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Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS Gets Overview Trailer

Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS Gets Overview Trailer - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 17 November 2016 / 8,502 Views

Nintendo has released the overview trailer for Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS.

View it below:

Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS launches in Japan on December 1 and in North America and Europe on December 2.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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cody6695 (on 17 November 2016)

It sucks that there's no online level uploading, but considering all the Wii U uploads are downloadable with the DS version is a lot better than nothing!

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LuckyTrouble (on 17 November 2016)

The lack of online level sharing still kills this iteration. It removes one of the key aspects of the Wii U version. I get the street pass is supposed to work well in Japan because people actually carry their 3DS systems with them, but in Europe and the US, level sharing is going to be ridiculously limited. Unless you really like making difficult levels for yourself to basically exclusively enjoy, this title likely isn't going to have a ton of appeal.

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mountaindewslave LuckyTrouble (on 18 November 2016)

its like Nintendo never watched a Twitch stream or bothered to research what the most popular thing by far about Mario Maker is- i.e. the sharing your levels with friends online. without this aspect I'm sort of at a loss of what the fun of the game would be now. Who wants to make levels and essentially play them all by themselves

even in Japan I can't imagine every person has a plethora of friends who will just happen to be making Mario Maker levels right next to them irl. SMH Nintendo

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mountaindewslave (on 18 November 2016)

what were they thinking, the #1 selling point of Mario Maker by farrrr is the ability to be able to create and share levels with your friends via online. Like the only thing I've ever seen someone playing in this game are the 100 Mario Maker Live challenge things

this was a must buy for me and another fam member but now is not a priority at all. Nintendo needs to actually pay attention to their fanbase, goodness

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sethnintendo (on 17 November 2016)

Game looks more limited than the Wii U version but doesn't look too gimped besides only being able to share your courses with local and streetpass. This game and Pokemon should give the 3DS a pretty good holiday season.

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