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Switch Accounted for 42% of Consoles Sold During UK Black Friday, Xbox Series for 40%, and PS5 18%

Switch Accounted for 42% of Consoles Sold During UK Black Friday, Xbox Series for 40%, and PS5 18% - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 December 2022 / 10,242 Views

The Nintendo Switch was the best-selling console during Black Friday week in the UK, according to GfK data reported by GamesIndustry.

The Switch accounted for 42 percent of all console's sold during Black Friday week as it was helped by a bundle that included a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and three months of Nintendo Switch Online. However, sales were down compared to last year.

The Xbox Series X|S came in second place with sales right behind the Switch with 40 percent of consoles sold. Microsoft reduced the price of the Xbox Series S for Black Friday, which helped boost sales. 

Switch Accounted for 42% of Consoles Sold During UK Black Friday, Xbox Series for 40% and PS5 18%

The PS5 was in a distant third with accounting for just 18 percent of all consoles sold. It did see a small discount on Digital Edition.

The total number of consoles sold over Black Friday week are similar to last year in the UK.

"Console hardware volumes over Black Friday week are similar to last year and Switch was again No.1," said GfK boss Dorian Bloch. "However, overall Switch volumes are way down over Black Friday 2021, as both Sony and Microsoft also targeted Black Friday week with tempting offers."

All three consoles had their best-selling week of 2022 for the week. 

Overall when you include consoles, physical game sales, and accessories, Black Friday 2022 sales are up four percent compared to last year and is the eighth biggest Black Friday in the UK out of the 10 that have taken place.

"Black Friday 2013 week remains the biggest and coincided with the PS4 launch," said Bloch. "Outside of Black Friday weeks, the biggest all-time week on record is back in 2020, which was the PS5 launch and the second week of the Xbox Series X and S."

Switch Accounted for 42% of Consoles Sold During UK Black Friday, Xbox Series for 40% and PS5 18%

Revenue for Black Friday 2022 was split with 41 percent for consoles, 39 percent for accessories, and 21 percent for physical games. 81 percent of Black Friday 2022 sales were from online retailers.

Black Friday 2022 was the number one week ever for VR revenue in the UK, driven by the Meta Quest 2 bundle that included Resident Evil 4.

"Controllers remained the No.2 gaming accessory," Bloch said. "This was driven in particular by Microsoft's controller deals and strong hardware sales for all three consoles, which drove controller take-up. It was the best controller week since Black Friday 2019."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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jvmkdg (on 01 December 2022)

what happened to the 3.2 million in stock?

  • +9
Qwark jvmkdg (on 01 December 2022)

Went to US which has better value for its currency the euro and the pound even more was till medio november in free fall, also US is closer to China than Europe

  • +2
aTokenYeti Qwark (on 01 December 2022)

I wouldn't be surprised if this is correct. Anecdotally in my part of the US I have been fairly regularly seeing PS5s on shelves in the last week or two. It seems like they are out there if you want them and are in the US. Their prices on eBay have also cratered here.

  • +3
kazuyamishima Qwark (on 01 December 2022)

I think you are right, the price of the PS5 in UK is 480 pounds and after VAT is around 384 pounds which converted to USD is around 470.

Every people buying a PS5 (disc version) in the US is paying USD 499 (without tax).

  • -3
scrapking kazuyamishima (on 01 December 2022)

Not to mention shipping costs from Asia to the U.S. are likely lower than from Asia to the UK.

  • +2
DeEscapist Qwark (on 02 December 2022)

Xbox won black friday in the US this year :)

  • +3
y2jarmyofficial DeEscapist (on 02 December 2022)

Looks like it

  • 0
darthv72 (on 01 December 2022)

Lots of happy kids this christmas morning.

  • +6
aTokenYeti (on 01 December 2022)

I think there is a decent chance Xbox will outsell playstation globally for black friday week but I think the Switch has enough stock to take the global number 1 spot

  • +6
DeEscapist aTokenYeti (on 02 December 2022)

Xbox won black friday in the US.

  • +2
siebensus4 (on 01 December 2022)

There's really no need for a Switch successor if the current system still outsells the competitors.

  • +5
2zosteven siebensus4 (on 01 December 2022)

eventually everyone who wants one will have one, maybe 2, then a new system is needed.

  • +2
DonFerrari siebensus4 (on 02 December 2022)

The reason to replace systems is SW sales not HW sales, but from what we know SW is also holding quite strong.

  • +2
Slownenberg (on 01 December 2022)

Ouuuuch for Sony!! Wow. Sounds like switch did well as always, xbox got a huge boost thanks to big discount, and playstation got clobbered.

  • +5
drkohler Slownenberg (on 01 December 2022)

Sony: We need the money to stay afloat
MS (Phil Spencer recently: "We lose between $100-$200 per console sold)": Let's lose about $200-$250 for every console sold by heavy discounting the box.
Which one makes more sense to you, financially?

  • -7
Slownenberg drkohler (on 01 December 2022)

Software is where the money is made buddy. You sell hardware to sell the software. You don't sell the hardware to make a fortune on the hardware. So financially, MS by a long shot. It's the whole reason why these companies give big discounts on the holidays. They want to gain a ton of new people who will buy their software. Sony dropped the ball big time either by not offering discounts or not having the stock available or just people not being interested in the system.

  • +11
kazuyamishima Slownenberg (on 01 December 2022)

Mmmm, let's see, selling a million units in BF and losing about $200 million, that's about 3.3 million games MORE to be sold just to make up the loss in console sales.

Is Sony losing money by selling the PS5?

  • -7
Qwark kazuyamishima (on 01 December 2022)

I believe they said they did again because the price of recourses and components increased a lot.

  • +3
kazuyamishima Qwark (on 01 December 2022)

Yes, but now they increased the price in all markets but the US.

So, who's losing the most money... and who's making the most money by selling games between the two of them??

  • -9
Libara kazuyamishima (on 02 December 2022)

That should only ever matter to a shareholder or someone who holds substantial stock in those companies. For a consumer the only question that should be asked is which is being more consumer friendly.

  • +2
Kyuu Slownenberg (on 03 December 2022)

MS is making aggressive deals because the Series S met demand long ago, a pricedrop is required to maximize sales. Sony isn't making aggressive deal because PS5's issue so far is supply, and everyone understand this.

Both companies made decisions that best suit their situation. No mistakes were made by either.

  • +1
2zosteven drkohler (on 01 December 2022)

im sure microsoft knows what they are doing!

  • +7
The Fury 2zosteven (on 02 December 2022)

When you are making billions from other parts of the company that far outweigh the losses of another, sometimes it's worth taking the risk. Sony don't have that luxury.

  • +3
y2jarmyofficial drkohler (on 02 December 2022)

What makes sense for the company that can afford to take a loses not Sony to make deep yeah makes sense Microsoft is basically a one man treasury with more money then most countries military budgets for the year . Not USA budget of course lol

  • -5
y2jarmyofficial (on 01 December 2022)

In the U.K.? I’m a big Xbox fan an all but in the U.K.? I thought in the title it said USA sales but no . What a surprise good job on the sales must be the gamepass fever going around

  • +4
method114 y2jarmyofficial (on 01 December 2022)

Gamepass fever or no one can find a PS5?

  • -3
y2jarmyofficial method114 (on 01 December 2022)

Or both

  • +1
SanAndreasX y2jarmyofficial (on 01 December 2022)

They're selling the S at a steep discount, plus the UK probably didn't have a lot of PS5 stock.

  • +2
y2jarmyofficial SanAndreasX (on 01 December 2022)

In order of importance,big price drop 1st , no ps5 stock , and then gamepass . Though just because I put gp last doesn’t mean it’s not important. Next month monster Hunter comes to gamepass . Not a fan but I know it’s a big game . But you are right that deep discount is tempting and helped a lot

  • +1
Giggity_goo (on 02 December 2022)

the price drop of the series s was to tempting i already own the x or i would of got one

  • +3
VAMatt (on 02 December 2022)

I imagine this is at least partially due to stock issues. I'm sure the very attractive offers on a Series S are helping Xbox sales. But I'm also sure PlayStation sales would be much higher if they were always available.

That said, here in the US, I was able to walk into a Target and buy a PlayStation 5 off the shelf Sunday evening. It was the first and only place I attempted to get one. That's just one anecdotal case obviously, but it leads me to believe that PlayStation stock isn't super terrible in the US. There were still units in stock after the entire Black Friday weekend, at least at this particular Target. And, there were multiple units available. The guy at the electronics counter said "we have a couple left". So, it wasn't luck that I happened to walk in right after somebody returned one.

  • +2
The Fury (on 01 December 2022)

Playstation wasn't on offer, anywhere. Switch and Series S were. This isn't a surprising result.

  • +2
jagleics (on 02 December 2022)

Great result for switch. Interesting that since Sony put the PS5 in price they seem easier to get hold of. Shopto never sold out and were readily available. Great to see all three consoles doing well overall, clearly a market for all to survive.

  • +1
DonFerrari (on 02 December 2022)

Did UK stock of PS5 been low? There is no mention on the article about it being sold out. Anyway very strong Xbox week.

  • +1
Random_Matt (on 01 December 2022)

Mostly S sales, for £199 it was a steal for people on low incomes.

  • +1
PaulPortland (on 01 December 2022)

It seems that all the available PS5 were put to be bought in the GOW release week...

I think that was not a good move.

  • 0
2zosteven PaulPortland (on 01 December 2022)

Why? they sell out of a system and an attached digital game at full price, seems like more profit this way.

  • +4
KratosLives 2zosteven (on 02 December 2022)

Amazon still has a lot of ps5 stock bundled with gow. It seems like people are holdingoff for only a ps5. Strange.

  • 0
Brimac19 KratosLives (on 02 December 2022)

They don’t have them now.

  • -2
Kakadu18 PaulPortland (on 02 December 2022)

All the available PS5s? The PS5 sold more in the Black Friday week than the GoW launch week.

  • 0
LivncA_Dis3 (on 03 December 2022)

Not even fair including the switch lol!
Of course they mass produced already

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OneTime (on 01 December 2022)
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Johnd (on 02 December 2022)
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