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Xbox Goal is to Put the Player at the Center, xCloud Could Come to Xbox One in the Future

Xbox Goal is to Put the Player at the Center, xCloud Could Come to Xbox One in the Future - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 October 2020 / 1,311 Views

Head of Xbox Phil Spencer in an interview with Kotaku said the main focus and goal for the team is to put the player at the center and to build services and games around the player experience. 

After the launch of the Xbox One the company lost trust in gamers, which led people to question "Why is Microsoft here." 

"We really think about the number of players that are playing on Xbox—and that can mean a variety of different devices and the number of games they play and how often they play," said Spencer. "That’s really the thing that drives us. And we’re seeing from that level, we’re bigger than we’ve ever been.

"I think the root of that is getting gamers to trust in the motivations of why we’re in this business. And that’s the thing I thought we lost around the launch of Xbox One, [it] was people really questioning the why behind: 'Why is Microsoft here?'

"Our goal now is putting the player at the center, building our services and our games around the player experience and making sure that they know we’re in the games business. We’re not in a different business. We don’t aspire to be in a different business. And this is something we’re incredibly committed to."

Xbox Goal is to Put the Player at the Center, Build Services and Games Around the Player

Spencer was asked if xCloud coming to the Xbox One in the future is on the table and he says "it could be a good way for us to bridge generations and be able to let people play those games."

However, he did put it behind xCloud on PC and iOS. "I don’t think it’s years off," he said. "It’s just work to get done. We know how to do it." 

The Xbox Series X and Series S will launch worldwide on November 10.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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KingJames (on 16 October 2020)

Glad to see they can acknowledge the XB1s failures and the terrible direction they were going with the brand. This is a complete turnaround

  • +4
KratosLives (on 16 October 2020)

he sure loves to talk alot. They would have been better off with don mattrick at the helm still.

  • -1
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