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Despera Drops for Switch Headed West in 2025

Despera Drops for Switch Headed West in 2025 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 February 2024 / 1,742 Views

Publisher Aksys Games and developer Red Entertainment announced the otome visual novel, Despera Drops, will launch for the Nintendo Switch in North America and Europe in 2025. 

The game is currently available in Japan for the Nintendo Switch.

View the announcement trailer below:

Read details on the game below:

In the summer of 2028, Mika Amamine, studying abroad at a university in Bologna, Italy, visits Rome for a short trip with friends to celebrate the end of exams. However, during that trip, she encounters a murder incident and is subsequently arrested as a suspect.

While being transported in a police vehicle, it suddenly overturns in an accident, freeing Mika along with six other criminals and they all become fugitives. Mysterious attackers appear, targeting the unique “power” that Mika possesses, and the group finds themselves pursued by both the police and the attackers.

The secret hidden within Mika’s power, the identity of the attackers, and the truth behind the murder incident that started it all… Can they unravel these mysteries and reclaim a normal life?

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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hellobion2 (on 01 February 2024)

Sounds like a fun time warp visual novel!

  • +4
SuperNintend0rk hellobion2 (on 01 February 2024)

Sounds like you're going to continue to copy and paste extremely generic comments in every single article lol

  • +4
hellobion2 SuperNintend0rk (on 01 February 2024)

um no. I am an anime fan and this trailer remind me of time warp. And i have played many visual novels.

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SuperNintend0rk hellobion2 (on 01 February 2024)

You're welcome to have an opinion but maybe don't feel the need to share it in every article.

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hellobion2 SuperNintend0rk (on 01 February 2024)

i agree with you on that point. But I do like to share my thoughts on different articles but will try to put more thought instead of saying "visual novel"!!! and think for a minute before i post. Thank you for the advice.

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SuperNintend0rk hellobion2 (on 01 February 2024)

No worries. Your comments wouldn't seem so generic if there weren't so many lol

  • +1