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Sony on Hacking Claims: 'We Are Investigating the Situation'

Sony on Hacking Claims: 'We Are Investigating the Situation' - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 October 2023 / 3,372 Views

Ransomware group recently claimed it had successfully breached Sony and is looking to sell the data they have stolen.

"We have successfully compromissed [sic] all of sony systems," the group claimed. "We wont ransom them! we will sell the data. due to sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE. WE ARE SELLING IT."

Sony in a new statement sent to IGN in response to the hacking claims said: "We are currently investigating the situation, and we have no further comment at this time."

Sony on Ransomware Hacking Claims: 'We Are Investigating the Situation' did include some proof-of-hack data, however, Cyber Security Connect says it is "not particularly compelling information on the face of things." The proof includes "screenshots of an internal log-in page, an internal PowerPoint presentation outlining testbench details, and a number of Java files."

The ransomware group has also posted a file free of the entire leak that looks to have less than 6,000 files, which could be small to be for "all of Sony systems."

The group has listed a "post date" of September 28. If no one purchases the data by this time the group will publish the data wholesale.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2023)

Literally nothing has been confirmed outside of a random scammer group "claiming" they hacked Sony without even proving it beyond some very low level login screens. Even I can say that without sharing any evidence. Until Sony themselves comes out and confirms it, they havent hacked anything.

  • +2
mjk45 Vengeance1138 (on 26 September 2023)

Yes similar thing happened with MS and it turned out to be a scam , I'm pretty sure these scams work on the knowledge that to be successful they only need a tiny percentage of firms folding and paying up since they are literally making money from nothing.

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CosmicSex Vengeance1138 (on 27 September 2023)

Also the group seems MIA as the promised to release information. Then again someone sending you a bill for stealing from you already has a massive credibility problem.

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DonFerrari (on 26 September 2023)

Well let's hope no one buy so we can see what they were so confident on having.

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CrashGE (on 26 September 2023)


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JackHandy (on 26 September 2023)


Put up with this now for three generations. When is Sony going to invest in better security? This is getting really, really old.

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DonFerrari JackHandy (on 26 September 2023)

All big corps are invaded and data leaked from time to time.

  • +7
mjk45 JackHandy (on 26 September 2023)

This is no different to other corporations looking into this it turns out to follow a familiar path where hackers claim to have had full access and release a small parcel of generally non critical data they have scrapped in the hope that it's enough to bluff the corp into paying up multitude of companies have been subjected to this scam Sony isn't alone, MS like just about everyone else who handles large amounts of data had various security breaches in the last 18 months including claims similar to this one where ransomware groups put out low level info claiming to have fully accessed their systems.

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