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Doom: The Dark Ages Announced for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Game Pass

Doom: The Dark Ages Announced for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Game Pass - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 09 June 2024 / 3,942 Views

Publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer id Software have announced Doom: The Dark Ages for the PlayStation 5Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Game Pass. It will launch in 2025.

View the announcement trailer below:

Read details on the game below:

Announcing Doom: The Dark Ages, the prequel to the critically acclaimed Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal and the third installment of the modern Doom series. Developed by id Software on the latest idTech engine, Doom: The Dark Ages is a single-player action FPS that tells the epic cinematic origin story of the Doom Slayer’s rage.

You are the Doom Slayer, the legendary demon-killing warrior and the super weapon in this never-before-seen dark and sinister medieval war against Hell.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Koragg (on 09 June 2024)

PS5? That's surprising

  • +5
SecondWar Koragg (on 09 June 2024)

They glossed over that in the actual stream. The PS5 logo was not there.
It does make me question what was the point in the acquisitions if they aren’t keeping it exclusive.

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Dulfite SecondWar (on 09 June 2024)

To bolster profits, as is any acquisition. Shareholders only care about ROI from investment.

  • +7
SecondWar Dulfite (on 09 June 2024)

That’s the overall aim yes, but there’s more behind it than that in terms of how they achieve that. Plus its the idea that the two companies together can earn more than they could separately.
The overriding view was that its to help draw more people to Xbox and Gamepass, given Playstation lead over Xbox. The extra console sales and Gamepass subs would drive the profits.
But if they are still releasing games like Doom on Playstation, then nothing has changed. So they aren’t driving increased sales, more just ticking over - hence the question ‘why did they bother?’

  • +3
The Fury SecondWar (on 10 June 2024)

Control? In an instant if they wanted they could remove every Bethesda, Activision and Blizzard game from Steam, Playstation, Nintendo, GoG, Epic, whoever. They don't because that would be bad press but they can if they wanted and they (and we) know this, it's the idea that you have to go to them for the games. If you are a mainstream gamer, many of your favourite franchises are now owned by 1 company and it doesn't matter what platform you current buy them on, if they say "You have to get them here and only here now." then you are going to have to go there... or sail the seas.

MS want you to go to them for games but it doesn't matter if games like Doom are on PS or Steam (for now) because even with the 30% commissions for sales, MS get the other 70% now instead of well, just they get 100% from their owned platforms too as well as GP sub money. Plus makes them look generous.

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KratosLives SecondWar (on 11 June 2024)

The point of it is to make gamepass look like the next best thing

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Trentonater Koragg (on 09 June 2024)

Not too surprising all the "insiders" were in agreement it was coming to ps5 before announcement. a rare win for them.

  • +2
trunkswd Trentonater (on 09 June 2024)

PlayStation showcases have done the same in the past. Announce the game for PlayStation and maybe PC, but leave out the fact it is coming to Xbox and/or Switch.

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Blood_Tears trunkswd (on 09 June 2024)

Other than MLB the show for obvious reasons, what PS first party game has ever done that?

  • 0
The Fury Blood_Tears (on 09 June 2024)

He obviously means games that are announced at PS shows but are on all consoles, at the end usually just PS will appear, naturally. Doom might be "first party" but MS probably don't want to alienate paying customers.

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trunkswd The Fury (on 09 June 2024)

Yeah what The Fury stated.

  • +2
Blood_Tears The Fury (on 09 June 2024)

Then I guess MS was stupid for alienating paying customers for Hellblade 2 which just released then. It's not a given that certain ips will be carried over to PS. Hell, they cancelled Redfall and Starfield PS5 skus. Doom is now a first pary game and it was not obvious because Trunks did not specify what he meant on an article that he wrote about a first party MS game. He made a quote, i asked "him" a question and he didn't answer which I am still waiting for.

  • -1
The Fury Blood_Tears (on 09 June 2024)

Hellblade 1 was a very niche title, Redfall and Starfield were brand new IPs, none are Doom. I get the point but these are vastly different beasts here.

  • +9
G2ThaUNiT Blood_Tears (on 11 June 2024)

It's almost as if the for years now MS threw out the term "case by case basis" and no one believed them and now that's actually coming to fruition. It's literally up to MS what does and doesn't become multiplat as they own all these IPs. So players can either be grateful for what they do get day one on other platforms or buy an Xbox/PC if the game doesn't land on their platform at launch.

  • +4
trunkswd Blood_Tears (on 09 June 2024)

I mean more so third-party games rather than first-party games. Also not many first-party PS games have come to Xbox or Switch.

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Moseskyle83 (on 10 June 2024)

I think a lot of people may be not thinking critically this makes sense to release on ps5. if Microsoft ever wants to buy another company then the regulators can’t say crap… (the whole cod fiasco) Microsoft wouldn’t want that plus doom was on ps so this makes sense it’s a massive game n would generate nice profit on PS

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rapsuperstar31 (on 09 June 2024)

I haven't played Eternal yet, on my list to get to, but wow definitely looks like it took a nice next gen bump.

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Mr.GameCrazy (on 09 June 2024)

Alright! Bring it on!!

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pikashoe (on 09 June 2024)

Looks great, bizarre decision to put this on ps5. The person I was watching it with said he'd be willing to buy an xbox just to play it.

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Radek pikashoe (on 10 June 2024)

Well he can save a lot of money now then

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smroadkill15 (on 09 June 2024)

Bring it on!! Looks fucking awesome!

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G2ThaUNiT (on 09 June 2024)

I looked at this and went "HELL YES!"

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Leynos (on 09 June 2024)

Be nothing like Eternal please. Looked promising.

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BraLoD (on 09 June 2024)

Still remember people were really happy with Doom from 2016
Doom with a shield? Cool ideia.
Really dislike the dead collor pallet like the one from 2016 too.

  • -7
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