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Far Cry 4 Sells 1.8M Units Worldwide First Week - PS4, Xbox One, X360, PS3, PC - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 29 November 2014 / 17,061 Views

The Ubisoft FPS Far Cry 4 hit store shelves last week and worldwide first week sales are in. The game managed to sell a combined 1,805,668 units across all platforms for the week ending November 22, 2014.

Far Cry 4 for the PlayStation 4 accounted for more than half of the units sold, selling 1.02 million units. The Xbox One version sold 327,525 units, the PlayStation 3 version sold 191,358, the Xbox 360 version sold 138,266, and the PC version sold 126,514 units.

Far Cry 4 set a new record for the franchise in the UK for the biggest launch. The game also topped Steam's best sellers list in its first week. The game also managed to sell 450,000 units in the US in its first week.

Far Cry 4 launched in North America on November 20 and on November 20 in Europe. The game is available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Yafea (on 29 November 2014)

the game is amazing and deserve all the success. I hope Ubisoft don't turn this franchise into an annual series.

  • +4
Kerotan (on 29 November 2014)

PS4 absolutely killed it. They better not rin this with yearly releases. 1 game every 2 years is perfect. If they want to milk it release an expansion for the gap year similar to blood dragoon.

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Vallentagal Kerotan (on 29 November 2014)

I don't think a 2 year release cycle is good enough. The game feels too similar, which isn't completely bad. Many who enjoyed the game wish they diversified the game a bit more. In fact, all of Ubisoft's products are too homogenized.

But man, 54% of week 1 retail sales from PS4 is quite surprising.

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ps_wiro (on 29 November 2014)

Wow! sales looking good an both PlayStation platforms! Look like PlayStation might easily take holiday software lead...

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Ruler (on 29 November 2014)

seems Ubisoft has the better games lately otherwise people wouldnt complain (care) about them in the first place. EA and Activison had their days obviously.

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nanarchy Ruler (on 29 November 2014)

considering they are reasonable for assassins creed at best you can say they have produced a mixed bag of good games and complete and utter crap.

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ps-sidahmed (on 29 November 2014)

i bet far cry 5 is already in development

  • +1
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Viltsu300 ps-sidahmed (on 30 November 2014)

They said that there will be no Blood Dragon 2.

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