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Assassin's Creed Shadows Delayed to February 14, 2025

Assassin's Creed Shadows Delayed to February 14, 2025 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 October 2024 / 3,475 Views

Ubisoft announced Assassin's Creed Shadows has been delayed from November 15 to February 14, 2025.

The game is in development for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and Ubisoft Store, and Amazon Luna.

"Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a dream project for us; finally bringing the series to Feudal Japan with many features developed with our community in mind, such as parkour or the renewed stealth, brought by new technology, all set in a beautiful and immersive world," reads a message from Ubisoft. "This is an ambitious addition to the franchise, a rich experience that can be lived through the eyes of two unique protagonists – but we realize we need more time to polish and refine the experience, pushing further some of our key features.

"As such, we’ve made the decision to postpone the release date to February 14, 2025. The game will release on a broad range of platforms, including Steam at launch. Additionally, preorders will be refunded and all future preorders will be granted the first expansion for free.

"We understand this decision will come as disappointing news, especially to those who’ve been waiting patiently for an Assassin’s Creed game inspired by Feudal Japan, but we sincerely believe this is in the best interest of the game, and ultimately your experience as a player.

"Rest assured we are looking forward to the moment you will embark on a memorable adventure with Naoe and Yasuke. Until then, we thank you for your ongoing support."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Koragg (on 25 September 2024)

Ubisoft returning to day 1 on Steam. Gaben does nothing and still wins

  • +10
Pemalite Koragg (on 25 September 2024)

All hail our lord and savior, Gaben!

  • +5
Darwinianevolution Koragg (on 25 September 2024)

It is trully fascinating how the "just wait for your competition to fuck up" keeps working for Steam. Then again, they rarely take bad turns. I hope Steam continues like this once Gaben retires.

  • +7
Zkuq Darwinianevolution (on 25 September 2024)

And Steam isn't even all that great, it's a bit of a buggy mess sometimes. But it's not too bad, and the competition is much worse in many ways, so that's enough. I swear there's market for a better service, but everyone with sufficient resources for this is too greedy to be able to provide a better service.

  • +1
pokoko Zkuq (on 26 September 2024)

Like how Microsoft actually had a shot at the PC gaming market with Games For Windows Live back when they actually could have established themselves as a major player but they SCREWED IT UP SO BADLY that they just shut everything down, screwing over millions of people in the process. Again, Steam didn't need to do anything but watch.

  • -2
Leynos (on 25 September 2024)


  • +8
Random_Matt (on 25 September 2024)

Game is going to flop anyway, why delay the inevitable.

  • +4
G2ThaUNiT (on 25 September 2024)

February 2025 is looking to be a record setting one.

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BraLoD (on 25 September 2024)

Pre orders should have been very small for them to do that, specially offering a free dlc with it from now on.

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HopeMillsHorror (on 25 September 2024)

Launching in the same year as Ghost2... ouch

  • +3
Machiavellian HopeMillsHorror (on 25 September 2024)

Difference, Ghost is only on PS system while this game will be on multiple platforms. Not really any issue if you really think about it.

  • -2
HopeMillsHorror Machiavellian (on 25 September 2024)

Thats true... and presumably different sides of the year...
But as someone that wants to play both... I'd definitely be getting Ghost over AC if I had to choose

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Radek HopeMillsHorror (on 25 September 2024)

They are launching on the same day as Kingdom Come 2 lol

  • +7
TheTitaniumNub Radek (on 26 September 2024)

Yup. And I know exactly what game I will be getting. KCD2 is on track to have even more dialouge than BG3, I read that the VA for Henry has been in the recording room a total of over 500 hours recording lines just for his character. Insane.

  • +3
DroidKnight (on 25 September 2024)

Color me shocked.

  • +2
KazumaKiryu (on 26 September 2024)

2025? xD I play "Ghost of Yotei" , "GTA 6", some jrpgs and "Death Stranding 2" on PS5 then =)

  • +1
Chazore (on 25 September 2024)

*Steam day 1
hmm... really makes ya think

It'll still come with U(can't)Connect, which will also forget your login and bug out with call-backs.

  • +1
jsowers (on 25 September 2024)

What? Miss the holiday window entirely? Yikes.

  • +1
TheTitaniumNub (on 25 September 2024)

I hate to be that guy, and I truly do not care about Assassin's Creed, I played the first years and years ago and hated it, never had an interest again in this series, but, I am afraid the success of this Ass Creed title hinges on Yasuke being in the game or not, I mean there is such a huge uproar about him, I just don't see the game doing good because of it. It's the society we live in sadly, or the Western society at least. I don't know, they could add a fat purple cat as the main protagonist for all I care.

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Zkuq TheTitaniumNub (on 25 September 2024)

I'm pretty sure a fat purple cat would make the game more popular, because frankly that probably sounds quite appealing to a lot of people.

  • +4
Vengeance1138 (on 25 September 2024)

This will have the same impact as when Rocksteady delayed Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League... the issues are at the core which cannot be changed. They'd need to completely remove Yasuke in order to have a chance at success.

  • -4
Machiavellian Vengeance1138 (on 25 September 2024)

Why??? Just wondering what does that character has to do with the game being good or not good.

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Socke Machiavellian (on 25 September 2024)

He didn't write anything about good or bad game. There are various reasons why you decide not to buy a game. A game character you don't like is certainly one reason. But the game doesn't look good in the trailers either. Many bugs and the Star Wars game also had a low quality.

  • +1
Machiavellian Socke (on 26 September 2024)

I am talking about the game not selling because of the character. Just because there are people who dislike something doesn't mean the game will tank. One thing I notice is not always the most vocal represent the buying public. If that was the case COD should never sell anywhere near what it does because online all I hear about is how no one likes the game.

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Vengeance1138 Machiavellian (on 25 September 2024)

You don't follow much gaming news do you? You're saying you'd gladly support a company that basically spit on the entire country of Japan and tried to gaslight people into believing fake history? And that's not even mentioning the more recent "one legged Tori gate " disaster .
Oh and let's obviously not leave out the fact that Yasukes combat music is.... HIP HOP hahahaha, why? Because he's Black and black folk love that hip hop! At least according to Ubisoft.

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haxxiy Vengeance1138 (on 25 September 2024)

Wasn't there some chud who tried to interview people in Japan about Yosuke and AC and basically everybody was fine with it so he fake interviewed his own cameraman instead?

  • -3
Vengeance1138 haxxiy (on 25 September 2024)

"everybody was fine with it"
lol sure, that's for sure why Ubisoft had to release a public apology statement to the people of Japan due to the intense backlash, because everyone was fine with it lol

  • +1
Leynos Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2024)

And the trailer in Japan has a huge dislike bar

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TheTitaniumNub Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2024)

wasn't some member of the Japanese government wanting to sue Ubisoft over the Yasuke backlash?

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Machiavellian TheTitaniumNub (on 26 September 2024)

Yeah, I read up on the controversy and as always its not the people of Japan who actually all that concerned, its the same people as always which is the vocal status chasers believing they are protecting a fantasy game from haptoral abuse. In other words the same people who cry when the lead character isn't your normal white male character. Also no, the Japanese government isn't looking to sue a game company for its inaccurate representation since the majority of Japanese games have inaccurate representation of just about every haptoral event and lets not even include Anime.

  • -2
TheTitaniumNub Machiavellian (on 26 September 2024)

This is what I was thinking of. I have no side in this, Ass Creed is a generic boring franchise to me, I truly do not care what they do with the game.

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Hiku Machiavellian (on 26 September 2024)

They would have to sue the Japanese companies Tecmo Koei and Team Ninja as well since they portrayed the character the same way.

  • +1
Hiku Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2024)

Spit on Japan with a character that Japanese developed games featured several times in Japanese games, as a samurai?
As for "fake history", his status is inconclusive. Oda's castle where he likely held his personal records, was burned down. But in which history book did Leonardo Da Vinci build Ezio a tank? Or George Washington get superpowers from an ancient artifact? I didn't hear any complaints about historical accuracy until now. Its obvious why.

  • +1
Vengeance1138 Hiku (on 26 September 2024)

Adorable how you don't name even 1 example to backup your claim lol Are you referring by chance to Samurai Warriors 5 that features Yasuke? Because if you are thats cute since all he does in that is punch things with some kind of brawler knuckles, so yeah definitely not a samurai, he doesn't even have armour lol
Anything else? Doesnt look like it.
As for the "fake history" yes, most if not all other AC titles have been hugely fantastical with made up elements, however, surely you didnt miss the fact that Ubisoft themselves, have been shouting from the roof tops and hugely claiming in their marketing for the game that "You can learn the actual history of Japan just by playing AC Shadows" and that "AC Shadows is hugely historically accurate, its like a history lesson come to life". Which btw.... is a pure lie and just gaslighting.
But im sure you won't understand that.... its obvious why ;)

  • 0
Hiku Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2024)

I didn't specify the games because it's been discussed to death, and I figured you were more likely than not to already know them. All you had to do was ask. Instead you jump to conclusions with arrogant comments like "Anything else? Doesnt look like it."

Since you're not caught up on that, and you draw only one conclusion when there are several, I'll start with SW5, which was one of the games.

The series features dozens of characters per game. The primary weapon of choice by far would be a sword if each character only used the weapon they would normally use. So Tecmo Koei always look for opportunities to introduce different weapons and attire. Do you believe Zhang He actually used claws for example?

In a series where characters even use a deck of cards as their weapon, their status is not reflected by their fighting style, but mainly in the dialoue and character profile.
When Oda Nobunaga's "brother" is introduced to Yasuke, he (a noble) refers to him as "Yasuke-dono", which is a highly respectful honorific. Much more so in the past, where it was more respectful than -sama.

During the Sengoku period, the traditional definition of samurai changed dramatically, becoming synonymous with bushi (武士).
This game takes place during the Sengoku period. It's even in the Japanese title, Sengoku Musō (戦国無双).
And in his character profile he is described as 武士 in Japanese, and Samurai in English.

Next game is NiOh.
In this game he is clad in samurai attire, and has a katana by his waist. Although he fights using a second weapon, an axe. Again, likely for variety.
But in both dialogue and his character profile, in both Japanese and English, he is stated to be a samurai.
"Lord Nobunaga bestowed upon me the status of samurai." (信長様はサムライの身分にしてくれた)
Although he adds that Nobunaga said he would make him a true samurai one day. Unclear what that is referring to. Perhaps he had his own views of what Samurai should be. But Yasuke did have the status of samurai in the game, and is refered to as a samurai.
His boss name is 漆�'のサムライ (Jet black Samurai), etc.

Regarding what you say Ubisoft said about the game being a history lesson, and hugely historically accurate, can I get an exact quote so I can find these statements to see how they worded it? I got 0 hits trying to find them.
But where exactly is the lie in the statements you laid out?

You can learn actual Japanese history in any game that features any of it.
You can learn some during school sessions in Persona 5.
Like with previous AC games. Except they focus on actual history a lot more than P5 does. AC games revolve around it. That doesn't mean or imply that you'll ONLY learn actual history in a series that is known for mixing in fiction. That they even have disclaimers for at the start of every game, highlighting that its fiction.

  • +2
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SecondWar Lukas85 (on 25 September 2024)

You might want to check with historian, as they seem to disagree with you.
Would also fit the plot if he’s recruited into the Assassin’s ranks by Nobunaga.

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SecondWar Chazore (on 25 September 2024)

Given that if you look online about Yasuke and see him described in multiple places as a Samurai, including the Smithsonian, I don’t think it’s ‘one historian’.

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SecondWar Chazore (on 25 September 2024)

Well, as I said it far from just wikipedia.
But even if he wasn’t a true samurai, he is a known historical figure from the time period and had close ties to Nobunaga, is also confirmed to be in the game and is likely the Assassin mentor in it.
You say a retainer, so that would still mean fighting in Nobunaga’s service - and the Japanese Assassin’s are likely to use samurai armour in the setting.
And I’m going to hazard a guess that you’re no more on an expert in Japanese history than I am so I’m going to go with what I found in the Smithsonian website rather than your retainer claim.

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2zosteven SecondWar (on 25 September 2024)

to many deleted comments, someone butt hurt

  • +11
SecondWar 2zosteven (on 25 September 2024)

For the record, I don’t know why Chazore’s comments would have been deleted.

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Random_Matt SecondWar (on 25 September 2024)

Confirmation bias stinks. Lol. In all seriousness, there is zero evidence to definitively suggest he was a samurai. There is zero evidence that I am secret agent, but hey, you never know.

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SecondWar Random_Matt (on 25 September 2024)

Confirmation bias can work both ways.
I can find places of repute such as the Smithsonian saying he was a Samurai, so if they’re saying I’m going to believe they’ve found evidence that he was.
If he wasn’t a samurai, if does appear to have served one. And no one took this amount of issues with creative license AC have taken with other historical figures.
I do find it funny though that so many people who likely had never heard of Yasuke before Shadows was suddenly known ‘in all seriousness’ key details about his life.

  • +1
Random_Matt SecondWar (on 25 September 2024)

I am not biased on this issue, I could not care less. But if someone makes a claim it has to be backed up by evidence. Evidence also has to be replicated/substantiated by various other expert sources. This subject fails miserably on this point, Ubisoft would have been better to simply this character is fictional. I could see the Japanese being pissed a mile away, I am not entirely sure how Ubisoft did not see it coming personally.

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SecondWar Random_Matt (on 26 September 2024)

Be honest, how much research have you actually done into it though? The first sources I find if I search it come from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Smithsonian and Michigan State University.
And do you mean a fake history like George Washington being in league with an order of assassins? Or King Alfred being a Templar or humanity having been created by an alien race?
But in any case, the game ultimately is a work of fiction, with a historical setting. Ubisoft have taken creative license, as they have done throughout the series.

  • 0
pokoko SecondWar (on 26 September 2024)

It literally takes one second to see that the Britannica article on this subject is written by ... Thomas Lockley, the same person who wrote the Wikipedia article and who has been criticized for being more "dramatic" and loose with the facts in the English version of his novel than the Japanese version.

Also, if you mean Smithsonian Magazine, the ultimate source for the first link I clicked on in that article was ... Thomas Lockley.

If you're going to use "an appeal to authority" then you might want to check THEIR sources first. For example, the Smithsonian article opened with Lockley's account of Yasuke beheading Nobunaga. From what I understand, there is no evidence that happened, with the actual story being that Yasuke possibly carried Nobunaga's head away. However, because of Lockley's novel, it has pretty much become accepted fact in the west and a lot of people are strangely unwilling to question it.

  • +4
Random_Matt pokoko (on 26 September 2024)

The fired guy, lol. The fictional writer? (more or less) That guy?

  • +2
Hiku Random_Matt (on 26 September 2024)

No evidence that outright confirms or denies his status. But Yasuke is commonly portrayed as a sumurai in Japanese developed games and media. And it was never a source of contention, until the usual suspects started to complain because he's the lead character.

There were no complaints about historical accuracy when Leonardo Davinci built Ezio a tank. Only when the lead character is black or a woman does it have to be historically accurate.

  • +1
pokoko SecondWar (on 26 September 2024)

I see you've thrown around the Smithsonian name a lot. You wouldn't happen to have a source for that, would you?

  • +3