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Lance Henriksen Will Appear in the New Aliens Vs. Predator Game - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 09 December 2009 / 2,833 Views

Lance Henriksen, one of only two actors in the world who has been killed by a Terminator, a Predator, and an Alien*, will be lending his voice and likeness to the upcoming Aliens Vs. Predator game.  The new AvP is being developed by Rebellion in the UK, and published by Sega, and is set for release in February 2010 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Henriksen played the android Lance Bishop in the movie Aliens, and for Alien3 he came back as Bishop's designer, Bishop II.  Then in the first AvP movie, which was a prequel to the entire Aliens franchise, Henriksen played Charles Bishop Weyland, the CEO of Weyland Industries.  In the upcoming AvP game, he will appear as Karl Bishop Weyland, a descendant of Charles.

Here is the new digital Lance Henriksen:

Lance Henriksen had this to say about the whole thing:

[quote]“They’ve made me look very good,” said Lance Henriksen, “This is the first time I’ve been fully represented in a game, with my voice and how I look, and the Rebellion guys have done a great job. I might score from this game!”[/quote]

You go Lance!

Source: press release


*(The only other actor to accomplish this same movie monster victim trifecta is Bill Paxton.)

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darklich13 (on 10 December 2009)

Do the thing with the Knife!!

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Cold Light (on 10 December 2009)

Henriksen is very important for any Alien experience! I'm glad to see him! =)

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DOLBYdigital (on 10 December 2009)

From what I've read, that game will blow away many peoples expectations.
Not many know how great the original PC game was and the sequel
looks to expand on everything ;)

(survival horror = marine gameplay, stealth action = predator gameplay,
fast agile platforming and melee = alien gameplay)

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Hephaestos (on 10 December 2009)

that's a pretty good news for fans of the series and awaiting the game!

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Dallinor (on 10 December 2009)

I have high hopes for this game. The multiplayer sounds amazing.

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TheTruthHurts! (on 10 December 2009)

Awesome. Game is looking to have some real promise.

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tedsteriscool (on 09 December 2009)

Awesome, it wouldn't be Alien without him!

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Swift (on 09 December 2009)

Lance Henriksen has the kind of voice that'll work so well in a game. AVP is looking fab and is another game in a growing list of excellent titles out Jan-March 2010.

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nathantay (on 09 December 2009)

Sweeeeet! Lance Henriksen is the shit.

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silicon (on 09 December 2009)

Hell yeah!!!

On a side note, this game is going to be so awesome.

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