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Valve Region Locks Games in Russia on Steam, Due to Plummeting Rouble - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 18 December 2014 / 3,922 Views

Valve is the second company to react to the plummeting Rouble in Russia. Apple earlier this week halted sales of its products in Russia, as the value of the Rouble has dropped by 20 percent this week alone.

Valve has taken steps to prevent people from buying games on Steam on PC for a cheap price. Users who have purchased games in Russia have been region locked from using the games anywhere else in the world.

Games that cost more than $40 with the current exchange rate can be bought for just a few dollars using a Russian account.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Calmador (on 18 December 2014)

That makes sense since the prices are all not correlating with the prices developers want. The developers want certain prices for their games and the developers say MATTERS. The consumers don't have all the power and can take what they want at whatever price he/she wants (that would be theft) unless the developers themselves would allow it.

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JazzB1987 (on 18 December 2014)

Valve: Hey look cheap workforce in Russia lets get some people!
And maybe when where at it lets get some minerals and oil or whatever.

Consumer: Can we please also profit from global economy?
Valve: Fuck you!

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Calmador JazzB1987 (on 18 December 2014)

What Valve is doing is perfectly okay. Video games cost money and the prices that are chosen are what is needed for paying off the programmers and making profit. Russia's economy is in a mess right now and once it settled down... (hopefully at a very low state because of how Russia has been acting in the Ukraine... taking it over by force) ... then Valve will post for prices that are higher and correct according to what developers of games want.

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JazzB1987 JazzB1987 (on 19 December 2014)

The developers are already paid tho. You dont go and let people develop a game for 3 years and force them to WAIT to get the money.

They might get more in case of good sales but they already got their works value back in money.

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Ruler (on 18 December 2014)

Well here you have your case @ digital fans. Valve shutting down an entire country locking their games in russia. How can people support digital aka valves pc communism?

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Saeko Ruler (on 18 December 2014)

I agree 100% but have no choice, where i live there is not a single shop who still sell retail PC game, and amazon is not in my coutry and come from france so 1 week to 2 to come to my house is not a good option either when want play with friend when game come out.

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