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PlayStation 3 Lifetime Sales Overtakes the Xbox 360 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 28 May 2013 / 192,366 Views

After more than six years of playing catch up, lifetime PlayStation 3 sales have passed lifetime Xbox 360 sales to become the second bestselling home console for the seventh generation. According to VGChartz latest sales data the PlayStation 3 has sold 77,313,472 units to date, while the Xbox 360 has sold 77,311,669 units.

The PlayStation 3 first launched on November 11, 2006, nearly one year after the Xbox 360, which launched on November 22, 2005.

The gap was just over five million units when the PlayStation 3 launched, but it grew to more than eight million units as the PlayStation 3 struggled to take off when it first launched. However, after the first console redesign, price cuts and major software releases the PlayStation 3 started outselling the Xbox 360 on a weekly basis.

In 2010, the PlayStation 3 managed to catch up by 600,000 units and in 2011 by nearly 900,000 units.  In 2012, the PlayStation 3 sold 12.73 million units, while the Xbox 360 managed to sell 11.10 million units. In just the first five months of 2013 the PlayStation 3 has outsold the Xbox 360 by one million units.

The Wii, the bestselling home console for the seventh generation, is 22.35 million units ahead of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. However, the PlayStation 3 has caught up by 2.50 million units in just five months.

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Runa216 (on 28 May 2013)

I figured this would happen eventually, but not until after the next console generation was in full swing, and Sony had continued to support the PS3 but Microsoft had halted support of the 360.

Good job.

  • +15
Ganoncrotch (on 28 May 2013)

Really nice work after such a weak start, I guess staying steady in all 3 regions over the xbox focusing 100% on NA really paid off in the end.

  • +8
Michael-5 (on 28 May 2013)

Who would have imagined this to be the case in 2008 when 360 was over 8 million ahead of PS3. Plus PS3 has a good shot of topping Wii now, who would have imagined? GJ to Sony, but their potential lead cost them a lot of money this gen. They can't afford to sacrifice as much in the future to get the lead sales again.

  • +7
Michelasso Michael-5 (on 30 May 2013)

I did, actually. The PS3 started at an high price point due to the Blu Ray drive. It was just natural that after the price dropped it would have sold more.

  • 0
RVDondaPC Michael-5 (on 30 May 2013)

There was a bunch of us that said this would happen. If you align up the starts the PS3's sales line has always been higher than the XBOX 360's. We knew it was just a matter of time.

  • 0
GameAnalyser (on 29 May 2013)

time to celebrate

  • +5
binary solo (on 28 May 2013)

I recall 2008/2009 (pre-price cut) threads saying things like PS3 would need to outsell 360 by 50K units per week for 10 years to be able to overtake 360. Basically people suggesting it was a near impossibility. I for one thought it woudn't happen until after PS4/Xbone launched. But that massive adjustment of VGC data a few weeks back threw everyone and everything out.

  • +5
reaver_x (on 29 May 2013)

surprised it took so long should have happened much sooner than it did. 360 has been floundering ever since they released that kinect took there eye off the ball completely i guess ppl in i US were a lot slower at getting a higher IQ

  • +3
reaver_x (on 29 May 2013)

surprised it took so long should have happened much sooner than it did. 360 has been floundering ever since they released that kinect took there eye off the ball completely i guess ppl in i US were a lot slower at getting a higher IQ

  • +3
mutantclown (on 28 May 2013)


  • +2
ListerOfSmeg mutantclown (on 28 May 2013)

Tha would be what the Wii did to the PS3. Just barely passing someone isnt owning but you kids today need to feel special so even a tie is owning to you. Sad really

  • -3
sales2099 mutantclown (on 28 May 2013)

Taking 2nd in 7 years with 1.5 billion in the red.....Id say it was a slow victory...but you might want to change your definition of the word "owned"

  • -3
mutantclown mutantclown (on 28 May 2013)

all this butthurt thrown at a single word. smh

  • +3
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Turkish (on 02 December 2013)


  • +1
Michelasso (on 30 May 2013)

More consoles sold in less time. Full takeover. Hopefully someone I know will eventually shut up, now!!

  • +1
Badassbab (on 28 May 2013)

Bound to happen eventually with the JPN market being a no mans land for the 360.

  • 0
FreeMan4096 (on 28 May 2013)

knowing that PS already had huge fanbase it is still failure that they needed this long. They deserve 2nd post tho as Microsoft abandoned real gamers long time ago.

  • -4
Jega FreeMan4096 (on 30 May 2013)

I don't know why people are saying Microsoft abandoned gamers.

Xbox One is almost here but we do not know what games are coming to the Xbox 360 this fall.
At E3 we will know.

  • 0
Jega FreeMan4096 (on 30 May 2013)

I don't know why people are saying Microsoft abandoned gamers.

Xbox One is almost here but we do not know what games are coming to the Xbox 360 this fall.
At E3 we will know.

  • 0
busbfran (on 29 May 2013)

wii will win ps3 is dog shit lol

  • -5
Jega (on 29 May 2013)

Doesn't mean anything other than there is a lot of people around the world that still don't know about Xbox.

  • -6
withdreday Jega (on 03 June 2013)

lol, it's been 2 gens. It's pretty pathetic on MS's part if people still don't know about Xbox by now, especially the way they spam ads on paid TV.

That's a pretty poor excuse imo. The console war is over

  • +3
y2jarmyofficial (on 28 May 2013)


  • -7
KingofTrolls (on 28 May 2013)

PS3 passes 360 ? My life is empty ;(

  • -9
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