Sony Appears to Have Increased the Price of the PS5 DualSense Controller - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 October 2024 / 2,575 ViewsIt appears Sony Interactive Entertainment has increased the price of the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller by $5. This was spotted by Wario64.
The price of the PS5 DualSense controller in the US has been increased from $70 to $75 at PlayStation Direct, Best Buy, Target, and GameStop.
Last year, the Digital Edition of the PS5 did see a price increase with the release of the slim version from $399.99 to $449.99. However, the standard PS5 price remained the same.
The PS5 Slim did see a price increase in Japan this month as price of the standard PlayStation 5 will increase by 13,000 yen from 66,980 yen to 79,980 yen ($554 USD) and the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition will increase by 13,000 yen from 59,980 yen to 72,980 yen ($506 USD).
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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Would be nice if they improved the battery life.
corporate greed…love to see it.
Truth. There's no way it's $5 more because they've improved the battery or reduced the chance of drift. If they did, I'd love to know.
Whoops, screwed us again
Sony really is giving no shits this gen, huh.
To not even announce it it's absurd.
There's no way it wasn't very profitable even at its old price, so this is pure greed.
"You didn't want to give us your money to play our "woke dung pie" Concord? You'll give us more of your money for our controllers instead then!"
You could just say dung pie Concord, you don't need to show your political affiliation by adding a meaningless word in woke.
Europe the same(holland) it cost 75euro now
If it is already growing with the XBox as a competitor, imagine when Microsoft abandons the XBox and launches for PC, Playstation, Cloud Computing and Nintendo.
The good thing is that PC and Cloud Computing players will still have the possibility to choose where to buy the game, as there is competition between the stores, but console players...
I’m noticing a positive difference in the battery life of the Dual Sense Astro Bot Special Edition since i started using it 2 days ago!
Maybe they did improve the battery life or maybe I’m mistaken and being delusional lol
I hope this is due to certain quality improvements that will finally eliminate stick drift. I'm already on my third DualSense replacement this generation lol
My brother bought a second hand one and it came with drift issues, lol. I do not ever remember having any drift issues on any Xbox controllers.
Take advantage of the Xbox control, as it is more likely that Microsoft's gaming division will become just one big publisher with its various studios. It makes a lot of economic sense, and it would also defeat any FTC arguments.
Is the PS5 selling better than the PS4? Just curious.
According to VGChartz's July estimated sales figures, the PS5 is a little over 2 million units behind the PS4.
World wide yes but in the US, PS5 is selling around 7-8% more than the PS4 according to Mat Piscatella. Is this Dual sense price increase just in NA for the time being?
Currently, yes it does seem to be just in NA. Then again, price increases for the controllers have already been raised worldwide this year with NA being one of, if not the last holdout IIRC.
Gone up in the UK too. It will be a global increase.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Trump and Harris both blamed one another for this during tomorrow's debate like two Jr. High School students in need of a nap? Like, we already got to see two old dudes arguing over their golf swings. Why not the rising cost of the Dual Sense? It would be gold, Jerry. GOLD!
I have no idea what relevance politics has with this post lol, but both parties are equally responsible for failure to enforce price control measures. So, I guess it's a matter of what rhetoric they'd choose to lean on?
For instance, maybe Trump could be like "China is causing an artificial shortage in manufacturing supplies which has made Sony raise the price of their Dualsense controller so as to avoid a similar shortage issue as seen with PS5 during 2021/2022. Xi wants to see our country devolve even further into a Banana Republic, and Joe's let it happen!" and then finding a way to tie it to the U.S. Mexico Border.
And Harris would be like "We have to stop corporate price gauging! (she says gauging, not gouging...this is a very good faith politician lol.) But Sony needed to do what they needed to do." talking out of both sides of her mouth like all politicians do.