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Microsoft CEO: Xbox Series X|S Has Outsold the PS5 in North America for 3 Quarters in a Row

Microsoft CEO: Xbox Series X|S Has Outsold the PS5 in North America for 3 Quarters in a Row - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 26 July 2022 / 13,682 Views

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in an earnings call with investors has stated the Xbox Series X|S continues to be the fastest-selling Xbox generation as it is tracking ahead of the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and original Xbox.

He also revealed the Xbox Series X|S has been the market leader in the next-generation market in North America for three straight quarters.

"In Gaming, we’ve sold more consoles life-to-date than any previous generation of Xbox and have been the market leader in North America for 3 quarters in a row among next-gen consoles," said Nadella.

The Xbox Series X|S was the best-selling next-generation console in North America for the quarters ending December 2021, March 2022, and June 2022. 

Nadella referencing next-generation consoles means the Xbox Series X|S has outsold the PlayStation 5 in the three most recent quarters, but not the Nintendo Switch. 

Microsoft CEO: Xbox Series X|S Has Outsold the PS5 in North America for 3 Quarters in a Row

The Microsoft CEO said more than four million people have streamed Fortnite via Xbox Cloud Gaming, including over one million new users to the Xbox ecosystem.

"We’ve partnered with Epic Games to make Fortnite available for free via the browser," said Nadella. "Over 4 million people have streamed the game to date, including over 1 million who were new to our ecosystem."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Imaginedvl (on 26 July 2022)

lol, go ahead with the downvotes. But people are nuts, some of you REALLY believe that Microsoft would LIE in an earning calls just because you want numbers to prove it? If they are saying that, it is pretty much a fact (and they have the numbers to prove it if required).

  • +23
VAMatt Imaginedvl (on 26 July 2022)

Yeah. They would face a huge number of shareholder lawsuits and a big SEC fine if they lied.

  • +12
G2ThaUNiT (on 26 July 2022)

It would be hilarious if someone purchased a bunch of Microsoft stock just to ask, "and the number of units sold is.....?" similar to the diehard F-Zero fan buying $40,000 of Nintendo stock just to ask Nintendo when they were going to make another F-Zero lol. Even if it's once a year, just give us a number! There's really no point in making claims like this without numbers to back it up.

  • +9
pukem0n G2ThaUNiT (on 26 July 2022)

I'm sure a bunch of shareholders are asking and MS just doesn't give a fuck and doesn't tell them.

  • -8
DonFerrari G2ThaUNiT (on 26 July 2022)

They would say "it is a lot, trust us" =p
we will know the right number whenever they give a news that exclude some system.

  • -1
scrapking DonFerrari (on 05 August 2022)

Yeah. If Microsoft wanted to divulge the number, they would. Microsoft's stock is so broadly owned, that it's likely no one shareholder has enough shares to force Microsoft to answer any one specific question.

  • +1
zippy (on 27 July 2022)

Great to hear, I'm loving my series s/ Gamepass combo

  • +5
Ayla (on 27 July 2022)

Europe is next.

  • +2
kazuyamishima (on 26 July 2022)

Nothing that we didn't already knew because of VGC

  • +2
V-r0cK (on 27 July 2022)

Well that's great for MS but you gotta love how funny they are. When their console sales are bad they just keep that hush and will instead brag about how many XBL users their are (cough like last gen), or 'X' amount of people 'demo' this certain game via Gamepass.

  • +1
Mr.GameCrazy (on 28 July 2022)

Congrats to Microsoft!

  • 0
Red_Beard (on 27 July 2022)

I mean, it probably helps that actually finding a PS5 to buy is kinda rare.

  • 0
scrapking Red_Beard (on 05 August 2022)

True. But for Microsoft, Xbox consoles are no longer the platform. Xbox Live/Game Pass is the platform, and they don't care if you access it with your old console, your new console, a PC, a mobile device, a smart TV, etc.

The ability to stream some Xbox Series titles to Xbox One consoles makes upgrading less important in the Xbox ecosystem than on the PS5 (where there's currently no way to play, for example, the new Ratchet and Clank on a PS4). I know a few people who were quick to upgrade to an Xbox One or a PS4 last-gen, who have been happy sticking with their Xbox One consoles even as Xbox Series consoles become more broadly available, thanks to game streaming.

  • 0
aTokenYeti (on 26 July 2022)

This sounds about correct, yes?

  • 0
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DonFerrari trunkswd (on 26 July 2022)

If MS lied on any public information it would give them fines and whatnot since they are a traded company. They may mislead, distort, be evasive, etc. But when they affirm something it is true (one of the reasons I laughed when ioi said "if Sony numbers are to be believed" on the first 10M streach of PS4).

  • -3
SanAndreasX trunkswd (on 27 July 2022)

I believe that would be a huge violation of SEC rules.

  • +4
D34DL1N3R (on 28 July 2022)

Amusing how it wasn't mentioned that PS5 sales are still around 5 million units ahead of Series X|S.

  • -2
Imaginedvl D34DL1N3R (on 28 July 2022)

How are you amazed by that. On what planet do you expect any business out there to say that during ‘their’ earning call… your comment makes no sense…

  • -1
D34DL1N3R Imaginedvl (on 30 July 2022)

I never said I was amazed, kid. You need to go back to school and learn how to read before making stupid comments and accusing others of making no sense. Now, go crawl back under your bridge.

  • -3
Dante9 (on 27 July 2022)

I don't think they are lying. They just aren't mentioning that it is because of stock issues.

  • -3
DonFerrari (on 26 July 2022)

Still gives no number.
And in other news MS sent more stock to USA than Sony.

  • -3
LivncA_Dis3 (on 28 July 2022)

Ps5 isn't being made much,
Oh if only stocks were plentiful Xbox would drown yet again from the surge of Karen's wanting to buy a ps5 for their sons and grandsons

  • -4
jvmkdg (on 26 July 2022)

publish a quantity of units sold nothing?

  • -6
DonFerrari jvmkdg (on 26 July 2022)

Numbers don't matter, it just matter that they can brag for the quarter and sometime in the future they will stop mentioning winning because......

  • -6
DroidKnight DonFerrari (on 26 July 2022)

......,because a billion zombies killed here, millions of hours there, kazillion shots fired, lol. It doesn't matter, never will. As long as the stock holders are happy.

  • +2
DonFerrari DroidKnight (on 26 July 2022)

Actually yes, if profit is coming, shares are growing and stock holders are happy the rest is kinda irrelevant for the corporation.
But for me it is still odd to mention how good you are doing but giving no numbers so people can compare and see how much that good is.

  • -4
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DroidKnight DonFerrari (on 26 July 2022)
 I think it's more odd and bothersome for their competitors.  If I knew I had information that my competition wanted and that it would irk said parties to deny the details of it, then I would continue to hoard data.
 That bit of mystique, that can only be guessed and estimated at, makes people speculate at what the true situation is. We would all like to see the numbers, good or bad.   Most, or all of us, would assume that the quiet or secretiveness of not revealing the numbers indicates that something negative is occurring. 
If it was my corporation; ,I would also remain silent when the figures are positive, no need to tilt your hand.

But the most important thing for the end users, w..wi...ife...I luv......

  • +1
DroidKnight DroidKnight (on 26 July 2022)

I have no idea why my post looks like that.

  • 0
mjk45 DroidKnight (on 27 July 2022)

Sony and Nintendo would have a fair idea , they keep an eye on their competitors they all obtain the same info from sales tracking companies the same is true for MS, That sales info is why Nadella can state that for 3 quarters in a row they have been ahead in NA and the next gen consoles wording shows he's aware of of the Switch sales as well.

  • +1
Azzanation DonFerrari (on 27 July 2022)

What numbers?

  • 0
Drakrami (on 27 July 2022)

They only want to talk about Xbox sales numbers when they are winning. What about previous years sales numbers??? lol... And even when they talk about it, it's cherry picked: we'are leading sales in America...

What about Gamepass numbers? Haven't reported since January. Anyone want to make a bet it's dropped from the 25 million, so they dont want to talk about it?

  • -7
Jumpin Drakrami (on 28 July 2022)

Yeah, that’s the point of bragging. When you’re winning.

Seriously, some people on this site…

  • 0
Manlytears (on 27 July 2022)

So... Console Sales now matter?

  • -7
DonFerrari Manlytears (on 27 July 2022)

Only in NA. And couple weeks in Japan.

  • -2
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