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Grand Theft Auto VI – Are Expectations Too High?

Grand Theft Auto VI – Are Expectations Too High? - Article

by Mark Nielsen , posted on 26 May 2024 / 3,291 Views

Only a raving mad man would bet against the commercial success of a Grand Theft Auto game, and that’s most certainly not my intention with this article, but even for a series with as strong a record as Grand Theft Auto the hype train can still run off the tracks. To say that expectations for the upcoming sixth entry are massive would be an equally massive understatement in itself, and that is of course not without reason. But for every gallon of hype, you need an ounce of skepticism to keep things in check.

Expectations for Grand Theft Auto VI are manyfold and it’s not my intention here to cast shade on all of them, but rather to address them in turn with a critical eye. For one thing, Grand Theft Auto V was the fastest-grossing entertainment property ever, and VI is fully expected to beat that record. This is one aspect of the hype that I don’t doubt, particularly with today’s $70 price tags and various Deluxe Editions. However, initial sales are only one aspect of the countless financial predictions for “the most important thing to ever release in the industry”. It’s expected to knock it out of the park on all fronts, from its own sales to those of the hardware it launches on.

Will Grand Theft Auto VI sell systems? 10 out of 10 analysts say yes, and if any game can it’s most certainly this one, but the degree to which it will is a different matter. With this console generation slowly having fallen behind the previous one, some even expect GTA VI to be the release that will “save the generation", and (regardless of whether it’s actually in need of saving) that’s a very big ask. One factor in the game’s ability to sell consoles is it will launch exclusively on consoles at first and PC later. Whether it’s intentional or not (it is), the assumption is that this will cause those who prefer PC to get the game for a console first then PC later on. I don't doubt that this will work on some, and will sell more copies of the game itself too, but to invest in a new system entirely for those who don’t already have one is a bigger commitment that only the most dedicated fans are likely to go for. As much as people still buying GTA V today is an indicator of the series' continued relevance, it also shows that far from everybody has to have these titles at launch.

Grand Theft Auto VI is also sometimes brought up as the singular game that will make a future PlayStation 5 Pro or Xbox Series X2 fly off the shelves, but that assumption seems flawed to me. The visuals shown off in the first trailer are solid for sure, and leagues ahead of GTA V, but seemingly not that far ahead of something like Cyberpunk 2077, which will be 5 years old when GTA VI arrives - although of course, hopefully launching in a polished state would be one immediate victory in that comparison. This isn't to be taken as criticism, but currently nothing seems to indicate that GTA VI will be a marvel on a technical level, nor is there any indication that that is what Rockstar is aiming for. If there’s anything this last decade of gaming has taught us it’s that pushing technical limits can actually be a disadvantage for games hoping to reach as many players as possible, and releases like Fortnite and Minecraft owe at least some part of their success to being playable on anything. GTA VI won’t go quite this far, as we already know it’s skipping Gen 8, but there’s no way it will be built with a mid-gen upgrade as its target device when even the install base for regular Gen 9 systems is lower than the install base its predecessor launched on.

Of course, marketing is still a major factor and perhaps the simple words “best played on PS5 Pro” could convince many a customer, but my prediction is that these systems will essentially be overkill for a title that most likely even a Series S will be able to run without significant sacrifices. When it finally graces the PC platform with its presence, it would also be far from Rockstar's best interests to have GTA VI limited to only the latest and greatest hardware.

That brings us to the heart of the matter: longevity. It’s also important to remember that even without accounting for double or triple dipping over three console generations, 200 million owners of GTA V doesn’t mean 200 million people with a current interest in GTA, or even video games at all. To reach those kinds of numbers again it will have to win over new players as well. While GTA might still be the king of the traditional console title, much has changed in the casual market, and though I have no doubt a sequel can compete with the GAAS titles of today, coming out on top is a different story.

To do that the online aspect will be important. When it came to Rockstar's last two big hitters, this was added post-release as a semi-separate game, in the form of Grand Theft Auto Online and Red Dead Online. While they were both met with more mixed critical reception, they were a massive part of what kept these titles alive and contributed to their massive success. As of yet there’s no word on how this will be handled for GTA VI, but it wouldn’t be far-fetched to bet that we’ll see a similar later release for an online version of the game, and that’ll be an important factor in its longevity. GTA V is still selling well and topping charts to this day and its online is very much alive & kicking, so much so that Rockstar felt confident enough to up the price of GTA+ just a year before the sequel. There’s no doubt that whatever online GTA VI brings to the table it should be able to take that momentum and get off to an excellent start, but the question is perhaps this: can it keep that momentum going for another ten years?

Finally, there’s the matter of critical success, another area where this series has traditionally been unparalleled. Since Grand Theft Auto III, every mainline entry has been able to boast a Metacritic score of 95 or higher - scores that we only see one or two times a year these days, if that - and while it's admittedly a bit early to start placing predictions in this area, it's certainly a lot to live up to after an 11-12 year break for the series. In their own way, each of those previous titles pushed the limits of what video games could be, particularly in terms of player freedom, but those limits have changed drastically since the last outing. Rockstar did contribute to that itself in the form of Red Dead Redemption 2, but one could argue that RDR 2 was better situated to wow critics, since Red Dead still had much room to grow. In 2024 (or rather 2025), it’s hard to see what can be done in a modern setting limited (presumably) to one city to really push the envelope. Of course, it could also be said that after more than a decade’s “absence”, simply delivering exactly what you’d expect from a GTA title might be enough to satisfy both critics and players.

Ultimately none of this is to be taken as the pessimistic words of a doomsayer. Grand Theft Auto VI will be successful. Very, very successful. Whether it can become as decade defining a title as its predecessor, or reach the same astronomical level of lifetime sales, or indeed provide as massive a boost to this console generation as many an analyst has prophesized, are all things that will remain to be seen.

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KLAMarine (on 26 May 2024)

R*: who cares!? Give us $$$!

  • +6
shikamaru317 (on 27 May 2024)

I don't know if it can live up to the hype, RDR2 didn't, for me at least, as a huge fan of RDR1. The expectations for GTA 6 are sky high, people are expecting it to review at least as well as GTA V and sell enough copies and consoles to save the whole AAA industry from the collapse it has been heading toward, it's such a huge amount of hype.

  • +5

Really? RD2 was better for me in few ways then 1 but vice versa as well but I agree it won’t live up to the hype but I’ll be playing the campaign for sure not a huge fan of gta online I preferred red dead online idk why

  • +1
Eric2048 APerfectCircle (on 27 May 2024)

Well for me personally RDR2 was better than the recent GTA's. IV and V. IV I especially found disappointing with the removal of so many features that were in previous games. V at least brought some back but was pretty weak in terms of world interaction.

I hoping GTA VI is more closer to GTA San Andreas in terms of things you can do in the world, and doesn't rely solely on missions and physics as means to entertain the player.

  • +1
JuliusHackebeil (on 27 May 2024)

I think there is a huge crowd of people with no pc and outdated consoles, waiting for the right big title to make the purchase and buy both gta6 and a ps5/xboxseries.

  • +2
bretonf (on 26 May 2024)

I expect plenty of controversies surrounding this game, whether it's price, work conditions, content...
I expect them to price it very high like $100 and it is highly possible the physical release will be "key in a box" to maximize profits.
Personally I know I'm in the minority but I never really cared about GTA. I don't like open worlds in general.
Finally, more and more players are playing on PC, in particular for online games, and they'll be missing out on this big market at launch. Huge mistake IMO.

  • +2
Pajderman bretonf (on 29 May 2024)

I also expect them to charge around 100$ for the base game. My favorite GTA is GTA 2, still play it with my siblings from time to time.

  • 0
Jumpin (on 26 May 2024)

It depends, this game is barely on my radar because
A) It’s probably not going to be on a platform I own.
B) The release date is way too far out to matter. I have no idea why they even bothered announcing it so damn early.
So, personally, I don’t think expectations are too high - maybe some people who are already hyping themselves up for it way too much, but I’m not among that group. If anything, my expectations are probably too low.

But, if it gets announced for Switch 2 (unlikely) it’ll probably be on my radar then. I especially love the Vice City setting, it was my favourite of the GTA3 trilogy.

  • +2
TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 26 May 2024)

Yes, but will most likely still be an exceptional game. Rockstar does not miss (unless it's a remaster lol)

  • +2
hellobion2 (on 27 May 2024)


  • +1
zeldaring (on 26 May 2024)

They make the best open worlds in gaming, the thing that makes there game not top tier for me is the shit combat, but GTA6 has 200 million views already so it has more then interest then any AAA game ever by a massive margin.

  • +1
Mnementh (on 26 May 2024)

Eh, given the level of hype the expectations are certainly too high. If R* is able to deliver some quality, then most people will be fine anyways. The claim it may save the generation is ludicrous though. It will sell some hardware, but not massive amounts, it will not sell other games. On the contrary, I think GTA might be so massive and including online, many people will stop playing anything else. So for mid-level game devs the times might be getting even more dire because of it. And for investors? GTA will make a gazillion monies, so they will be happy, arrow in the graphs will pointing up. The health of the industry will not be better though, if all the revenue is concentrating on few games and companies.

  • +1
Random_Matt (on 27 May 2024)

Online sold V, certainly not the single player. With that in mind, Rockstar could literally just make VI a modern online game.

  • 0
The Fury Random_Matt (on 27 May 2024)

I'd say over time GTA Online maintained V. GTA5 was not originally sold on it, it was just the tacted on side bit to a larger single player game but obviously updates, DLC and well, subs, have changed all that. It proved where the real money is even if we don't want it to be as GaaS.

  • +2
Tridrakious (on 26 May 2024)


  • 0
Leynos (on 26 May 2024)

I have zero because R* is so overrated. Top notch production value. Mid gameplay. The game could be a turd sandwhich dipped in vomit and it will still sell 10s of millions no matter what. It's too big to fail no matter the quality anyway.

  • 0
TheLegendaryBigBoss Leynos (on 26 May 2024)

That's how I feel about pokemon, except everything is mid including production value

  • +14

Funny because I think both Pokemon and GTA is pretty mid, but everyone has different tastes in games, so that's not unusual to see different views on games. The only GTA I finished was Vice City.

  • +5
Leynos rapsuperstar31 (on 26 May 2024)

Yeah Vice City was cool

  • +3

tbh never played Pokemon. I have Shin Megami Tensei. I could capture a jigglypuff but why do that when you can kill god and satan in the same day with a giant green dick in a chariot.

  • +4
Slownenberg Leynos (on 26 May 2024)

Same. Vice City was really fun for a few days, still a bit fun for a week or two, then the gameplay just got stale and boring. Could never get into GTA again after that. Just immediately get that same boring stale gameplay feeling right away. Cool that it's so insanely popular but I have zero interest in that series.

  • +3
2zosteven (on 27 May 2024)

if you think GTA6 sales will be anywhere near GTA5 sales yes, your expectations are to high

  • -1
CosmicSex 2zosteven (on 27 May 2024)

I mean if it's the next GTA for another decade we can revit that then. Also no one would have guessed that GTA5 could reach what it did. So instead of talking about what it can't do... let's just wait.

  • +3