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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 September 2023 / 6,625 Views

Here we see data representing the sales through to consumers and change in sales performance of the three current platforms (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch) and two legacy platforms (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) over comparable periods for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Also shown is the market share for each of the consoles over the same periods.

Year to Date Sales Comparison (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August

Market Share (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August

2020 – (January 2020 to August 2020)

2021 – (January 2021 to August 2021)

2022 – (January 2022 to August 2022)

2023 – (January 2023 to August 2023)

"Year to date" sales for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 sales are shown in series at the top of the table and then just below a comparison of 2023 versus 2022 and 2023 versus 2021 is displayed.  This provides an easy-to-view summary of all the data.

Total Sales and Market Share for Each Year

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Americas Sales Comparison Charts Through August


  • Xbox Series X|S
    • 2.01 million units sold year-to-date
    • Down year-on-year 740,627 units (-26.9%)


  • Nintendo Switch
    • 3.05 million units sold year-to-date
    • Down year-on-year 265,081 units (-8.0%)


  • PlayStation 5
    • 3.85 million units sold year-to-date
    • Up year-on-year 1,367,985 units (55.0%)
  • PlayStation 4
    • 0.06 million units sold year-to-date
    • Up year-on-year 15,196 (34.5%)

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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siebensus4 (on 17 September 2023)

Xbox numbers are back on 2021 level of sales. Losing 26 % compared to the previous year isn't a good sign in a console's 3rd year.

  • +2
Garrus siebensus4 (on 17 September 2023)

yeah the switch collapsed in the 5th year, which is more normal, losing all your sales in your third year is a very bad sign for microsoft

got to get a new console out soon then

32GB ram, RTX 5070, Xbox, just go for it, do something different: ARM+NVidia

  • 0
Qwark Garrus (on 18 September 2023)

Xbox is much closer with AMD though than Playstation. But definitely agree they need to undercut the PS6

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Garrus Qwark (on 15 October 2023)

the problem is Xbox's me too attitude

I don't want ray tracing but nvidia would provide it cheaply

Give us more performance in a Series S looking console, ARM + NVidia 32GB of VRAM, give us the VRAM to give us good textures once and for all

PS4 games already looked great outside of the textures, and RT was not an improvement, I just wanted all my textures fixed

was so disappointed in the textures of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, but it wasn't their fault, not enough ram in the consoles

jedi survivor still has bad textures, need 32GB of vram

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