PS4 vs Xbox One vs Wii U Lifetime Sales – January 2015 Update - PS4 19.05M, Xbox One 11.3M, Wii U 9.14M - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 February 2015 / 26,194 ViewsWelcome to the fourth of a new series of monthly articles. This new series will be comparing monthly and lifetime sales of the 8th generation of home consoles, the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U.
Looking at the total sales of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Wii U in January shows how the PlayStation 4 has continued to grow its lead over the Xbox One and Wii U. also shows how sales quickly decline from the peak month of December.
The PlayStation 4 passed the 19 million mark this month, the Xbox One passed the 11 million mark and the Wii U has passed the nine million mark. The PS4 has sold 19.05 million units lifetime, the Xbox One 11.30 million units, and the Wii U 9.14 million units.
PlayStation 4 Total Sales: 19,052,353
Xbox One Total Sales: 11,298,462
Wii U Total Sales: 9,137,844
The PlayStation 4 has outsold both the Xbox One and Wii U every month since its release 15 months ago. The Xbox One outsold the Wii U in December for the seventh straight month. The PS4 outsold the Xbox One by 601,529 units for the month and the Wii U by 436,827. The Xbox One outsold the Wii U by 152,719 units.
When you compare monthly sales to a year ago the Xbox One and Wii U are up, while the PlayStation 4 is down. The PlayStation 4 is down 131,524 units, the Xbox One is up 53,818 units and the Wii U is up 7,064 units.
PlayStation 4 Monthly Sales: 601,529
Xbox One Monthly Sales: 317,421
Wii U Monthly Sales: 164,702
The Wii U beat the PS4 and Xbox One to the market by a year. The Wii U launched in November 2012, while the PS4 and Xbox One launched in November 2013.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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The XBO sales in Europe continue to be overtracked. No way to sell more than half of USA sales, expecially now that in USA XBO cost less... Let's say 10.5 million for XBO by end of Jenuary.
The rest seem correct or overtracked by 50k-100k.
I completely agree,I was always saying it!
However,we already know that is overtracked from ubisoft,take two and amd statements...It's difficult to have some adjustments as microsoft keeps her tradition,i.e not being vocal...
It's higly unlikely to give us xb1 sales or shipments total...
It has do it someday...
Well, we know that XBO have ship MAX 12,000,000 LT (but 11,500,000 is more realistic)
Sony have ship 19,900,000 PS4, and it have sold 18,500,000, so, it have 1,400,000 PS4 in magazine...
I don't see XBO to have less console in magazine, considering that PS4 sell much more than XBO, and usually MS ship more than Sony.
Yeah,ms is knownly the master of the overstuffing the channels!
Ioi has said that it isn't impossible for an xbox console to have 1.5-2m on the shelves because of this fact!
I think that ioi was tracking it quite well,then things changed because he adjusted it dramatically up because of the ambiguous statement of ms in late november''we are going to reach 10m xbone soon''
I like how the PS4 and XB1 lines never intersect.
The gap is "closing" ;-)
Well, hopefully, 2015'll be good for Ninty.
As usual there are errors in the text, PS4 did not outsell XO by "601,529 units for the month"
I'm surprised the XB1 managed to sell what it did given all the bad hype. How did WiiU crumble, but XB1 survive?
Long live the king.