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Meta Shuts Down The Order: 1886 and Lone Echo Developer Ready at Dawn Studios

Meta Shuts Down The Order: 1886 and Lone Echo Developer Ready at Dawn Studios - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 October 2024 / 3,485 Views

Meta has shut down developer Ready at Dawn Studios.

The studio was established in 2003 and acquired by Meta in 2020 to develop virtual reality games for the Oculus Rift.

Meta states this doesn't mean there will be more cuts for its other first-party studios and the company is still committed to developing VR games.

Ready at Dawn employees are being encouraged by Meta to apply for other roles in Oculus Studios and Meta wants to retain as many developers as possible.

Ready at Dawn in recent years developed the Echo series for the Oculus Rift, while beforehand developed The Order: 1886 for the PlayStation 4, Daxter, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, and God of War: Chains of Olympus for the PSP, the Wii port of Okami, and more.

Thanks, Android Central.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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The Fury (on 08 August 2024)

The fact everyone is talking about their older games, not more recently games made for VR kinda proves why Meta shut shop... still terrible for the studio and bad business by Meta, buying studio just to close it down when their output seemed to be pretty good. Now they have less studios making games for their VR and you have to have games for people to want to buy it.

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V-r0cK (on 07 August 2024)

That's unfortunate. They had serious talent with the PSP Gow games and im probably one of the few that really enjoyed The Order:1886. I wouldve loved a sequel.

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Moseskyle83 V-r0cK (on 08 August 2024)

Am with you brother I loved the order and the feel of the world I honestly thought a sequel would have been announced but oo well

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Knitemare V-r0cK (on 08 August 2024)

I recently played The Order:1886 again. I wouldve loved a sequel also.

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Spike0503 (on 07 August 2024)

I only know them via the two God of War games they did for PSP but those two were some of the best games in the system. I hope the people in the company can find a new job soon.

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G2ThaUNiT Spike0503 (on 07 August 2024)

I remember them also for the Jak & Daxter spin-off Daxter on the PSP. Fantastic game! It was just released on PS5 this past month. I'm gonna have to pick it up.

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Deeeeznuuuts (on 08 August 2024)

Wish Sony would have bought them and gave them a shot at a sequel to the order, shame

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Pemalite (on 08 August 2024)

The Order was definitely a technical showpiece early on in the PS4's life, it's sad they didn't get to follow that up.

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CaptainExplosion (on 07 August 2024)

Screw Meta.

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JEMC (on 07 August 2024)

I know they weren't doing well after The Order, that didn't sell as well as they hoped, but selling themseslves to Meta was a mistake.

A shame.

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Signalstar (on 07 August 2024)

I played four of their games. All of the PSP ones and The Order. I enjoyed them all except The Order. It's a shame, they had promise but couldn't make the leap to big budget original IP.

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coolbeans Signalstar (on 08 August 2024)

Which of the PSP ones was the best iyo? I still have to give Daxter a shot.

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Machina coolbeans (on 08 August 2024)

Daxter was great; one of the best PSP games at the time. I don't know how well it's aged though.

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Signalstar coolbeans (on 08 August 2024)

Daxter was the best. The two GoW games are good but they obviously are lesser versions of the big console games. Daxter felt more like its own thing and had its own unique personality.

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axumblade (on 07 August 2024)

Damn. Daxter was one of my favorite PSP games. I haven’t really followed them too much but still a bit sad

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coolbeans (on 07 August 2024)

A shame for the team b/c I heard they were making some waves in the VR space. I honestly thought The Order was garbo, but Deformers was surprisingly fun. The $30 price point & MTs kinda smothered its chances though.

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