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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 New Game+ Delayed to Early 2024

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 New Game+ Delayed to Early 2024 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 13 December 2023 / 3,193 Views

Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games announced the New Game+ update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been delayed to early 2024.

"We have some news about the next game update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2," said Insomniac Games. "We know players have been eagerly awaiting features such as New Game+ and Audio Descriptions, among many more. We have been working vigilantly on these features and require more testing to ensure the quality is up to our standards.

"We are now targeting early 2024 for the next game update, and we’ll have a feature-complete list closer to its release. We’ve heard your feedback and will be adding some highly requested features, including the ability to change the time of day, swap tendril colors, and replay missions—just to name a few!

"We can’t wait to share more with you in the future. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience as our team works to finish our next update for Marvel's Spider-Man 2!"

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is available for the PlayStation 5.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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JWeinCom (on 13 December 2023)

Honest question, why wouldn't this be something that can be there day one? Isn't it just certain stats rolling over? Why would it take any significant amount of time to develop?

  • +3
The Fury JWeinCom (on 13 December 2023)

Was going to ask the same thing. I think HFW was the same where it came out later but then HFW added new outfits and weapons, so maybe they are doing that here. It still took a few months.

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Leynos JWeinCom (on 13 December 2023)

It was rushed out the door. Game wa sa buggy mess for me and it was clear Sony wanted out by a certain date no matter what.

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Bandorr Leynos (on 13 December 2023)

I've seen this take before and it confuses me.

This is sitting at a 90 with 149 separate reviews. 160 at Open critic. 98% critics recommend it.
A 9.1 with 6900 unique user reviews.

So how did you get "a buggy mess"?

  • +4
Leynos Bandorr (on 13 December 2023)

The game was full of bugs. I had game breaking quests. I had my character turn into a white cube. I got stuck inside buildings. I watched cars drive through buildings. NPCs float in the air and fly up buildings. Not a rare thing this was constantly happening. I have screens and vids of some of it on my PS5. They had the wrong flag for miles apartment. They released a huge update weeks later that addressed some of this. Esp the white cube problem. I had walls vanish in Aunt May's house. Meta gave 9s to bethesda games. You going to try and claim they are not full of bugs either?

  • -4
Bandorr Leynos (on 13 December 2023)

I have no clue if Starfield has bugs or not.
Infact the complaints I've seen are about dead planets, and slow loading screens. Boring quest lines, the same feeling dead etc.. I've not see any about bugs actually.

If they had a huge update WEEKS later.. then how did it get such good consistent reviews BEFORE the update?

I got stuck in a building one time. I hit restart check point. It took me 30 seconds.

"The wrong flag".. is a buggy mess? If that is a bug to you that's absolutely hilarious.

  • +2
Leynos Bandorr (on 13 December 2023)

Wrong flag shows they were rushed and didn't do homework. Funny you are getting so defensive about a FACT the game wasd full of bugs that Insomniac ADMITTED to. And was well known about the glitches anywhere when it was widely reported after release. Who gives a fucking shit about reviews? They gave broken trash like Fallout 4 great reviews when it literally ran 0FPS on Xbox One at launch at times. I never said I hated the game btw I did enjoy it but it was cleary rushed out the door as it had a lot of problems. One can enjoy something but also know it has problems.

  • -3
JWeinCom Leynos (on 14 December 2023)

I can confirm that I have turned into a white cube. It was kind of fun to wander around as cubey for a while till I fell through the center of the Earth. There were a couple of other weird visual glitches, and the symbiote hive missions would automatically end if you switched costumes.

But, for me at least, it wasn't constant. I think I had to restart the game a couple of times, but nothing that really diminished my enjoyment all that much.

  • +5
DonFerrari Leynos (on 14 December 2023)

I had 4 small bugs and the game crashed twice, hardly what I would call a bug mess, but yes it needed a little more polish.

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G2ThaUNiT Bandorr (on 14 December 2023)

I've definitely seen a LOT of bugs from the game, but nothing game breaking at least. I'm more surprised that mission replay in a single player only game didn't get released at launch. That tells you the game was rushed out the door before it was fully ready.

NG+ doesn't surprise me though. Pretty much all Sony games get NG+ released post launch.

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Bandorr JWeinCom (on 13 December 2023)

Same reason Alan wake 2 didn't start with NG+. Odds are it isn't just going to be NG+. It's going to be NG+, and other features etc.

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DonFerrari JWeinCom (on 14 December 2023)

It isn't just NG+ they are adding other stuff fanbase asked. But yes NG+ could be there from day one, they use this to reinvigorate sales or to hold people on selling second hand by giving NG+ a few months down on the road, happened to plenty of Sony titles recently.

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KratosLives (on 13 December 2023)

Delayed so people can play the god of war dlc that just released.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 13 December 2023)

I'm done with spiderman 2 as Ive got the platinum!

I didn't play spiderman 2018 twice either.
Since u only need one playthru to get it.

Would be a hassle to play it twice

  • +1
SuntannedDuck2 (on 14 December 2023)

Interesting. I get it's not like Ratchet NG+ modes where the weapons are kept but you can level them up a few more levels or 10 to 100 like Deadlocked, as Spiderman doesn't work that way but what did they do prior/what other approaches to NG+ do they have for Spiderman usually? That and how much effort would it take that it's delayed to next year even besides other games getting focus right now.

Each NG+ is different of pretty simple to a bit more depth I assume?

I've only ever cared for Ratchet NG+ or experienced those ones because I enjoy the extra weapon level ups, skill points if need be, museum/other factors they are the only ones I care for.

More simple stat or other ones I just don't care for, I don't play others with difficulty changes or other stuff they need more to a NG+ of gear for me, missions/side content of other factors (behind the scenes is always nice though) to care but as I'm very particular on how games do gear or open worlds or quests or whatever then yeah I don't exactly encounter many NG+ modes to know so I in turn don't get the point in some NG+ modes and just go but why? The game is long enough as it is. While a Ratchet game can be 10-15 hours not 20-100 and NG+ with not much NG+ of changes anyway let alone the length to care. So with my not knowing you can tell why I think most NG+ modes aren't exciting to me and well I have that lack of NG for other games experience.

If it's other missions/behind the scenes or some gadget changes/more suits or whatever then sure. If it's just difficulty stats it can't be that hard to scale it right? Some stat changes, some animations maybe? I don't know. Depends what they have planned for it.

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DonFerrari (on 14 December 2023)

Well the sales are already boosted with holidays (even Miles Morales charted) so perhaps they want to use the patch to add sales. And well since the game is already available they delaying a mode is not the end of the world.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 13 December 2023)

Looks like the game had to release no later than Holiday 2023. Still were able to put out a great game, so this could be the cherry on top. I'm more surprised that Mission Replay wasn't available at launch.

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