog (on 15 February 2024)

Failure in what way?

  • +2