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Xbox One Sold Over 720K Black Friday Week in the US, Sets Black Friday Record - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 05 December 2014 / 33,544 Views

Microsoft has done everything it could to win this holiday in the US with a $50 price cut on all SKUs and bundles for the Xbox One. Some retailers even had bundles selling for as low as $329.

The Xbox One manged to sell 721,569 units Black Friday week in the US for the week ending November 29, according to VGChartz. That makes it the bestselling console for the week in the US, outselling its main rivals the PlayStation 4 and Wii U.

The Xbox One sales for Black Friday week have set a new record in the US. The console sold more units in its second Black Friday week than any other console in history. It is also one of the bestselling consoles in history on Black Friday week in the US.

To compare, the Wii sold 383,499 units in its second Black Friday week back in 2007 and is nearly on par with what the Wii sold in its peak year in 2008. That year the Wii sold 766,179 units Black Friday week.


A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. Outside, in the real world, he has a passion for the outdoors which includes everything from hiking to having received his B.A. in Environmental Studies. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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AmericanAli (on 05 December 2014)

didn't the Xbox 360 sell over 1m on black friday back in 2011 ?

  • +3
jlmurph2 AmericanAli (on 05 December 2014)

That's not its 2nd Black Friday

  • +4
AllCreation AmericanAli (on 05 December 2014)

They are highlighting sales in the US alone not overall sales.

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Teeqoz (on 05 December 2014)

This time you got it right ;-)

  • +3
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StuOhQ (on 05 December 2014)

We Americans really are a collective bunch. We love jumping in all at once on something that gets marketed to us heavily. I think it would be interesting to see how many hours of television the specific console owners consume each week, and what type of programming.

  • +1
sales2099 StuOhQ (on 05 December 2014)

That and the X1 was a really good offer.

  • +3
squall747 StuOhQ (on 06 December 2014)

We go for the better deals that's all.

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Ryng (on 05 December 2014)

Deja-vu. :P

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welshbloke (on 06 December 2014)

Good to see two consoles still slugging it out. This was the first year Black Friday really caught in Europe well certainly in France the UK and for the UK the Xbox looks like it really came back strongly.

Took dropping the sensor and a price drop but what I have always said is the Xbox strength is choice. For me it took a year and finally its the console it should of been. The TV dongle and now iPlayer complete the puzzle. What made it easier this time round waiting for the console to get better is it had better games at least for me.

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squall747 (on 06 December 2014)

Waiting on NPD we all know Vgchartzs numbers are just good guesses and should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Jranation squall747 (on 07 December 2014)

i guess were all here for the forums?

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AllCreation (on 05 December 2014)

What an obscure record to acknowledge. "The Second Black Friday Week", They were really reaching for an accomplishment here. The numbers are impressive but if it hasn't broken the overall Black Friday record highlighting this as Record Breaking seems kinda misleading and trivial. To be honest I'm really enjoying my XB1 more than my PS4 For Now... though

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iTechHeads (on 05 December 2014)

Xbox One also set another record, most price cuts within a year.
So even though this is an impressive number, it doesn't negate the fact the Xbox brand has taken huge hit in marketshare, sales and profits because of the PS4.

Xbox One isn't really in a healthy place right now. Not yet. It is on the right track though, all Microsoft has to do is keep the XB1 price under the PS4.

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greenmedic88 iTechHeads (on 06 December 2014)

Strictly speaking by the numbers, the XB360 ended up with about 30% marketshare, which is really only 2-3% off of what the XBO currently has. It's Nintendo that has taken the huge hit in marketshare.

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kdognumba1 (on 05 December 2014)

I read the other article earlier and was going to leave a comment but I figured yall would correct it.

Anyways it's great to see the XB1 doing better and tbh, this is an insane turn around. Definitely one for the books.

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AllCreation (on 05 December 2014)

I hate that so many people are acting like cutting the price is cheating... Its smart and effective... I wish Sony and especially Nintendo would follow suit.. When the price drops the consumer always wins

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Machiavellian AllCreation (on 06 December 2014)

People forget that Sony did the same thing last gen in cutting price, removing hardware to reduce price in order to increase sales. There is no such thing as cheating when selling a product, a company must do whatever they can to keep momentum going for a product and its clear this is what MS must continue to do as well. If MS must continue to sell the X1 with a bundle and at 350 bones to stay competitive then its what they need to do. Only fanboys will argue its unfair.

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Jranation (on 05 December 2014)

WOW!!!! XONE is making a comeback in the US!!!!! ( Even though they are loosing to PS4 in Europe, i think that they should at least beat them in the US - like the Xbox 360, even though if the PS4 will win worldwide )

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daredevil.shark (on 05 December 2014)


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sales2099 daredevil.shark (on 05 December 2014)

I know right. Who da thunk this a year ago. LOL indeed! Good thing we both like positive surprises

  • -3
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