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Riot Games' Project L Now Titled 2XKO - Launches in 2025 for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

Riot Games' Project L Now Titled 2XKO - Launches in 2025 for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 March 2024 / 3,917 Views

Developer Riot Games announced the two-versus-two tag-based fighting game, Project L, will officially be titled 2XKO. It will launch for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in 2025.

You can visit the official website for the game here and those interested in playtesting the game before the end of the year can sign up here.

View a trailer of the game below:

View a video from 2XKO Executive Producer Tom Cannon below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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The Fury (on 22 February 2024)

Just that? No Runeterra insignia? That's a terrible name and too close to 2K games naming. Try again, Riot.

  • +4
G2ThaUNiT The Fury (on 22 February 2024)

You can say that name is the real Project L xD

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TheLegendaryBigBoss The Fury (on 22 February 2024)

Agreed, it's a bad name.

  • 0
hellobion2 The Fury (on 22 February 2024)

At least it’s not named like 2020

  • -1
Hiku The Fury (on 23 February 2024)

I'm still calling it Project L.
"Double KO" would have been better than this.

  • +1
haxxiy Hiku (on 25 February 2024)

Should be 2KXO instead for "two thousand kisses and hugs". Bold naming if I ever saw one.

  • +1
Hiku haxxiy (on 26 February 2024)

Shoutout to Max.

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JRPGfan (on 23 February 2024)

How is that pronounced? 2 times Knock-Out ? Double Knock-out ? I don't know.... 2xko sounds odd to say in numbers/letters to me. I think Double Knockout, is the best way to go?

  • +1
The Fury JRPGfan (on 23 February 2024)

The second video has the main dev say "two ex kay oh", honestly, puts me off buying it at all with any version of how you want to read it.

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JRPGfan The Fury (on 23 February 2024)

wtf? two-ex-kay-oh lol..... what do they do when down the line they make a 2nd installment?
Two-ex-kay-oh-Two ! yes, there are bad names, this is one of them. Just call it double-KO and be done with it, otherwise there is no way this takes off.

  • +1
SAguy (on 22 February 2024)

Project L?? That's what you call your sex life after installing LOL
Ba dim tsss
I'll be here all week.

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hellobion2 (on 23 February 2024)

Looks like riot is now getting into the fighting game scene now

  • -1
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