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Avowed Gets 27-Minute Deep Dive Video, Supports Third-Person Mode

Avowed Gets 27-Minute Deep Dive Video, Supports Third-Person Mode - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 10 June 2024 / 1,948 Views

Obsidian Entertainment's Game Director on Avowed Carrie Patel discussed the upcoming RPG on the Official Xbox Podcast in a new 27-minute deep dive video.

Patel in the video revealed Avowed will feature a third-person mode as an option for players. Footage for the game up to this point has mainly been shown in first-person.

"A lot of the footage we're going to see today is in first-person," she said. "But we do have a third-person option for players who prefer it."

View the deep dive video below:

Read an Xbox Wire post on the game below:

The last few months at Obsidian Entertainment have been fast-paced and exciting. Since we saw you at the Xbox Developer_Direct this past January, we’ve been busy with Avowed, getting it ready for release in 2024. Today, we’re thrilled to have revealed our first-ever story trailer at Xbox Games Showcase 2024, and to talk with you more about what we’ve shared.

In Avowed, as the envoy sent directly by the Aedyran emperor, your adventure kicks off in Paradis, the bustling port city at the heart of the Living Lands. This vibrant hub has been shaped and reshaped by generations of pioneers, each leaving their mark, often in blood, on the Living Lands. It’s also the epicenter of tension between Aedyran forces and the locals, who are suspicious of Aedyr’s growing presence.

Rumors and hysteria have also begun to bubble up in Paradis surrounding the Dreamscourge – a mysterious plague of the soul – as it afflicts people, animals, and even the land itself. No one knows how it spreads, but many have come to recognize and dread the symptoms: first, victims experience confusion, disorientation, and hallucinations. As it worsens, they become unpredictable and erratic in their behavior, as if trapped in a waking nightmare. In the final stage, they turn into violent “Dreamthralls,” their bodies twisted with fungal growths and their minds and souls overtaken by the plague.

Watching our newest trailer, you’ll hear three distinct voices speaking to you. First is your emperor, who believes the Dreamscourge could develop, if unchecked, into a dire threat to Aedyr. He sends you into this wild frontier to uncover the source of the plague and put an end to it. Inquisitor Lödwyn, the leader of the Steel Garrote – an extremist paladin order from Aedyr – believes there’s something more sinister at play and calls on you not only to eradicate the Dreamscourge, but also to bring the island’s unruly factions to heel. Meanwhile, your companion Giatta perceives a larger and more mysterious force at work in the land and urges you to embrace it in all of its awe and chaos. As a stranger to these shores, you’ll need to navigate your relationship with all three of these factions, work to uncover the source of the Dreamscourge and prevent it from plunging the Living Lands into madness.

Supporting you on your journey are four companions, including Giatta. A brilliant and outspoken animancer who studies soul energy, she has endured suspicion and ire for her work. But like you, she desperately seeks a solution to the Dreamscourge. She’s a vital ally who will help you understand the unique metaphysical ecosystem of the Living Lands.

But remember, the Dreamscourge is not the only thing you are up against. Tensions simmer between the locals and Aedyr, and the island itself seems to be rebelling against itself.

Every choice you make could tip the balance of fate toward one faction or the other. Who will you align with? Who will you destroy? And who will ultimately control the Living Lands?  

Avowed will launch for the Xbox Series X|S, PC via Steam and Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass this Fall.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 10 June 2024)

Game looks vastly improved in basically every aspect. Graphically and melee combat in particular do look much better. I've pretty much seen everything I wanted to see, minus character creation, so I just want a release date now!

  • +15
Paatar (on 11 June 2024)

Third person is all I wanted

  • +1
Trentonater (on 10 June 2024)

Like that they specifically have to point out 3rd person after what happened with the outer worlds.

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Imaginedvl Trentonater (on 10 June 2024)

And what is that? I really have no clue?

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Trentonater Imaginedvl (on 10 June 2024)

The Outer Worlds. Their previous big first person rpg. It didn't have a 3rd person mode the way bethesda games do because they said they didn't have the money for the animations.

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Imaginedvl Trentonater (on 10 June 2024)

Okay so nothing :) I thought something happened (like any small thing on the Internet). Personally I prefer first person, but I don't mind if they offer the option for people preferring the other way around.

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