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Jason Schreier: The Game Awards 2024 to Have Two 'Holy Shit' Announcements

Jason Schreier: The Game Awards 2024 to Have Two 'Holy Shit' Announcements - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 11 December 2024 / 3,182 Views

The Game Awards 2024 will take place tomorrow and Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier on Kinda Funny Games Daily has teased there will be two big announcements for the awards show.

"There is a good chance you’ll see one of two teaser trailers for games that won’t be out for 2026 or later," said Schreier (via VideoGamesChronicle).

Kinda Funny host Tim Gettys asked if there would be any big announcements gamers should be excited about and Schreier stated, "There are at least two things that will make you guys reacting say 'holy shit, I can’t believe it’s here.'"

The Game Awards 2024 will take place on Thursday, December 12 at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, starting at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT.

Check out the full list of nominees here.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Koragg (on 11 December 2024)

Gaben will come on stage and announce half life 3!

  • +7
G2ThaUNiT Koragg (on 11 December 2024)

No kidding, that's the rumor going around right now along with a new Valve VR headset xD

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Azzanation G2ThaUNiT (on 11 December 2024)

HL3 is always the rumour for all major announcements

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Koragg G2ThaUNiT (on 12 December 2024)

The Steam Machine might also be making a comeback, also a new controller!

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S.Peelman (on 11 December 2024)

Somehow I doubt it actually will. :-P

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TallSilhouette (on 11 December 2024)

Knack 3 is finally here.

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Leynos (on 11 December 2024)

yawn the pre fake ass hype every year. Will be nothing as usual

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umegames Leynos (on 12 December 2024)

100% This

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Tridrakious (on 11 December 2024)

The Legend of Dragoon Remake and the sequel!

  • +2
LivncA_Dis3 (on 11 December 2024)

I won't hold my breath about it lol

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JEMC (on 11 December 2024)

Teaser trailers for games that won't launch until at the very least the next two years? How exciting! /sarcasm

  • +2
HopeMillsHorror (on 12 December 2024)

Every year is the exact same... Yall hype yourselves up for what ends up being a bust then spend the other 11 months complaining about how TGA's sucks lol

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siebensus4 (on 11 December 2024)

Maybe Team Ico / genDESIGN teases a new game!

  • +1
BraLoD (on 11 December 2024)

Bluepoint new game finally?

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siphillis (on 11 December 2024)

Next naughty dog game or resident evil seem like good candidates

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BraLoD siphillis (on 11 December 2024)

The new Naughty Dog game could definitely be 2026 as we don't know it yet.
Certainly has the potential to get a "holy shit" reaction as their games usually get the bar quite a lot higher.

  • +1
Qwark (on 11 December 2024)

Next Resident Evil jas been rumoured for a while. Maybe some info on Wolverine from Playstation.

  • +1
HopeMillsHorror Qwark (on 12 December 2024)

New REs have only been announced at PS events for the last like 6 games...
Doubt that's changing anytime soon

  • +1
DroidKnight (on 11 December 2024)

A sneak peak at Elder Scrolls VI or next Halo.

  • +1
Zkuq DroidKnight (on 11 December 2024)

The Elder Scrolls VI has been announced already though, and I don't think we're going to see anything interesting regarding it now, so soon after Starfield's release.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 11 December 2024)

Only 2 games that are worth any salt at a Geoff Keighley show that lasts 3 hours? I'd say that's pretty standard lol.

Here's my guess: Persona 6 and the rumored Metal Gear Solid 1 remake!

  • +1
SanAndreasX G2ThaUNiT (on 11 December 2024)

Kojima could unveil a Pong remake and Keighley would devote half the show to it.

  • +7
Azzanation (on 12 December 2024)

Maybe the new Xbox Hand-held/Console and maybe the sequel to Half Life: Alyx.

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JohnVG (on 12 December 2024)

"to Have Two 'Holy Shit'"

I mean.... even more shit?

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TheTitaniumNub (on 11 December 2024)

Eh? It's all subjective. For me, it better be a new Banjo Kazooie, new Timesplitters, or a Conan the Barbarian story driven rpg to make me go Holy Shit. Other than that, I doubt I will be going holy shit once I look up the announcements.

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Leynos TheTitaniumNub (on 11 December 2024)

Yeah unless I see a VanQuish 2. Metal Gear Rising 2. Zone of the Enders 3. A Skies of Arcadia Remake. Astral Chain 2. Bayonetta 4. Something along those lines which I don't expect at all. I will be napping through this show

  • +2
TheTitaniumNub Leynos (on 12 December 2024)

Bayonetta 4 would also make me go holy shit, I'm also just a tad bit skeptical now of it though because of Bayonetta 3....

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SanAndreasX (on 11 December 2024)

Guessing GTA 6 might be one of them.

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Zkuq SanAndreasX (on 11 December 2024)

I don't know what it would be hyped like this though. Hyped for sure but I would expect it to happen in some other way.

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rapsuperstar31 (on 11 December 2024)

The Switch 2 with a Mario 3D or the next Naughty Dog game are the only things that would really shock me.

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SanAndreasX rapsuperstar31 (on 11 December 2024)

Nintendo doesn’t seem to want much to do with TGA.

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firebush03 SanAndreasX (on 11 December 2024)

Nintendo likes doing their own presentations, not participating in industry-wide events. That being said, I wouldn't completely dismiss the possibility of NSW2 reveal at TGA. With how large the viewership hits (>100mil last year), I don't think it's all too wise to assume Nintendo would never participate. I kinda laugh at the concept of Nintendo revealing their next system in the most non-Nintendo way imaginable, so I have very low hopes, though it's not impossible.

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killer7 rapsuperstar31 (on 11 December 2024)

Switch 2 tomorrow? Never fucking ever!! We would have rumors all around by now if it was even close to a possibility.

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