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Rumor: Nintendo NX to have Pokémon, Mario and Zelda Within First 6 Months

Rumor: Nintendo NX to have Pokémon, Mario and Zelda Within First 6 Months - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 04 August 2016 / 16,628 Views

Nintendo is hard at work to ensure its upcoming platform, the NX, will have a strong lineup within its first six months, according to sources who spoke with MCVUK.

Nintendo has confirmed the NX will launch with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

The sources said the developer Game Freak will bring Pokémon to the NX, while Nintendo plans to release a new Mario game. Nintendo is also in talks with third-party developers, with Sega, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision and Warner Bros. already working on releases for the platform.

The video game giant is working hard to make sure the NX doesn't suffer the same fate as the Wii U.

This news should be treated as a rumor until confirmed.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Nem (on 04 August 2016)

Well... its not a mainline Pokemon, thats for sure. No way are they making two within 8 months.

  • +4
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Mike_L Nem (on 04 August 2016)

I agree. But it could also be Pokémon GO imo. If NX really is a Nintendo phone with detachable controllers, they'd probably want a port of the world's no. 1 mobile game (also due to the fact that they're co-owners).

Personally, I hope it's a new fully fledged 3D Pokémon adventure or a HD remake of Pokémon Red/Blue/Green.

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Zenos (on 04 August 2016)

Zelda should be a launch title and a proper 3D Mario should follow soon enough for the NX to pick up steam and establish a good user base.

  • +2
Dunban67 (on 04 August 2016)

Even if this info came direct from Nintendo via Press Release or Nintendo direct, it should be treated as a rumor until the games are released- If anyone is going to buy the NX based on a specific game or several games they would be wise to wait till those games are released not announced
The NX needs at least 3 big AAA Nintendo games in the 1st month if not at release to give the market some confidence

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NinjaFox (on 04 August 2016)

They should work with Square Enix to get a Super Mario RPG type game, but go with a Kingdom Hearts style of merging Final Fantasy and Mario (or a full line of Nintendo characters) with a supporting amiibo line. Yes, I'm basically saying make all the Final Fantasy character amiibos. AAAAALLL OF THEEEEM.

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SnowPrince (on 04 August 2016)

And also Capcom. I'm sure the next Monster Hunter game is going to run on the NX. (3DS and WiiU had the same treatment)

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Johnw1104 (on 04 August 2016)

Well they did say they were focused on providing a decent launch lineup this time around, hopefully they're not pulling our legs.

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Micolash (on 04 August 2016)

Don't almost all Nintendo system have those games within the first 6 months anyway?

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AZWification Micolash (on 04 August 2016)

Not with WiiU and 3DS. The WiiU did have New Super Mario Bros U at launch, but people were sick of those games so it didn't do much for the WiiU. There's also OoT3D, but it's a remake.

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NinjaFox Micolash (on 04 August 2016)

Take a look at the calendar, take a look at the Wii U line up. Still lacking a Zelda entry. No Pokemon entry either. And for Wii U, there's no Metroid either. They're really lacking their big titles on Wii U.

  • +1
Jranation Micolash (on 04 August 2016)

There was Pokken Tournament but that just recently came out th is year.

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fleischr (on 04 August 2016)

I would like an HD remake of Red/Blue - with a real-time battle system not unlike Xenoblade

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Mnementh fleischr (on 04 August 2016)

Real time battle system makes it a reboot, not a remake. And go away with your real-time stuff from my Pokemon, it is one of the last RPGs still doing turn based. Which is great!

  • +2
fedfed (on 04 August 2016)

They better be!

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Seventizz (on 04 August 2016)
  • -13
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