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Video Game News Twitter User Nibel Quits the Platform

Video Game News Twitter User Nibel Quits the Platform - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 31 October 2022 / 1,932 Views

Video games Twitter user Nibel (@Nibellion), known for posting video game news with nearly 450,000 followers, announced he is leaving the platform.

He recently launched a Patreon to help financially, however, he said today it has not raised enough to make running the Twitter account sustainable. 

"After some introspection, I've made the decision to focus my time and energy elsewhere and move on from Twitter," Nibel tweeted on his account that has since been locked. "This marks the end of my video games coverage and my active participation in this platform. Thanks to everybody for the fun times!"

Nibel has also posted a message on his Patreon saying users will be refunded where possible.

"Today, I will move on from both Twitter and Patreon. There won’t be any games coverage from me on either platform," Nibel wrote.

"I’ve learned a lot in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I was not able to create an interesting and sustainable Patreon which is evident in the number of Patrons stagnating during the first weekend and the first (of many) pledges being deleted during the first week.

"I have miscalculated the value of my Twitter activity and realize that it is nothing worth supporting by itself for the vast majority of people. It is not me who is popular, but it is that work that is useful. It is not valuable by itself, but a comfortable timesaver, and I get that now.

"I was unable to create a reliable revenue stream, but l’m still happy I gave it a shot. And I want to thank everybody on here who gave me a shot as well. I’ll look into refunds for recent payments, have already deactivated the billing and will likely close this page this week."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Chazore (on 31 October 2022)

I feel like this was more of an issue of him not being able to push people to his Patreon from Twitter.

I see plenty of artists and content creators that stream and push their followers into their respective platforms that generate revenue, but Nibel here only tweets news, and thus does not provide much content value outside of what every other games journalist reports on.

Had he ran a twitch stream and played games or talked about other topics, he might have had a chance at getting people to tip him on that platform and even moving onto Patreon.

In general though, I feel like most journos either have to be working for a news outlet for constant funding, or provide some side content that can generate revenue.

  • +7
Mr Puggsly (on 31 October 2022)


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OneTime Mr Puggsly (on 31 October 2022)

Good question... We need to rephrase an old saying: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, comment about it on social media."

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xMetroid (on 31 October 2022)

Big shift, he was really enjoyable to follow and so quick and efficient. Hope he's doing great and wishing him the best

  • +2
DonFerrari (on 31 October 2022)

Best of luck in your new venture.

  • +1
Ka-pi96 (on 01 November 2022)

So, some guy begged for money, largely got rejected, and so is just quitting and going home?

  • -1
JWeinCom Ka-pi96 (on 01 November 2022)

Yeah dude. We kind of rely on this thing called money to meet our needs. He didn't think this was going to be able to earn money, so he moved on. Happens every day.

  • +2
Ka-pi96 JWeinCom (on 02 November 2022)

Most people get their money from a job, not literally begging people for cash. That's exactly what patreon and the like is, no real difference from a homeless guy standing on a street corner begging for money.

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JWeinCom Ka-pi96 (on 02 November 2022)

The difference is he was producing content. He built a fanbase of nearly 500,000 followers on twitter, which is a rather impressive figure, and that doesn't happen without producing something people value. But, people liking your tweets does not pay the bills, so he tried to monetize it with a Patreon, which had more content for a fee. When that didn't work, he reevaluated whether or not this was worth it.

He offered a product. When people weren't willing to pay for it, he reevaluated whether he should continue producing it. I can't see how anything he did constitutes begging.

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CaptainExplosion (on 31 October 2022)

Twitter was already turning into a dumpster fire. Elon buying will no doubt finish the job.

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Mnementh CaptainExplosion (on 01 November 2022)

Was turning into a dumpster fire? Twitter was an abhorrent dumpster fire for at least five years now. Musk will change nothing about that, not to the better nor worse. But he could mishandle the platform and ruin it's influence. Which I would applaud, if not all people would run to the next stupid social media abyss instantly.

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