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The Order: 1886 Sells 559K First Week Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 11 March 2015 / 7,411 Views

The PlayStation 4 exclusive The Order: 1886 had a strong worldwide launch selling more than 500,000 units, according to the VGChartz Global Weekly Chart for the week ending February 21.

The Order: 1886 sold 559,008 units worldwide in its first week on sale. The game also sold 245,743 units in the US and 175,664 units in Europe. Breaking down Europe sales, it sold 37,093 units in the UK, 33,537 units in Germany and 29,749 units in France.

The game was developed by Ready at Dawn and Sony Computer Entertainment's Santa Monica Studio, and was published by Sony. The game was released worldwide on February 20.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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OnlyForDisplay (on 11 March 2015)

Hopefully this can reach up to 2 million lifetime so that they can rectify any issues to create a better sequel.

  • +2
petroleo (on 11 March 2015)

thats actually not bad for a totally new IP.

  • 0
Spakiness (on 11 March 2015)

I expect it to sell around 1,687,400 copy's. Just take Ryse: son of Rome sales and inflate the sales of Order 1886 by 43% to account for consoles sold difference.

  • 0
Michelasso (on 11 March 2015)

And that's only physical. I think I've read that the digital sales on consoles are about 25% now.

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OnlyForDisplay (on 11 March 2015)

Hopefully this can reach up to 2 million lifetime so that they can rectify any issues to create a better sequel.

  • 0
Yafea (on 11 March 2015)

great number for an ip from a former handled games developer with all the controversy. I can see it doing 1.5-2 millions. Maybe a bit more.

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kraenk12 (on 11 March 2015)

Not bad for only retail and only 2 days I say!

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BreedinBull (on 11 March 2015)

Good to see the smear campaign didn't do too much damage. Definitely will win the first to 1 million race in the forums.

  • -2
Richmyster6907 (on 11 March 2015)

It's official people will pay for a polished turd.

  • -3
kraenk12 Richmyster6907 (on 11 March 2015)


  • +3
Mystro-Sama Richmyster6907 (on 11 March 2015)

Uhh... Have you even played it?

  • +1
Michelasso Richmyster6907 (on 11 March 2015)

At least they are not paying for a broken turd..

  • +1